A Fortress Against The World

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Barely made it out of there. Who was that voice that I just heard? Wh- what in gods name... everything there... all of Sector 23 was just deleted... nothing is there anymore. Just an empty white canvas. It was literally deleted out of existence....

???: Hey, I'm glad to see Ruby was able to get you out of the Sector before it was deleted, or worse before he found you.

???: *turns around* Who are you?

Noble: My name is Noble. *looks around* I presume Ruby didn't make it out of there did she?

???: N-no, she was stabbed by this shadowy creature, I wanted to help her, but she told me to run...

Noble: I expected she wouldn't make it out of there alive, she knew that going to find you was dangerous. *sighs* At least now she's resting, peacefully...

???: What's going to happen to her?

Noble: Who knows, but if my program works then I should still be able to access her code and bring her back when this is all over. That is even if we can win this war...

???: What the hell is going on?

Noble: Specify...

???: With everything, I'm so lost and I haven't had a single damn moment to figure out what is happening...

*Sirens Blaring*

Noble: Shit, more of them already?! *turns around* Come on kid, I'll explain everything once we get inside the fortress.

???: Al-alright. Let's go.

I watched as his right eye began to shine a bright sparkling blue. The space around us began to glow the same color. Wh-what the... my body! It's forming into pixels! It doesn't hurt but what the he-

Noble: Calm yourself buddy, you'll be fine.

Moments later...

Where are we now? Are we inside the fortress Noble mentioned earlier?! How is what he did even physically possible?! There are gunshots and explosions roaring outside the walls.

Noble: Lets get you patched up, you look like you were roughed up from the fall.

???: Hold on a minute! I want answers! I want to know why I'm here, and what the hell is going on!

Noble: I will answer all those questions trust me, but first we need to make sure your wounds are fully healed. We need you to be at your best if we want to have a chance at beating him.

???: Who is him, who is we?! Why won't you give me answers now!

Noble: Look, how about I meet you in the middle kid. You come with me and our doctor will get you
patched up, and while that's happening I will answer whatever questions you may have. *holds out hand* Deal?

???: *sighs* Deal... *shakes hand*

Noble: Alright, follow me to the infirmary.

Minutes later...

Blake: Hold still, this might sting for a moment... *injects shot*

???: *squints in discomfort* Alright Noble, you said you'd answer my questions here.

Noble: Indeed I did. Go ahead and ask away.

???: First question, where are we? More specifically what is this place?

Noble: Do you mean the world, or the fortress?

???: Both I suppose...

Noble: This fortress we are in is of my creation. It was made to buy us as much time as possible, before you arrived. As for this world, it is his endgame. The creator of this multiverse has gone mad and lost his will fo fight. Now he is trying to eradicate everything that he brought into creation by his own hands.

???: Who is he? Why do you not use his name?

Noble: I just like everyone else here does not dare utter his name, for he is fear and death incarnate. A usurper god of unholy design, with a mistress he created that controls him like a puppet.

???: Who is the mistress?

Noble: A sister to the spirit guardian that resides in me. Betrayed her sister and condemned her creator in some twisted way of ensuring he will never be harmed again. Little does she know she will bring his ultimate downfall.

???: Why are you being so cryptic?! Just tell me who they are damnit!

Noble: I will speak of their names once, and only once. They are Hellgonix, and AbyssalHeart.

I've heard of these two before...

Noble: Now you know their names, you mustn't ever utter them outside of these walls. For if you do, you run the risk of hellfire being brought down upon us.

???: Alright, I will not say their names while I'm outside the fortress. If you don't mind me asking, why is he doing this? Why is he trying to destroy everything he has made?

Noble: He is not fully himself. Ever since she injected him with the virus, he has fallen under her complete control.

???: What virus?

Noble: She made a vile concoction out of the toxic personas that plagued her creator. The virus causes her creator to hear voices at her choosing. Voices of those toxic personas, screaming and berating him to make what they want.

???: God, what the hell is her issue? Next question, how did I get here? Last thing I remember I was going to bed in my room, then I woke up here. Why?

Noble: I have brought you here because I needed your help. You are our key to defeating him and his mistress and saving his multiverse alongside everyone who resides in it.

???: How am I supposed to help any of you? I am just one person. What is it that I possess that you don't already have?

Noble: You are not just one person, you are many. You are the Spectral Persona.

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