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As I was pacing back and forth in my tiny kitchen, I was suddenly interrupted by my friend making an awkward cough. He'd been watching me walk continuously round and round on the few square meters that the kitchen area was made up off for the last fifteen minutes or so, but the sudden sound made me momentarily stop to look up at him from where he was sitting on my small couch.

"Yoongi sweetie, I know you asked me to come here for a reason, please just tell me what's up and I'll try my best at helping" Jin inquired and I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples in frustration as it was hard for me to admit what was really going through my head at that moment.

He knew... he already knew about it, but for some reason I couldn't find it in myself to confess to my problem. Was it committing to it out loud that was the problem or more along the lines of everyday anxiety? Who could truly tell...

"Well... you know, I have this idea" I started, but then stopped myself, huffing tiredly, feeling irritated with myself for not being able to speak out wholly.

"I don't know this idea, that's why I'm asking you to tell me" my friend commented light heartedly, most likely trying to ease up the tension, as my antsy behavior had created this suffocating sensation all over my apartment. It laid like a thick blanket of unnourished and asphyxiating blanket above me.

"I... I really like Jimin..." I mumbled and he nodded enthusiastically, although not daring to interrupt me when I was finally able to admit such a thing to him, especially when it came from my own mouth and not from him just interpreting my reactions to his brash statements... "And, well, last time, he was... he set up our first date" I added and Seokjin's eyes went huge with anticipation, probably knowing what I was going with my thought-process and he then quite quickly started waving his arms around all over the place, seemingly out of nowhere opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

"Could you help me, with like... fixing a second one?" I finally asked and he practically jumped off of the cushions, crashing onto me with pure glee in his expression.

Whilst lying on the floor, his body crushing me entirely, he loudly exclaimed "OF COURSE YOU DOOFUS!" all before picking me up and spinning me around... which in turn made me rapidly tap his chest, wanting him to stop for safety reasons and he laughed wholeheartedly as he slowed down, somewhat, only letting me go after a minute or two of us standing there.

"This is gonna be so romantic, count on me!" he whisper-yelled cheerily, sitting both of us down with his phone firmly in his grip, typing something out and when I tried peeking at the screen he shuffled away sneakily, keeping his phone out of my line of sight which made me pout, I didn't care if it was childish of me, I just wanted to know everything that was going on... since it was me who was going on this date in the first place.

"Patience Yoons, I'm just checking something, I don't want to hold our hopes up way too much, so depending on the answer I get, I'll tell you" Seokjin explained, this time a lot more calmly, which did hint towards the fact that he was truly serious in trying to help me with this thing, which made my stomach feel lighter in gratitude but it also made the butterflies settled down somewhat too.

"So... while we wait for an answer, what do the two of you have in common? Preferences in food and hobbies, stuff like that?" my tall friend questioned with a suggestive look and I lightly punched his shoulder, before humming to myself quizzically, well...

"I guess we both enjoy wine, oh and the other day he said he loved animals, especially fluffy ones" I admitted, thinking back to the message conversation we'd had, having sent pictures to each other non-stop for over half an hour, before we finally went to sleep.

"Aww, that's cute... and wine huh? I can work with that, I think" he mumbled and just as he finished, a buzzing sound erupted from his phone, making both of us go wide-eyed in anticipation, albeit I still had no idea what we'd been waiting for.

"YES!" he shouted loudly, fist raised in a victory-like pose and I eyed him questionably, dragging him closer to me, so that he could tell me what he'd been texting about...

"Okay Yoongi, it's a bit of a hit or miss, but, there's this great restaurant-pub-like place, just west outside of town and they usually have some great new and upcoming artists, not like a full on concert, but more slow-paced and casual, I checked and they still have a table available... well they didn't, but I know a man... so now they do!" Jin explained with a large grin on his face, before adding "And obviously they also serve drinks, wine included".

"That sounds great" I commented, letting out the breath that I'd been holding and he nodded proudly, "They aren't as much a fine-dine place as what I presume the Park Jimin would usually go to, but it's a really cool place" he agreed and I nodded along. I trusted Jin to be a good date-planner, so he didn't really have to defend his case, albeit it still did make my nerves ease up a bit more.

"Okay, so, basically he and I go there, have a couple drinks, or maybe just wine, listen to the band playing, talking" I play out a scene in my head while speaking to my friend, trying to create a mental picture of this place that I'd never been to or heard of before.

"Yeah, and you could even bring him a little present, like... a single red rose or something, a thing to indicate that you're actually interested and not just doing it for the hell of it or something else" Seokjin added to it and I scratched the nape of my neck... knowing myself, I'd end up nervously crushing the delicate flower before I'd even be able to give it to Jimin.

"Does it have to be a flower? I mean... I don't even know if he likes flowers and-" but before my rant became any longer he placed a finger on my lips, staring into my eyes directly, with a serious expression.

"Yoongi, one single red rose, you can do it, even though he might not like flowers, he'll still get the message behind it and besides, seeing him and how stylish he dresses, he must enjoy them!"


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