-2- Only overworked

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-2- Only overworked

When Yibo opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was his big brother in his white doctor's coat. He smiled at him and helped him to sit up. Yibo looked around in confusion and looked at his hand, which contained a cannula for a vein drop. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

His brother looked at him seriously and said, "Well, looks like you skilfully ignored your big brother's advice and overworked yourself. You passed out after your performance at the P18."

" Passed out? And I'm not overworked!"

"Yes, little brother. I kept telling you, you need to take more care of yourself. Damn it, you're a doctor yourself, why do I have to keep reminding you?"

"Nobody is forcing you."

"Oh no? You know all about the brain as a neurologist, but not how to use yours. My great little brother, who is known throughout the country as the youngest and best neurologist, can help many people to use their brain again. Just not themselves."

"Could you please not do that?"

"So, if you're not just overworked, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. There was this new bartender, and suddenly everything went crazy in me." Yibo wasn't even done talking when his brother interrupted him.

"Well, well. A new bartender. Apparently, my little brother needs a cardiologist. ...because someone seems to have stolen his heart."

"Yeah haha, very funny."

"Maybe I should introduce you to our new colleague. He's not starting until Monday."

"Another new one?"

"Yes, and he looks really hot. At least that's what the nurses say. "They're really excited about it, and they're fighting over who gets to work with him on Monday."

"Oh, I don't care."

"You probably won't see much of each other anyway. I've heard he's only here for a few months, and that he only has consulting hours twice a week and only takes on urgent cases."

"What's the name of the new doctor, anyway?"

"Doctor Meng Yao. I think he might be one of dad's spies."

"Another one to keep an eye on us? Is there anyone else in the hospital who isn't on our father's salary?"

"Well my little brother, our dad is the director of this clinic and he pays all the employees anyway. Just the one or other of them gets a little extra."

Even though Yibo is good at his job, and he likes it. So it wasn't and isn't his dream job. He wanted to be a singer. Not just as a hobby like now, but really, with all of it.

But unfortunately Yibo was born into a family in which all members had been doctors for four generations and only married doctors. Nobody had a choice among the Wang's, not even Yibo or his big brother.

A few years ago, Yibo and Hai Kuan tried to impose their own will and asked their father to release them from the duty of becoming a doctor and let them practice the profession they wanted.

As a result, their father became so angry that he threw them out of the house. He took everything from them and the only thing they had left were the clothes they were wearing. Relentless and hard as their father was and still is, he had even called all friends and relatives and forbidden them to help the two of them.

They could not expect any help from their mother either. Because she was as hard and unyielding as their father.

And so they both lived on the streets for four weeks, penniless and homeless. They never knew if they would find anything to eat the next day, or if they would have to fall asleep with a growling stomach.

It was only after these four weeks on the street that their father was ready to talk to them again. His demands were clear. Either they become doctors or they have to go back, out on the streets. What choice did they have? Yibo was only seventeen years old at that time and his brother nineteen.

They agreed and swore to their father to listen to him and not to rebel again. At least he was willing to make one concession. Namely that Yibo was allowed to be in a band and sing. But only as a hobby and only if neither school, studies nor work have to suffer from it.

And to make sure that Yibo sticks to it, his father lets him observe.

However, Yibo still had it good. Because unlike his brother Hai Kuan, he wasn't forced to marry.

No sooner was Hai Kuan 22 years old than his father made him marry the daughter of the clinic's president. He and his wife Emily Qin hate each other to the bone. Not a day goes by when they don't fight. But divorce is out of the question, because their fathers would never allow it.

Yibo was glad that he is not in such a situation and that his father, at least until now, doesn't plan to marry him to any woman. But maybe his father also knows that Yibo doesn't give in so easily as his big brother. Yibo has always been more stubborn and stronger than his brother and his father knows that.

There were days in Yibo's life when he wished he had grown up in a normal family. With people who love and care for their children. Who let their children make decisions and support them, even if they fall on their nose.

But instead, Yibo grew up in a home where both parents were and are busy doctors. And even though they are both doctors, they did not take care of their children once when they were sick. They only received attention when they were particularly good or particularly bad at something. But they never received praise or support.

"So, tell me about your bartender." Hai Kuan asked his little brother.

"There's nothing to tell. I don't even know him." Yibo deliberately left out that he knew the name and age of the beautiful bartender.

"Then tell me, are you in love with him?"

"Perhaps I am in love with him. I guess so. I mean in as much as it's even possible. I saw him, and suddenly my heart started racing. I felt for a moment that time had stopped and the earth stopped spinning. That was very strange. And when our eyes met, I felt as if he was looking right into my soul."

"Wow, I'd say you're madly in love with him. You really need to talk to him and get to know him. Maybe something can happen to you guys."

"I wanted to introduce myself when he brought us in the back room drinks. But I couldn't get out a word."

Yibo described to his brother how he felt when his crush was in the back room. He described every detail and his brother listened excitedly and then said, "I think you should definitely find the courage to speak to him." Yibo had to laugh because he knew that it wasn't a lack of courage that kept him from saying a word when he looked at Xiao Zhan.

For his next evening at the P18, Yibo decided to simply speak to the beautiful bartender. And be it only with a simple, Hi. He is convinced that this will break the barrier inside him and he will be able to talk to Xiao Zhan. And then ask him for a date.

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