Chapter Ten(What's that smell?)part 2

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Rainbow's POV.

(Previously) The only thoughts running through my mind now is, i'm really gonna die. Will Ben really be happy when he knows I'm dead as i screamed.  


I'm screaming uncontrollably trying to get away from him as far as possible but he won't stop moving towards me. He's coming towards me waving the hand that's occupied with a hammer as if he's trying to get me to stay still while muttering incoherent words.

I couldn't stop screaming as i tried to find a way to distract him so i can make a run for the door by scrambling towards every exit but he's there at every turn i take. His lips are moving but i can't hear a word he's saying because I'm too focused on the hammer in his hand. I don't know how long we've been going at this but I'm tired. So giving up i dropped to my knees, now resigned to my fate as i dropped on my knees.

I tried using the object I'm holding to shield myself awaiting my inevitable death i noticed that whatever object I'd grabbed when the power went out earlier seems to be of little help because i can still see him walking towards me.

Without any form of warning my body starts to shake. Great! At this rate I'm going to die from shock before he even gets the satisfaction of killing me himself. I'm starting to shake uncontrollably, as i might even pass out any moment now. Too late i thought because I'm hyperventilating Pathetic!

Countless times I've almost lost my life from the series of beatings I've received from my husband but none of that still measured to what I'm feeling right now. I'd often thought death was a better option than those beatings but right here in what seems like my final moments on earth; i don't wanna die anymore. Is it because I thought the person to introduce me to the cold hands of death will be Ben? Or did i wish for death because the pain was unbearable and i needed a way out? I'm thinking while muttering "please don't kill me" Repeatedly while rocking my on my hills back and forth.

These thoughts are making things worse though as I'm now unable to get air into my lungs...I c-an't breathe! He stopped moving and was just standing there at first looking at me as if he's trying to make sense of the words that were coming out of my mouth. Then, as if something had just clicked in his head. He ripped out the ear plugs i didn't even notice he had on with panicked expression, he rips the mask on his face and tosses it aside while rushing to me.

He's holding on to me using his weight to support me as my knees are threatening to give out any moment now. He's so warm! He's holding unto me as if my life depends on it...(well at this point it actually does) while whispering into my ears again and again.

"You're safe now, no one's going to hurt you okay? Listen to me" He says.

"Take a deep breathe'' And i did as i was told.

''Then breathe in and out slowly." Unconsciously i find myself nodding to his request as he continues to say.

  "Breathe in and out, in and out" He's been saying the same thing for over thirty seconds and now he's humming a song that sounds familiar but i can't quite remember, and i'm starting to feel myself relax as he asks.

"Are you alright?" I nodded unable to speak when he says.

"That was quite a hustle, i thought i was gonna lose you"

"You are! i thought you, i thought i was going to!" I'm blabbing unable to form coherent words and something clicks in his eyes but vanishes as soon as it came, he voiced out my thoughts.

"You thought i was going to kill you" The way he said it more as a statement rather than a question is making me feel worse than when i thought i was dying, hurriedly i say.

"But your clothes!" He cuts me off by saying.

"Fixing that car over there" he points at the odd colored car from earlier. Oh! That was him humming from under there?

"But, but, the lights?" "Oh yeah...those have been acting up since i packed in, haven't gotten around to fixing it yet"

"The smell?"

''Cow dung" He answers without hesitation.

"H-ow about those times i saw you digging in the yard?" I continue to ask just about everything just to justify my earlier actions, he chuckles before saying

"Cow dung and digging are the two main ingredients in resurrecting a dead yard that much you can agree?" After everything he's explained so far i still ask him.

"But why did you stop me from leaving?" I was trying so hard to put meanings to what happened earlier just to rid myself of this guilt I'm feeling for thinking he was a serial killer.

"Look, I'm really sorry for scaring you like that but this is definitely not how i envision your first visit here to be and i get it if you're upset. I had my ear plugs on while working to protect my ears and i couldn't hear anything while you were talking but i was really excited to see you and i just went on blabbing gibberish that almost gave you a heart that i think about it, that was very stupid of me"

Now I'm feeling really bad about everything that happened and how i reacted! I'm embarrassed to say the least especially the part about me thinking he was a serial killer i said.

"Sorry for just badging in on you and causing you trouble, I'll be out of your hair now...sorry again'' Suddenly i don't know what to do with my hands anymore as I'm standing here flipping my arms aimlessly and he just stands there looking at me and i turned towards the direction i came through earlier only to hear.

"Hey neighbor?" I turned around in surprise when he asked.

"What's your name?" I couldn't help but laugh quietly not expecting him to asked that before saying.

"Rainbow, my name is Rainbow but you can call me Bow." He face lit up before he cleared his throat and said.

"Nice to met you Bow." I smiled before walking away. I guess i can get my answers next time i see him.

Author's Note
There's one thing that comes with being a first timer in every individual's life, that thing is called 'mistakes' when you're a first timer in anything you're bound to make an awful lot of mistakes. Right now I'm experiencing that in this work. So I'm really sorry if you're having issues following the story line because of my grammar, typos and punctuation.
But know that my room for improvement is as big as Nigeria to the end of the world and that continues improvement can only happen based on your reads. So thank you very much for reading my story; you all have made me wanna be the best version of myself and i won't let you down.😘😘😘

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