-10- The Community Center Part 1

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-10- The Community Center Part 1

I didn't sleep for almost the whole night because I couldn't stop thinking about Zhan being only one room door away. I couldn't get out of my head how much I wanted to spend the night with him. Lying harmlessly next to each other, just like at his house.

In the morning, I was totally tired and felt really weak, Zhan woke me up because he had made breakfast and wanted to go with me wherever he wanted. I got up and found an abundantly laid breakfast table with all kinds of goodies. Since I hadn't gone shopping and the fridge only contained three small bottles of water and a few eggs, Zhan had even gone shopping. And yet it was only 9 am when he woke me up.

After breakfast I took a shower and got dressed, Zhan insisted that I put on weatherproof clothes and change clothes. Then in the parking garage I wanted to take the driver's seat, but Zhan took away my car keys and explained: "You were tossing and turning around most of the night. I can see it in your tired eyes. You should try to get some more sleep in the car, we're on the road for a long time anyway. Besides, you don't know where we' re going, and I don't want to tell you before." So he drove.

I actually fell asleep in the car shortly after we started. Four hours later I woke up with an almost stiff neck and we still hadn't reached our destination. I wrote a message to Zhan and asked him, just to break the silence a bit, how he had managed to get there so quickly on the day of the accident when the tank of the natural gas truck exploded. And he explained it to me.

"My cousin doesn't live just around the corner from the hospital. And since he didn't have time to take me to the hospital, I took a taxi. I trusted his knowledge as a taxi driver and promptly ended up in traffic. I could even see the transporter and the tank. But we were standing quite far behind. The taxi driver was talking to his control center when suddenly there was a strange noise and in the next moment, there was a bang. A bigger fragment of the tank flew past our taxi and crashed into the windshield of another car. When nothing seemed to be flying around anymore, we got out of the taxi and worked our way forward, where the consequences of the explosion were devastating. Some people have already started pulling injured and trapped people out of their cars. I saw an ambulance standing a bit further away, ran over and grabbed the equipment. That's what that was."

When I listened to the story, I was relieved that nothing happened to Zhan. I remember the footage that was shown on TV and I also remember the number of dead, 34. And the number of seriously injured, 79. And the number of slightly to moderately injured, 143. These numbers of dead and injured could only be due to the fact that the shrapnel was spread like bullets.

After he told me this, I closed my eyes again. I wasn't asleep and just wanted to relax a little when Zhan started singing quietly and on his own. I got real goose bumps when I heard his voice. It sounded warm and quiet, and just beautiful. That's when I realized that Zhan hadn't given up singing himself. He just doesn't sing in front of people anymore. Which is a real shame. But, yeah, maybe that'll change.

Our journey ultimately took nine hours. In those nine hours, Zhan didn't talk much, but he sang. And that's only because he thought I was asleep.

When we reached our destination, we got out of the car and walked down a road until we were standing in front of a community center. Was it that what Zhan wanted to show me? An old community center in a small village?

"Surely you wonder why we are here. Well, my grandparents used to live here. Well, not exactly. They had a house about five miles from here. They had fields and animals. During the holidays my siblings and I were often with them and spent a lot of time in this community center. There was a boy here at that time, who was like you. This boy could talk to everybody but not to his best friend. However, this had not always been the case. This speech block developed from one day to the next. Nevertheless his friend stood by him. Until he noticed that he could talk to others quite normally. Of course, the friend thought that it was his fault or that the boy was just pretending and so he angrily ended his friendship with the boy. And then, a week later, the boy jumped on stage and sang a song for his friend. And just like this blockade was created overnight, it disappeared also again. The point is, I'm sure we can find a way for you to get rid of your blockage."

And just when I thought I would like to talk to this boy, he came out of the community center and greeted Zhan happily. He works there as a counsellor and also his best friend. They told me about that time and how the boy, who is now 27 years old like Zhan, has tried everything possible to be able to talk to his best friend again. He said that he had also found out at that time why this blockade arose.

He saw the father of his best friend together with another woman. And he didn't know how to act towards his best friend. He was so shocked to have caught his best friend's father with another woman that it caused this blockage. And when he finally found a way to tell his best friend what was going on in his mind, they didn't come on writing, he courageously jumped on stage and sang loud and crooked what he saw. This finally solved the blockade.

And while he was telling it that way, I remembered that I could also look at Zhan when I was on stage and singing. I could look at Zhan and imagined singing just for him. So, this could be a way for me to communicate with him. But, I don't want to sing just anything that comes into my head. So I'll have to come up with something.

As it was evening and the community center had closed, I wondered what Zhan was going to do next. I wrote him my question and he told me, "We're going to the cinema and then we're staying at my grandparents' house."

There was an old black and white film playing in the cinema which, although it was so old, was really well made. After that we got in the car and drove to Zhan's grandparents' house. "They are still alive, but they live in a senior residence. The house is still owned by the family and is very well maintained." Explained Zhan to me.

When I went to Zhan's parents' house, I expected to find a similar house. But this was not so. It was a small house, the interior was rather rustic but still very cosy and inviting. And it became even more cozy after Zhan turned on the fireplace. "Unfortunately only one of the bedrooms is usable, I hope you don't mind if we have to share a bed again tonight?" Zhan asked me and I shook my head immediately.

Happy about the chance to spend another night in one bed with Zhan, I enjoyed the rest of the evening with Zhan in front of the fireplace. He had also brought food from home, which he had prepared in the morning. So we sat in front of the fireplace and ate in peace and quiet while music played softly on the radio behind us. The atmosphere was so beautiful and so romantic that my heart was beating all the time.

At 11 pm, we went to sleep. I lay down in the old farmer's bed, which didn't look very comfortable, but was actually very comfortable when Zhan turned around and looked at me. "Tomorrow I'll show you around. I'll show you where we used to play when we were kids. And in the afternoon we'll go to the doctor who made me want to study neurosurgery."

And as I closed my eyes, Zhan suddenly kissed me on the forehead and wished me good night. I was completely stunned.

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