Character Questionnaire

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Serena Anne Holden

1. Who is your favorite human being? 

S: Auggie, don't tell the others! 

2. Where would you live if you didn't live in Louisiana?

S: I couldn't imagine not living in Louisiana. I love it here!

3. Favorite pass time? 

S: Probably doodling... or making a dance. 

4. One moment you could change? 

S: I would make Eric not exist... Then me and mother's relationship would still be in tact. 

5. Do you ever see yourself forgiving your mother? 

S: Nope!

6. If your name wasn't Serena, what would it be?

S: Uhhh... Never thought about it. I always really liked Opal. So maybe that, I guess. 

7. PJ hit you, do you ever see him causing you any real danger? 

S: NO. Like I didn't know that was a thing until now. I don't see any of my brothers causing me any real danger. They love me too much to let anything bad happen. Not on that scale. 

8. Do you love Atlas? 

S: Absolutely! 

9. Do you see a future with Atlas? 

S: Yes.

10: Have you ever did something you regret and if so, what?

S: Trust Liz. 

Quincy Holden 

1. If Atlas hurts Serena, what would you do? 

Q: Bury his body alive. Easy! 

2. Favorite thing about your parents? 

Q: Well shit... Right now, they aren't my favorite people, but I would say their loyalty to each other. That's the kind of relationship I'm working on. 

3. Favorite Color? 

Q: I don't have one. 

4. If you had one wish? 

Q: I would bring my siblings to California with me. 

5. Guilty Pleasure? 

Q: HA! Good one. My intense love for Blueberry Poptarts! 

Author: Are you being serious? 

Q: As a heart attack. 

6. Something you have always wanted to do? 

Q: Eat escargot. It seems interesting. 

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