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Jimin and I stood up as quietly as possible, taking almost soundless steps, as the two of us made our way towards the exit. The hard stone floor was making it a lot easier to tip tow away and we found ourselves quite quickly by the other end of the room.

The sandy blond male opened the door carefully, also holding it open for me, which I gave an appreciative smile to before slipping out... quickly looking over my shoulder to make sure that we didn't interrupt them in whatever they were conversing about. They were quite obviously aware of the fact that both of us were walking away, one would have to be gullibly or even stupidly unaware to not notice that, but they fortunately enough didn't seem to care too much, most likely just glad by our actions, seeing as we were giving them more space to themselves.

Once we were finally outside, right next to my own little setup, Jimin then tapped my shoulder lightly, making me spin around expectantly, slipping out a questioning "Yes?" whilst looking at him.

"Yoongi, I actually wanted to ask you something" Jimin admitted and I could see upon closer inspection that he was in fact sporting an adorable blush on the apple of his cheeks "What is it?" I inquired, intentionally making my voice higher as if to try my best at sounding as unaggressive as possible, because I myself was aware of the fact that my tone could come off as quite accusing and imposing at times.

Neither of us kept our eye contact and instead settled with shifting our vision onto every other possible object in the open office.

"Well, about what I said earlier, about us doing this again" he started and I nodded. 

It was undoubtedly quite the confidence booster to know that even someone as good looking, charming and influential as Park Jimin could be nervous around me of all people to say the least.

"Well, would you like to eat lunch with me, another day obviously" he blurted out, seeming as if he'd tried to get it out like one would rip off a bandaid, to just get it over with quickly. It was a cute gesture.

"Just the two of us" he added rather quickly thereafter, before I had even begun to form any sense of proper sentences in my head... my mind jumbled by his somewhat simple, yet so complex question.

"I... Really?" I managed to get out, not being able to make a coherent sentence for the life of me, my voice switching all the more to my childhood dialect the more nervous I got... Jimin brought his hand up to ruffle his own hair, saying a small "Yeah?" to which my brain practically imploded... Jimin wanted to eat lunch with me, only me, alone, only the two of us, was I reading into it way too much? I probably was, I should've most likely just taken it as a polite gesture...

"I'd like that" I finally replied, which made the lump in my stomach drop, out of some form of relief that my voice was actually working that time around.

"Are you sure? You seem hesitant, I don't want to make it seem as if I'm forcing you to... just because I'm your boss' contractor doesn't mean that you have to force yourself to anything" Jimin stated, his eyes then intensely inspecting me as he was speaking, as if he'd be able to caught on to some underlying force that I felt upon me... but with a shake of my head, I ensured him that "No, no, really, I truly want to" and his face immediately lit up happily, his plump lips forming a genuinely giddy smile.

"Really? Are you hundred percent sure?" he asked again, to which I quickly said "Yes, I am" which made him clasp his hands together joyfully. His posture seemed to get lighter in general, his movements having a much softer flow than before.

"Okay... Great! I'll schedule it and send the info to you later" Jimin chimed in loudly, his cheerful and lively aura filling up the otherwise dead surroundings, the dark floors reflected him almost perfectly as he practically waltzed around the floor "Yeah, sounds good"

After a while of the two of us just standing there in the quietness of the empty floor... Jimin suddenly began saying "Well-" but, to both of our surprise, he quickly got interrupted when the other two suddenly walked out through the heavy door, both wearing matching joyous smiles on their faces.

"Oh, hi, the two of you done?" Jimin inquired, seeing as they finally came out to see us again and Seokjin nodded happily, whilst mister Jung lightly tiptoed to give his husband a kiss on the taller's forehead.

"I need to get back to work, but it was very nice having this little get together with the three of you" my friend spoke softly, nodding to all of us as a sort of small goodbye, but before he was able to start walking down the long corridor, Jimin piped in with "Yeah, it's been lovely and your food truly is delicious" which earned him a victorious smile.

"I second that statement" I added, raising my hand excitedly and I could hear Jimin awe at the action, whilst Jung was snickering quietly, before also speaking up "Alas he's already taken" slipping his arm protectively around his husband's waist, as if either me or Jimin would ever try anything... we wouldn't, at least I wouldn't. Jin was a dear friend, bordering to brother material, seeing him in any other way was gross.

Whilst studying the three others in the serenely lit up space, it dawned upon me that my boss was in fact a redhead... his strikingly bright hair caught me by great surprise, especially seeing as the last time I overheard any gossip they spoke about him having a yellowish hue... not to mention that I was in fact seeing his colours at all. 

I turned my head to Seokjin again and he too was in a full display of lightly sun kissed skin, a small blush on his cheeks, chocolate hair that was darker by the roots, his suit matched perfectly with his spouse, both wearing full on black and lavender tuxedos... they actually looked amazing.

Jimin, however, was even more gorgeous with his sandy hair and peachy lips... I couldn't picture anyone being more stylish than him, not with his artistic yet minimalistic look.

I suddenly met eyes with him, staring into his dark orbs and I felt my face heat up, my heart quickened. 

It was a wonderful moment, all of it. The whole day had been great ever since I saw Seokjin walk down the corridor towards me with that ridiculously large bag until the very moment when I could see everyone important to me in full colour.

"I'm sorry guys, but I've really gotta go now, work calls" Jimin's calm voice suddenly made me come back to the reality of the office we were in, that I wasn't just dreaming it all, the brown, black, teal and dark turquoise objects actually existed around me.

I nodded understandingly, waving him goodbye, before Seokjin soon joined him by his side, also going away. Mister Jung placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a small grin "He's nice, huh?" to which all I could do was stare... slowly but surely I saw how all the colours that were once in his figure drained from him, they got more and more desaturated until everything was back to a monochromatic world again. I snapped my head back to the end of the corridor where the other two had gone off to.

Seokjin was in black and white again too... but I couldn't help but smile largely when I saw Jimin's sandy blond hair, his plump lips giving me a smile as the elevator doors shut in front of him...

"Yeah, he is"


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