🌻20. Girl got guts

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Jade's P.O.V

We just dropped Emily off with Daisy's Toyota Corolla. We didn't have any problems because the window glasses are tinted and most importantly, those men on suit weren't haunting today and the guards on the road doesn't come out until evening. Lucky.

We are heading to caramel site right now, we had the GPS on because Daisy doesn't remember the direction anymore. I'm already preparing for death. No weapons!! Doesn't it screams 'mission impossible' to you?
I'm sorry mom, I'm horrible.. I mentally apologize to her hoping she'd hear me in her heart.

"Have it ever crossed your mind that Emily's a spy?" Daisy asks out of no where.

"Daisy!!" I shush her and face the road.

"Have it crossed your mind?"

"Why'd you think about that? She's been nothing but good to us." I point out.

"And that's why it's confusing, why she's been good and still telling someone of our plans."

"Wait! Daisy, are you making this up? Is it because of that little argument you guys had?" I blurt out.

"Jade, I can't believe you think so low of me." She fumes.

"It's not like that..." I try to speak but get interrupted.

"It's not like how? Jade, how is it like? You really think I made it up because of a little argument? You think I'd lie against her? Are you mad?" She yells.

"Daisy calm down." I beg her, trying to keep my eyes on the road.

"Don't tell me to calm down, you freak. Do you like Emily?"

"Izzy!!" I shout.

"Don't Izzy me, answer me now, do you like her?"

"Yes but not in...."

"I get it, because you like her, you think I'm jealous and would just make up the story? You think so low of me. You're just like every one else." She says.

It was hard to keep up with driving and Daisy at the same time. She hardly gets this angry. She yells if she's so angry and end it up with a slap. I was avoiding that slap so I parked the car in one corner of this lonely road.

"I like her as a friend Daisy. It's not what you think. I was only asking. I'm sorry." I explain. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she blinked them away. She has never cried since after the day her sister got missing, since I found her again.

"Well, I'm telling you now, someone else knows about our movements."

"Daisy, the thing is..."

"The thing is why do you think she wasted so much time when she went to pee? Why I ran back to you the way I did."

"She was telling someone?" I ask letting my jaw fall. She really wasted time there.

"Your brain finally clicks."

"Then we can't go anymore, we should turn back." I suggest.

"You're mad."

What's with the mood swing?

"What should we do?" I ask

"I've been good enough to hold my peace, didn't you hear Tessa when she said her daddy is going to sell them? Were you deaf? If we don't do something right now, it'd be too late."

"Is this for Jaycinel?"

"You've gone nuts, Jade. We're going for all the black kids, isn't it? You want me to sound selfish." She pushes me.

"But in case someone is following us? We don't even have weapons." I turn to her and ask softly and there came that slap. She slapped me.

"I told you never to ask me about weapon again. We're not violent, we don't need weapons. Just drive!!" She yells.

And then I drive, to my death probably.


"I'm sorry Jade, I was just.."

"It's okay Daisy, I brought you into this but I'm the one acting like a coward." I say truthfully.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

It has been ten minutes of driving to my death. Daisy has gotten her self back and she tried to apologise. I'm the big coward anyway. I told her two months ago that I have no fears but now I'm scared, a coward.

'Turn left, drive straight and turn right again at quota's road sign post, the first building by the side' the voice from the GPS said. I follow the directions and soon I was by the side of the building.
The words 'GRILLER KINDERGARTEN' were written in block letters all over.

"I should go and check out for watch guards or whatever. Stay here." I tell Daisy. She's only a girl, I should be the brave one right?

"No, No Jade." She grab my arms causing me to stop.


"We do whatever we do with our heart, we're always the best at what we do because we are us." She started and I joined her. I nod my head after we finished thinking she'd let me go. She still held on.

"What?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her.

"You have no weapons. I'll go."

"Neither do you. Let me go." I pleaded. She didn't hear the end of it. Before I knew it, she was marching to the front of the huge gates, to the watch guards. Marching not tip-toeing.
It would have proved my cowardice is almost reaching a hundred percent if I didn't go after her so I rushed after her but freezed when I saw what's happening.
Girl got guts.

Hey y'all
Sorry for the short chapter.
What's with Daisy's mood swings? 🤷🤦
Who thinks Daisy's gonna get her ass kicked?
Who thinks Daisy's gonna kick some ass?

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