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Throwing on the casual cardigan that I had stuffed into my bag in preparation for today, I made my way down the long corridor for my lunch break. My steps were taken at a bit of a faster pace than usual, as I was running just a tad late to the meet-up with Jimin over coffee. The two of us had settled on this cozy cafe just outside his work, which meant that I had to take a short walk to get there, indicating that I'd also be a bit sweaty by my arrival, but that was to be expected... at least I hoped that I'd be excused for it. My office attire was still blatantly obvious, making me stand out amongst the rest of the people calmly walking down the street. I was clad in a pair of black dress pants, a white button-up shirt, black tie and then a seemingly very odd choice of beige throw on jumper on top, it felt out of place, but at least it downplayed my formality a smidge.

As I came upon the cafe's sign, I was met with a rather adorable honey glazed donut that had the name Serendipity in a cursive font printed on top. Outside of the entrance were also a few round tables, full to the brim with customers who were enjoying their noon in the sun along with something to munch on and when I finally gathered up the courage to actually grab the doorknob, opening it, a small golden bell sounded and I looked up in a haste, not liking that everyone had been alerted of my arrival, especially not with the appearance I was sporting and in the mix of the few people who admittedly took their time to look up at me, I meet the large smile of Jimin, his eyes showing his genuine happiness by the way his eyes became crescent with the crows' feet adorably displayed next to them.

"Yoongi! You made it" his melodic voice greeted me and I nodded embarrassingly, with a small shake off my head, seeing as I had almost thought that I'd miss the time and that Jimin's open time-slot in his schedule would've been wasted on aimlessly waiting on my slow ass to arrive.

"Yes thankfully, nice to see you in person again" I quietly replied, as I sat down in the empty seat in front of him and he nodded along "Yeah, it's sadly been a while" he agreed, humming along before I noticed that he hadn't ordered anything while waiting.

"Do you know what you're getting?" I questioned and he nodded cheerily, picking up the small menu, a similar one for each group of seats, he pointed to a small combo of a darkly roasted espresso along with a chevré-sandwich which made my eyebrows shot up slightly... I had not expected that. He seemingly noticed my reaction and playfully asked me "What?" with a small smirk on his lips and I waved my hands dismissively "No, no, I just didn't peg you for the type of guy to go for such a bitter drink" I mentioned for the coffee and he chuckled lightly "Yeah? Well, I'm still full of surprises" he joked, before holding the small sheet out to me and I took it with an appreciative smile.

"Hmm... there's so much to choose from" I mumbled to myself, not intending for anyone to really hear me, but Jimin leaned in closer, saying a quiet "Didn't you say that you liked garlic? They have this cheesy toast with italian garlic that you'd probably enjoy" to which I was unable to keep back a small smile from crawling onto my face, my cheeks flushing at his words... I'd briefly mentioned that at some point when we were texting rather rapidly... I'd honestly forgotten that I'd even said that since it had been drowned out so quickly.

"Ye-yeah, I do like it, thanks" I tried to keep myself from stammering, my eyes somehow landing on his lips... which I probably would never not be surprised to see in such vivid and lush pink, all of him was just so bright and colorful. Not to mention that he was, even though dressed down for a quiet lunch, still handsomely clad in a pair of fitted trouser along with a loose v-neck, almost a silk sort of material... he knew how to dress, which didn't help my wardrobe malfunctioning to stand out less.

Either way, we both settled on what to order and after having done so up at the register, paying and then getting a number for our food, we were both just enjoying the serene surroundings of people walking by, some cute dogs on leashes playing. It was nice.

However, quite soon, our coffee was done, the waitress walking out with one large and one rather tiny cup on top of a modern wooden brick. "Here you go gentlemen, the food will be out shortly" she said with a pleasant smile, before quickly heading off into the kitchen, she seemed to have a lot to do... she was probably a bit held up in the usual lunch rush.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a question popped into my mind and I just had to ask "So Jimin, how was it in America?" and he looked up at me upon hearing me speak, prior having started to lightly blow on his very steamy cup of espresso.

"America? Ah well, I never really get any sort of leisure-time when I'm there, but work went well I suppose" he spoke, looking like he was thinking back to it, with a hand on his chin and I leaned onto the backrest of my chair, taking a sip of my large americano... the irony of the name, making me giggle lightly to myself.

"What?" I suddenly heard his voice and I glanced up to meet his deep eyes, who looked at me with wonder and I blinked at him a few times, not understanding what he was questioning... "Hm?" I made a small quizzical sound and he smiled largely "What made you giggle so cutely?" he asked and I had to force down the liquid in my throat, having to make a very strong effort to not spit it out, my entire face flushing an instant deep red.

"C-cute?" I stuttered, before clearing my throat, opening my mouth again to explain that "I was just thinking about how you've been to America... and then I was drinking and americano, it's silly" and he let a quick laugh spill past his lips.

"That's a funny coincidence"


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