Chapter Twenty Three. Fate is one cruel son of a bitch!

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Rainbow's POV.

"How are you so cheerful and not angry at the world?" He chuckles while gulping his coffee before saying.

"Oh believe me I was, for a very long time I was angry and resentful at everything and everyone. I would make rude remarks about people's looks and snap at anyone who dares to question my actions. I lost my job, my family and my home too after the divorce because nobody likes a sarcastic angry asshole; it doesn't matter if they are hurt or not. It took me two years of anger management class and a constant intake of antidepressants for depression and anxiety to get to where I am today. Look! Fate can sometimes be one cruel son of a bitch, but you gotta forgive yourself for what you didn't know alright?" He says all of this with a smile while maintaining serious eye contact with me and I sigh before asking him.

"Will it ever stop hurting?" He pauses mid-air from picking his coffee mug and smiles sadly before replying.

"I will let you know when it does." Picking up his coffee he takes a slow sip while looking towards the cafe entrance with a faraway look. This is the first time I've seen a sad look on his face since we started talking an hour ago.

I'd left Hunter's place in tears and a whole lot of doubts because I couldn't find in myself to accept the truths about my existence. I didn't wanna go back to my house, so I decided to take a walk but it started raining ten minutes into my walk so I took shelter in a small cafe while waiting for the rain to stop and that's how I met him. Meeting him like this, here of all places is true serendipity.

His name is Thomas and like me; he has had his share of misfortunes. Although I was reluctant about talking to him at first; but I couldn't help but spill my whole secrets to him after he told me about his.

Thomas is a 6ft middle-aged Caucasian man with red hair and green eyes. He said he's in good health and shape now compared to a few months back when he couldn't afford a meal or medication for himself. Thomas had spent his life's savings in treating his son's leukemia and also sending his twin boys to the best college in the country only for him to find out that his wife of twenty years was having an affair with another man who also happens to be the father of his twin boys without his knowledge.

I get why he became resentful and angry; I mean I'd be angry too if my spouse of twenty years had kids with my best friend and was still seeing him for more than two decades while living under my roof and lying to me that the kids were mine.

Earlier today when I walked away from Hunter and the truth about my mother's family; I thought I was the only one facing a crisis. (chuckles) Mother! That's a word I didn't think I'd say in this lifetime.
But after listening to Thomas talk about his problems, I realized that many people have crises that they are facing. Even though that crisis comes in different ways, it has managed to destabilize many people's lives.

One thing I've learned about people in crisis is that they don't often have enough support systems that can help them pull through. But it will help if they do.

Years ago, I didn't wanna have anything to do with the money old Mrs. Witkins left me because I was scared of someone appearing on my doorstep asking for a refund or worse accusing me of stealing, so I told my husband that she only left me the antique shop. I've now decided what to do with the money now that I'm sure none of that will happen.

"Hey, Thomas?" He turns his attention on me with a smile while saying. "Yes?" I don't know how he can smile so freely.

"You're a real estate agent right?" He smiled while saying. "I used to be; but not anymore." Looking at him quizzically I ask. "What? Why?" Letting go of the pen he's twirling, he regards me carefully and says. "News travels fast in my line of business, so when words got out about angry Thomas nobody wanted to work with me again. I don't blame them though, I could've handled my family problems better." I just can't imagine how he felt all those times.

"Why? You're not thinking about buying a house, are you? He asks and I smile genuinely before saying. "Try houses." He chokes on his coffee while splashing the hot liquid on himself in shock. poor guy! I would do more than choke if someone I'd just met tells me something like this, but I don't wanna wait one moment more to do this.

After Thomas had finished choking, we discussed a little bit of what I wanted him to look for and he'd promised to give it his best. Of course, I don't doubt him, I can just tell when someone would do their absolute best to prove their worth.

With everything being said, we said our goodbyes and decided to stay in touch and communicate more on the plans.

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