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Dimitri only had a few minor hiccups in his long life as a vampire. Sixty thousand, six hundred and thirty nine years to be exact. His parents died in a war in his teenage years and he had yet to find his mate, leaving him with only his Clan. Ancient vampires took even longer to age than other vampires, which makes them die even slower.

Dimitri liked to travel and didn't stick to one place for too long. He didn't expect to meet her, yet he didn't know if to feel excited. Long black hair, her skin seemed to have only a slight touches of color to it. Her eyes, a beautiful violet color, his entire world changed. As she spoke to him he realized that her voice was drawing him in even more. "I'm Liana Rose." He couldn't hold back and kissed her, Liana didn't resist. How could she? Soon, things would come to an end for this couple. The cause of it will be none other than Liana herself.

Three months later and Liana is pregnant, it's really no shocker there. They had sex like they were breathing, the two start to learn about each other and appreciate each other more. All in all, Dimitri was ecstatic at the fact that he was no longer alone and now had a mate with child. On the mark of their five year anniversary, Dimitri set out to the supermarket with his four year old son, Devin. The boy resembled his mother but had his father's personality. Devin and Dimitri kissed Liana goodbye, unknowning to them that it'll be the last day they see her. Half an hour after they left, Liana stepped out the house with her eyes filling with tears. The house was as if she had not even been there, it was completely stripped of her as if she didn't exist.

She didn't want to leave but she had too. The letters on the kitchen countertop were the only things she left behind, the only prove of her existence. One for her son and the other for her mate. It wasn't their fault, rather it was her own. Being the leader of The Supernatural Council was a job in itself, all members of the council had to undergo self seclusion. It's like going in a coma while still being awake. The time of seclusion varies among the strength of the individual. Liana being the strongest would be in seclusion for a number of years. Liana kept herself well hidden in the last couple years, the council didn't know she left until three years afterwards. So with them closing in, she needed to leave. The duties will be passed on to Elder Carmen. They had no relation but treated each other like sisters, so it was only natural.

Dimitri and Devin returned later that day with hands full of bags, they took a detour before heading to the supermarket it seemed. The house seemed cold and as Devin called for his mother. Dimitri noticed the letters. Dimitri rips opens the letter and reads it, not knowing how to feel. As a matter of fact he didn't even get the chance to feel anything as a knock sounded on the door. The four figures stood on the step, didn't know how to react as Dimitri opened the door. The Supernatural Council.

Nine months passed and in a cabin on a rainy night, a new addition to the Rose family was added. The baby girl didn't cry, she just blinked slowly at her crying mother. Liana felt exhaustion wash over her, she knew that soon her seclusion will start. Liana teleported to a nearby werewolf pack and the first family she came upon was which family her child will have to survive in. The rain poured down heavily, the trees shade the mother and daughter from getting soaked as Liana ran up to the door. She set the baby girl down on the steps and kissed her forward and whispered, "I'm sorry my little one." The girl giggles and Liana smiles back before ringing the doorbell twice and ran back into the treeline.

The door opens and a sullen looking woman looks around before looking down at the baby. Her eyes light up with joy as she picked the baby up and carried her inside. Liana stumbled back and let out a choked sob before running off to the spot she found three days ago for seclusion. A deep dark cave with a family of bears, it was the best disguise. Inside of the cave held another cave. Liana step up the barrier for a little over thirty years. If she slept under that time it would be perfect, however that wasn't going to be the case. Liana was the first of her kind. A werewolf , Fae , demon and witch hybrid. There was no telling how long it would actually take for her to come out of seclusion.

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