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hyunjin laid out the blanket in the grass, relishing in the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach nearby. he hoped he looked presentable enough.

jisung would come any minute. hopefully. that is...unless he decided to stand him up. hyunjin shook his head and decided not to think about that possibility. but what if jisung thought he was just messing with him? or what if jisung was messing with him?

"hyunjin? jinnie!" he heard a voice call out his name, turning around.

he saw jisung walking towards him with his hands in the pockets of his black jean jacket, which he'd worn over a light gray tee and ripped jeans. hyunjin immediately felt bad for even thinking that jisung wouldn't show up. he stood up as jisung neared and pulled the younger into a hug. jisung let out a squeak of surprise, at which hyunjin laughed.

"hello to you too," jisung giggled, "so...what exactly is this?" he pulled away.

"i thought we could eat here and...maybe go down to the ocean? and there's a bakery just a little down the street there," hyunjin nodded the direction he was speaking of, "i hear they have good cheesecake,"

jisung looked at him in awe.

"how do you suddenly know so much about what i like?"

"i have my ways," hyunjin smiled at him.

jisung smacked the back of his head and hyunjin grunted loudly as he heard jisung burst into a fit of laughter. it had actually hurt a bit, but jisung's laughter was worth the pain, as cheesy as it was.

"wait, did you make this?" jisung hummed as he stuffed his face.

hyunjin chuckled.

"well i made some of it. but i also bought some,"

"it's really good," jisung covered his mouth, blushing, "thank you,"

hyunjin smiled at him.

"aren't you gonna eat some more?" jisung reached out for more food.

"ah, i get full easily,"

"i wish i had that problem," jisung laughed.

hyunjin watched jisung eat a bit more before leaning back and holding himself up on the blanket by his hands, looking out at the ocean.

"it's so peaceful, isn't it?" jisung closed a few containers and placed them back into the basket hyunjin had brought, scooting closer to said boy.

hyunjin hummed in response. jisung leaned his head onto hyunjin's shoulder and hyunjin had to tell himself not to flinch in surprise so jisung would stay.

"that's why i like it. it's calm...especially when compared to our hectic college lives,"

the two shared a small laugh.

"thanks for bringing me here," jisung sat up off of hyunjin.

hyunjin sat up himself and turned to face jisung.

"thanks for coming. i never expected this, you know, us...on a date"

"me neither. but i like it," jisung smiled slightly.

"well i like you," hyunjin responded, jisung's cheeks flushing furiously.

"don't say stuff like that,"

"what? that i like you?"

jisung covered his face, hyunjin laughing at him. hyunjin leaned forward and gently grabbed jisung's wrists, pulling his hands away from his face.

"don't cover your face, i want to see you," hyunjin pouted.

jisung's face was still red as ever, but he let hyunjin hold his hands away. hyunjin looked over jisung's face, his eyes lingering on the younger's lips for a second before he looked up into jisung's eyes. jisung was looking at him with his eyes widened slightly and his lips parted a bit. his hair was slightly ruffled and blowing in the slight breeze. his cheeks were still dusted pink and his lips just looked so kissable.

"i want to kiss you," hyunjin whispered out accidentally.

jisung blinked a few times and his cheeks darkened a shade or two.

"why aren't you doing it then?" he whispered back.

"because last time we kissed it wasn't really-"

"just kiss me you dork," jisung smiled.

hyunjin looked at jisung's lips again before leaning in and watching jisung's eyes flutter shut. he shut his own eyes and leaned in until their lips pressed gently together. he felt jisung lift a hand up and rest it gently on his shoulder. hyunjin pressed forward slightly, feeling jisung exhale out a breath through his nose as they slowly dragged their lips together. he reached up and caressed jisung's jaw as he pulled away slowly. jisung's eyes opened slowly and they stared into each other's eyes, slight blushes evident on both of their faces. jisung smiled slightly and they sat back up normally, jisung's hand sliding off of hyunjin's shoulder and into his own lap and hyunjin's hand ghosting jisung's jaw as he pulled it away.

jisung looked down at his lap, smiling. hyunjin looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. it wasn't their first kiss together, but it felt like one. and it was the best (non) first kiss together that they could ever ask for.

kiss me // hyunsung

epilogue next :)

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