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Third Person's POV


The bell rang as his eardrums drown in the vibration of the bell. "We'll see ya tomorrow, Tae." Jimin, his best friend, spoke as he gives a fist bump to Taehyung. The teen has soft lilac hair with a gap in the side of his fringe. He has also a black steel stud on his left ear.

 He has also a black steel stud on his left ear

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Introducing Kim Taehyung, aged 17

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Introducing Kim Taehyung, aged 17. Student in Bangtan High ^

While his best friend named Park Jimin, 17 years old also a student in Bangtan High, had turquoise blue-silver hair that goes neatly with his Bangtan High school uniform. He waved good bye to Taehyung who laid his forehead onto his arm that was resting on his desk.

School has just ended. By now, the school should be deserted. As for Taehyung, his father was busy with principal duties or what they call- boring, no fun and uptight duties, meaning that there would be no one at home.

He sighed, quite exasperate knowing that his father would be busy the whole week.

The lilac haired teen forced himself out of his seat, picking up his bag as he sling it across his chest. He casually plunge his two hands into his pockets as he started walking out of class. Switching off the lights and closing the door behind him.

Taehyung decided to just walk around school grounds for a few minutes even though he knew exactly each part and corners of the school pretty well. He continued walking, allowing his legs to carry him wherever they want.

His legs stopped. He realized that he didn't recognize this place that was located behind the school.

He examined the long leaves that was from the branch above. The long leaves reached to the ground as it looked quite old and dry.

Taehyung noticed that there was a small light coming from behind the long roots and leaves as he slowly pushed an amount of leaves backward and as soon as he did, he realized that there was a whole new place behind the school.

He nervously walked into it, the vines dragging it's lower root on Taehyung's back as he walked right into them. He brushed the leaves off of his back and hair as he walked through a tunnel. A dark one. But a sort of light was shining on the other side.

What on earth is that?

He continued walking, still curious about the light shining ever so brightly at the end of the tunnel.

As soon as he reaches the end of the tunnel his eyes were enlarged. Mouth was hung open, his mind was completely blown. He was beyond amazed. It was a whole new place. A garden. A pond.

He took a step in warily and boy, he swore he felt an electric feeling just zapped him in the chest

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He took a step in warily and boy, he swore he felt an electric feeling just zapped him in the chest. He shrug it off while looking around, absorbing the beautiful colours. The grass was mixed with the normal green and healthy state with a lot of autumn leaves scattered on the ground. Even the trees were mixed with greens and oranges.

Taehyung examined the area in wonderment as his eyes falls onto a table with 4 chairs surrounding it. It was slightly dusty but luckily, he had a hanker chief in his bag. He took it out and wiped one of the chair.

He sat down while mentally reminding himself to bring ore hanker chief tomorrow to clean the rest of the chairs and the table.

His gaze laid onto the pond in front of him. Surprisingly, there was a couple of fishes swimming in the pond. How could they still live? Unless... he was not the only one who's in this magical place.

"Why are you sitting on my chair?"

A voice spoked through the quiet and deserted garden.

"AH! W-WHAT THE FRREAK!?" Taehyung yelled as he jerked forward. He rapidly stood up from the chair abruptly, making the chair fell backward with a landing thud to be greeted by a guy.

The unknown male looked approximately around Taehyung's age and he was wearing a black shirt, ripped light blue jeans and brown boots which looked like it was from Timberland if you continue to scan down his body.

"Eyes up here, cutie."

Taehyung's eyes immediately looked up, locking eye contact with the unknown guy. "You don't look like you're a student in Bangtan High-"

"That's because I'm NOT even alive. I'm surprise you can even see me."

That made the lilac teen confused. Very confuse. He stared weirdly at this guy who said he wasn't alive when he was clearly standing right in front of Taehyung. In flesh. So what did this guy mean by that? "Take a picture might last longer." The guy spoke nonchalantly as he made his way to the pond.

The mysterious had jet black hair as he had a 2 piercings- resembles a helix piercing, on his right ear. "So, what's your name?" He asked Taehyung who was still staring at the unknown male oddly.

"Uh- it's Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." The black haired teen hummed in reply as he squat down in front of the pond, watching the fishes swimming swiftly in the water.


Taehyung confusingly looked at the stranger's back. "What?", "My name is Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a moment as he scoffed. "Didn't ask though." He softly murmur under his breath which Jungkook caught it quite clearly.

"You brat." The black haired male's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he huffed. He turned back to look at Taehyung. "You look around 17, am I right?" Taehyung look astonished. "How'd you-"

"Lucky guess, cutie." Taehyung blushed at the name Jungkook called him calmly as he cleared his throat. "What about you? Bet you're 18+."

The black haired male stood up from the squatting position he was in as he made his way over to Taehyung who stood nearby the tree. "Close enough. My spirit is 18 not my physical body." He stopped in front of Taehyung who just stared up at him weirdly.

"Uh, dude. You're too close-"

"Say, you got a girlfriend?" The lilac gave a you gay, bro? look towards him as he took a step back. "No, I don't.", "Hm... weird."

Jungkook took a step forward as Taehyung's back hits the tree trunk. The latter caged the lilac teen as he stared directly into Taehyung's eyes. "I bet girls chase you all the time, don't they?" He slowly reaches his hand up to Taehyung's fringe which Taehyung immediately grasp the latter's hand and twisted backward.

"Ow! Hey, what the heck!?"

"I told you that you're too close, you impudent coconut looking brat."

- End of Chapter 1

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