🌻18. 4 days with the questionnaire

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*Jade's POV*

"Emily, you've seriously got no recipe for chicken nuggets?" Daisy asked, almost losing her cool.
We were outside our house right now with Emily and Daisy cracking brains on how to make. Chicken nuggets and me watching the wooden door for the rise of princess Tessa. Daisy discovered that the cold green tea with milk I gave her that day made her sleep so that's what we gave her to make her shut up and sleep.
Before she slept, she was crying that she wanted to eat chicken nuggets or she'd just die. That's the least we want now. I was so pissed with Daisy saying..
"I've never made a chicken nugget. I've only fried chickens." and we know I can't cook too.
The girl's cries were non stop so I forced her to drink the tea while Daisy rushed out to call Emily. I told her it's a bad idea but she stated that even if Emily can't cook, she might know the recipe since it was something common that she ate. She'd told us once before that she ate chicken nugget before coming. It's the third day of the 'kidnap session' according to the little questionnaire we have on the mat.
Considering the fact that Emily's motorcycle was still with us, I played speed racer alone to go pick her up. She was giving some tips to the guards at her gate to let her out. I concluded that rich kids do not have the best of life.
Obviously dangerous, that I had to go out to town like that, I was least worried because it's not everyday those men on suit would hunt for black kids and secondly, if any common passerby confronts me and ask me questions like 'oh, you're black and you weren't taken?', the person would have gotten a punch straight on the eye and kick in the ass as my appreciation for their selfless concern. Note the sarcasm.
Emily and I arrived safely and tired, you should know by now that our hideout is so far from the main town. Daisy outside greeted us with the news that miss questionnaire was still sleeping. I was relieved. Daisy told Emily the nature of her problem and as predicted...
"The maids prepare it, I eat it. I don't see the need to know the recipe or ingredients because it hasn't killed any body therefore, I'm not investigating the ingredients in chicken nuggets that could cause food poisoning."
I was left by the door. Eavesdropping on their argument and watching her. Peeping so that she doesn't wake up and barge on Emily. While Daisy thinks she gives dangerous interrogations, I call her a piece of questionnaire. Already made questions, waiting for an answer. What else does a questionnaire do? Gives various options at some point asking you to choose. Give orders and instructions. That describes her. Just that, a questionnaire doesn't cry for chicken nugget. Tessa has been a pain in the ass but a great company too. It's the third day and we're like, getting attached to her and her cloth changing syndrome and ever talking mouth.
Few minutes later, I hear Emily on the phone with her mom.
"Mom, recipe for chicken nuggets?" She asked.

"Where are you? Why do you have to cook?" The female voice from the phone says. She put it on loud speaker for Daisy to hear it expecting her mom to tell her straight ahead and knowing that even if she's told, she'd fail at cooking it herself.

"Um, my friends and I, um.. actually made this bet on.. um, who would make the best chicken nuggets. Wondering if you'd help me with the recipe?"

I hear a disheartening laugh from the phone.

"Baby, please cancel the bet. Even if I tell you a recipe, you can't do it. You can't even lit a stove. Come home, let me teach you, reschedule the bet for three months time. By then, I'm sure we would have learnt to make a chicken nuggets." The woman says with no sign of amusement in her voice. That was actually funny. As soon as she hanged up, Daisy let out an ear piercing laughter while I smiled hard.
Even if I try to laugh, it won't be real, I can only smile right now.
Emily stood there completely humiliated, feigning annoyance. Daisy apologized and goes back to the real business.

"I don't know what da hell a nugget is doing in front of a chicken. Just give me a damn chicken and let the nugget go to hell." Daisy shot.

I don't know too.

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