-16- Evil Seungyoun

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-16- Evil Seungyoun

Two weeks have passed since the reconciliation of Zhan and me. Two weeks in which we were back together like a couple, doing everything together. Even if there were days when we could only see each other briefly because we had different shifts.

Luckily, Zhan doesn't have to work night shifts, so he and I could spend every night together. That's when I noticed a new problem. I'm finding it harder and harder to suppress my physical desires. The more we spend our time and nights together, the greater my desire to get physically closer to him.

But since I have decided not to go any further than now until, I have confessed my feelings to him and have officially asked him to be my boyfriend, I am holding myself back. Even though my animalistic desires are getting stronger and stronger. I will and must still wait until we are officially a couple!

Meanwhile I have also finished the love song. We have found a melody that fits to it and rehearsed the new song three times a week. I am now ready to sing my love song to Zhan at the next gig. And I hope he will like it. And already tonight I will know.

All of us except Seungyoun were sitting in the back room of the club waiting for our gig. I had never been so nervous before and Wooseok encouraged me and tried to calm down a bit.

After almost half an hour, Seungyoun came into the back room and told me that he had been talking to the manager for so long. Apparently Jiang Cheng is planning extensive renovations in the P18. Everything should become more modern and he wants to have two rooms in the future. The club area with club music and an area for live performances. And Jiang Cheng wants us to be a regular act at the P18.

When our performance was finally announced, I went on stage with trembling knees. I looked at Zhan over at the bar and he looked kind of, unhappy. What had happened?

We started our performance and mastered it with absolute confidence. During the break I ran over to Zhan at the bar and wrote him the question if something happened? He shook his head and said, "No, everything is fine. Go up there and have your fun." But I knew something was wrong. What was wrong? When we drove to the club together, everything had been fine. Why was he so sad now? Yeah, sad is probably the best word.

I wanted to stay with him and find out what happened. But we had to finish our act. At the end of our gig, I announced our last song. My love song. I said I wrote that song for a special person to whom I wanted to tell something.

Of course I wrote the song in a way that only Zhan could relate to. I sang about the first time I saw him and I lost my speech. How much I wanted to talk to him, invite him on a date and go for a walk holding hands. How much I would like to tell him what he means to me. At the end of the song my last line was "I couldn't tell you before, but I want you to know I'm hopelessly in love with you."

And as I was singing, I kept looking at Zhan and hoping somehow I could see if he realized that this song was just for him. But Zhan kept looking at me sadly.

When our performance was over, Seungyoun jumped off the stage and suddenly took the young woman from the last time. He pushed her next to me and blurted into the microphone that this song was written just for this woman. I stood there staring at Zhan and shook my head while this woman clung to my arm laughing. I pushed her off me and said that it was just a misunderstanding.

Then I looked at the bar, but Zhan was no longer there. I jumped off the stage, ran to the bar, then to the staff area and Jiang Cheng's office. But he had also no idea where Zhan was.

I ran into the back room where Wooseok was pulling Seungyoun's ears and shouting, "How stupid can you be? How much bad blood must there be in you to make such a mistake? You're really so evil."

"What's going on here?" I yelled in between and Wooseok said Seungyoun should explain it himself.

"I didn't do anything." Seungyoun said.

"Then you explain it to me!" I ordered Wooseok to explain.

"Seungyoun told Zhan that you're going to sing a love song for that bitch today."

"What? What makes you think that?" I wanted to know from Seungyoun angrily.

"Who else would it be for? After the last two gigs, you hung out with her and even let her touch you even though you can't stand physical contact with others." Seungyoun replied.

"This song wasn't for that bitch! It was for Zhan and no one else, got it?" I shouted out.

I grabbed Seungyoun, who had looked at me with eyes wide open, by the collar and told him, "If I lose Zhan because of you, I'll make sure you suffer for the rest of your life." Then I got dressed, grabbed my guitar and drove home. The one place I thought Zhan could be.

On the way, I wrote Zhan several messages, but they remained unread until I got home. But Seungyoun wrote me that he just wanted to help me and that I shouldn't be angry with him because he didn't know that I liked Zhan. I wrote him to just stay away from me.

I ran from the parking garage up the stairs to the apartment, unlocked the door and rushed in. I put my guitar on the side and I called out, "ZhanZhan? ZhanZhan, are you there?"

Then Zhan's room door opened and he looked at me questioningly. I ran up to him and I put my arms around him. "What's the matter?" He asked me, totally confused.

"I thought you ran away because of the misunderstanding Seungyoun caused." I replied, and Zhan looked at me with big eyes.

"ZhanZhan?" And suddenly I knew why he looked at me like that. I was talking to him! I looked at him and spoke to him!

After I recovered my composure, I asked him, "Why did you just run away?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. One of the taps broke and splashed beer all over me and I didn't have any change clothes, so I hurried home to change."

"I thought you ran away because Seungyoun brought that bitch on stage and claimed the song was for her."

"A song where you sing about you and me? I don't think so. Besides, I didn't believe you'd sing such a song for a woman anyway. And when I heard the lyrics, I knew who the song was for."

"So, what do you think?"

"The song is great, the lyrics are beautiful and the melody fits perfectly." But I guess that's not what you want to hear, is it?" I shook my head. Zhan put his arms around my neck, kissed my forehead and then said, "If I didn't like you, or no differently, if I didn't love you, I'd never let you get that close to me. I wouldn't have told you about me or taken you to my grandparents' house..."

I looked Zhan straight in the eyes and interrupted him "ZhanZhan, I love you and I want a relationship with you. Would you like to have a relationship with me?" I asked him.

Zhan gave me a kiss and replied, "I thought we already had a relationship." And giggled.

"In a way. But I wanted to ask you officially, ZhanZhan. I wanted to ask you about it in my own words."

"Then I say in my own words. Yes, I'd like to have a relationship with you officially." I was so happy, I kissed Zhan's face off.

Since Zhan had to work, we drove back to the club together. I held Zhan's hand most of the way and just couldn't stop grinning while Zhan hummed softly.

But before we went into the club, I asked him why he had looked so sad. He laughed and said, "I didn't look sad. I was nervous and a little excited after Seungyoun said you would sing a love song tonight. But I wasn't sad. Don't worry." I was relieved to hear that.

And, we've decided to let Seungyoun suffer a little... just a little bit to punish him for interfering again.

LOVE SONG! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now