Chapter 47

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Soon the end of April came, along with the day that I both love and dread: my birthday. Thankfully, I had finally managed to get it through my friends' heads that I didn't want balloons that would announce to the whole school how old I now am. 

It took a lot of persuasion, but they agreed.

It was on a Monday that my birthday fell, and despite the fact that I was happy I had turned eighteen, the weather depicted something else entirely: rain. Well, I guess it was our rain season now. 

Anyway, I made my way into school slightly earlier than normal and went towards my locker without my usual company. Richard had a dentist appointment and would only come to school later.

I raised an eyebrow when I saw Anne and Amy huddled together whispering amongst themselves as they worked on something in my open locker. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to hide a smile. Anne knew my locker code and they had clearly been betting on the fact that I would only arrive later.

"What are you two doing?" 

At the sound of my voice, both girls spun around wide-eyed.

"Lizzy!" they both exclaimed and bashful smiles came to their faces.

"Um, Lizzy, would you mind if ..." Anne trailed off and I nodded, getting the hint.

"I'll be back in a minute," I smiled and walked off down the hall. 

There was still a little while before the class would start so the hallway was almost empty, which was strange considering it was raining. But the empty hallways allowed me to spot a figure that made my heart do flips.

Cole and I had definitely grown closer over the course of the last few weeks following the bullying fiasco. I still knew nothing about him, but something between us had shifted. He was ... warmer towards me and I couldn't help but smile every time I saw him. We still kept our exchanges minimal though, just in case another rumour decided to surface.

I looked around before slowly making my way towards him. The only person in the hall was a girl reading a book so I deemed the coast clear. Girls who read books often don't care for gossip ... I hope.

"Hi," I greeted softly as I came to stand in front of him as he leaned against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets, posture slouched so that our height difference wasn't too extreme.

"Hey," he mirrored my tone and I felt my heart race as he stared at me. 

That gaze of his never failed to make me weak at the knees. 

Over the days and weeks, I found my feelings for him had only intensified. But if there was one thing I was good at, it would be hiding my feelings. All introverts are good at that. Especially because he said he would never like me like that all those weeks back. 

It still hurts, because my feelings for him are only growing stronger that sometimes I find myself spacing and I can't get him out of my head. My friends have even asked what's wrong with me a couple times because I never space-out.

"Lovely weather we're having," I blurted out after a moment.

Cole's mouth tilted upwards slightly at my words and I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight. 

"And how is rain lovely weather, Elizabeth?" he asked with amusement in his voice as his eyes stared at me softly.

"I don't have running practice now," I giggled and immediately pressed my lips together in a thin line.

What the heck? Since when do I giggle? I have the kind of laugh that the whole movie house can hear. I've never giggled in my life!

"Ah," Cole said and nodded his head, resulting in his hair to fall slightly over his eyes. 

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