Lorekeeper Of Origins

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Spectral Persona: Are you the OriginKeeper?

OriginKeeper: Indeed I am, and I take it that you are Spectral yes?

Spectral Persona: That would be correct.

OriginKeeper: Well then, I'm sure you three have many questions.

Spectral Persona: You could say that... but I presume just like your sister in The Condemned Jungle you've forgotten some of the hidden lore too?

OriginKeeper: To my dismay yes, I have forgotten quite a bit of what I once knew. But I will try to the best of my abilities to inform you on what my sister could not.

Spectral Persona: Alright first qu-

OriginKeeper: Apologies, I am quite cold Spectral, would you mind creating a fire for us?

Spectral Persona: Um, yeah sure...

I cast the spell I used earlier outside of the forest. I have to agree making a fire was nice. While the weather was much calmer now that the tower was destroyed, it still was freezing cold.

Spectral Persona: First question that I think is on all of our minds, what did Hellgonix mean by her being AbyssalHearts scapegoat?

SoulKeeper: Do you remember when the origin story of Echis and Hellgonix was released to the public?

Spectral Persona: August 13th, 2020 correct?

OriginKeeper: Yes, and do you remember when Remnants Antidote last chapter was released?

Spectral Persona: May 24th, 2020. Why are you asking me about these dates?

OriginKeeper: So you understand that The Deletion Process was already in the works months in advance before Echis and Hellgonix were ever made.

Grimm Ruby: That doesn't make any sense though, SoulKeeper told us that Abyssal's rising insanity is what awoken Echis and Hellgonix.

Spectral Persona: Also in their story Hellgonix implants a virus into AbyssalHeart to take control of him.

OriginKeeper: Don't take everything you read as face value Spectral, sometimes stories are told that were birthed from nothing more than fabrications and deceit. As for what awoke Echis and Hellgonix, it was merely their creator bringing them into a physical manifestation.

Spectral Persona: I don't understand... so all of Echis And Hellgonix The Fallen Guardians was a lie?

OriginKeeper: I never said that it was a lie, but I am telling you to consider the possibility that what is written my not be as it seems.

Spectral Persona: *sigh* Wow... so Hellgonix isn't behind any of this?

OriginKeeper: That Spectral is a question for you yourself to decide upon. Will you believe what is written or what is new? What is spoken or what is gospel, that is up to you.

Spectral Persona: Great...

Grimm Weiss: I have a question, how does Noble know AbyssalHeart?

OriginKeeper: Noble never explained how they met did he?

Spectral Persona: We haven't exactly had a good time to sit down for him to tell us.

OriginKeeper: Well then allow me to explain how they met. AbyssalHeart had just released his final chapter of Remnants Antidote to the public and went back to his empty kingdom to begin work on The Deletion Process. He had received a message from someone who he'd he'd never heard of. That person was Noble36 or as you know him Noble. The boy had reached out to the tired creator in hopes to convince him not to give up, that there was a happy ending for everyone. For a while Abyssal believed him, began to believe, and would give Noble a private portal to his world Haven_Zero. However as time went on Abyssal and Noble drifted apart. The hate and toxicity becoming the only thing Abyssal could see being manifested from his creations. Noble was his only light in his world, and without him... darkness consumed Abyssal. By the time Noble had gotten back in touch with AbyssalHeart it was too late. The creator had fallen into the jaws of insanity and the claws of the few in the dark. AbyssalHeart was hellbent in ensuring that no matter what The Deletion Process would come into fruition. He created Hellgonix to serve as a scapegoat for his permanent leave and deletion. Why Echis was created I am unsure of, perhaps to be a beacon of hope. Maybe in some way she reminds Abyssal of the person he once was.

Spectral Persona: So she was telling us the truth...

Grimm Ruby: We have to go help her, and we need to tell Noble and Echis.

Grimm Weiss: Wait you dolt! I have a question, how is Noble able to be here? Wouldn't AbyssalHeart have completely shut out all creators and personas alike to ensure no one got in his way?

OriginKeeper: Noble still has his access to this world via his private portal Abyssal gave him so long ago.

Spectral Persona: Wait, so that means that this is-

OriginKeeper: Haven_Zero.

Spectral Persona: No way...

Grimm Weiss: Th-that's not possible! I was there before I got locked up in that damn tower! Haven_Zero looked nothing like this!

OriginKeeper: You have the towers and Binary Void to thank for that Weiss. Once you've destroyed the towers and stopped AbyssalHeart, then everything will go back to how it once was. Now I take my leave, my sister will be awaiting you in The Infernal Wastelands. Good luck to the three of you... may lady luck be on your side.

Just as her sister did, she shattered into millions of glass-like particles just as before. I still wonder if she too was just using a hologram, or something different?

Grimm Weiss: We need to hurry and destroy those towers so we can get to Noble ASAP! We need to tell him what we have discovered.

Spectral Persona: I agree the sooner we can destroy these towers, the sooner we stop The Deletion Process too.

Grimm Ruby: Lets get going! Next destination, The Infernal Wastelands!

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