-13- Jealousy x two

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-13- Jealousy x two

After a few quiet days at work, at least for me, Zhan had already done several surgeries, it was finally weekend and our new gig was coming up.

Two days ago we finally received our new CDs from the recording studio, so that we can offer them for sale.Because unfortunately we are not under any contract with a recording studio and so we always have to finance the recordings ourselves. And we get the money back with the sale of our albums.

By the time I went to P18, Zhan had already left. We didn't talk much in the last three days because we had different shifts and hardly saw each other. And even though we live together, I missed him a lot. I missed his laugh and smile when he told me anything. And even our extraordinary way of communicating.

At P18 we rehearsed for half an hour before we went into the small back room and had to wait for the club to open so we could do our performance. Unfortunately I didn't see Zhan. He had been with his cousin in his office. Somehow I felt restless. The excitement before the gig that was always there, the upcoming sale of our albums and I missed Zhan. All this made me feel very nervous and a little bit unfocused.

Seungyoun immediately started to use his sniffer nose again and started his investigation. It becomes more and more difficult to keep him away from who I fell in love with. In any case, he has tracked something. And after I told everyone that the next song would be a love song, he was practically unstoppable in his search for the person the song is meant for.

When the time finally came and our performance started, Zhan stood behind the bar and smiled. He applauded and held both thumbs up for me. I was relieved to see him and immediately relaxed. And during the whole performance, I never let Zhan out of my sight. I imagined again that I was only singing for him.

Unfortunately Seungyoun made me nervous again. He watched me at every turn and I suddenly felt totally tense. In a 20 minute break I went to the bar. Zhan came up to me, wiped the sweat from my face and massaged my shoulders. He asked me what was wrong with me today because I seemed so stressed and unfocused. I wrote him, it's nothing.

Our performance went on and between the songs Seungyoun kept asking me quietly: "Who is the beauty that conquered your heart?" I wanted to kick him off the stage.

After our gig we joined our fans and sold our albums. We were standing at a table together, drinking a beer and I a water, when three young women came to me and dragged me to their table with them. They said they wanted to buy an album and bought me a drink. They kept touching my arms and shoulders. I did not like it, but I kept my thoughts to myself. Even though it made me very uncomfortable.

At some point I slid further around the table to be able to see Zhan. And he didn't look very happy. I wrote him, asking what was wrong with him. He read it, put his phone away and gave me an angry look. When the next round of drinks was ordered by the women, Zhan came to the table, brought the new drinks and cleared the empty glasses. He did not even look at me. Why was he angry with me? What did I do?

I kept an eye on him and saw that he was talking to a man at the bar. When the man then pressed a note into Zhan's hand, which Zhan stuck in his pocket and looked at me provocatively, I was about to freak out. How could Zhan dare to flirt with another man, so obviously in front of my eyes, and apparently have his phone number given to him?

The three women didn't give up either and kept getting closer to me. At some point I felt really harassed. Again and again they took pictures together with me and one of them started to massage my shoulders. Meanwhile, Zhan and the man obviously continued to flirt with each other. I was furious with rage inside.

Finally, it was Wooseok who saved me from the three women and asked me why I let them get so close to me. I just said they were fans and I didn't want to scare them away. He shook his head at that. I went to the bar, typed in my cell phone: "What's this Zhan? Why are you mad at me?" And I held the phone in front of him. But he just shook his head.

I told Zhan to tell me what was going on. And he said, "Go back to your female fans and keep being touched by them." Then he turned around and went to the other side of the bar. What the hell was that right now? I walked to the other side of the bar and I looked at him questioningly. He said, "Just go Yibo. Have fun with your fans." I was completely stunned.

Since Zhan wouldn't explain what was bothering him, I angrily went back to my band's table. Seungyoun grinned stupidly and asked me which of the three ladies had conquered my heart. But before I could give him an angry answer, Wooseok punched him on the back of the head and told him to stop bugging me.

Wooseok asked me to come outside with him. I followed him without knowing why he wanted to talk to me alone. But I would have rather stayed at my place and kept an eye on Zhan and this guy. I didn't like the two of them talking to each other so much. It bothered me.

Outside, Wooseok and I went around the corner and he punched me against my shoulder and asked me what I was thinking about letting these women touch me. I explained the same thing to him as before and he said, "You are such an idiot. How can you let them touch you when Zhan can see that? Don't you realize how he must feel when you flirt with these women in front of him?"

"I wasn't flirting with them. And besides, Zhan is not any better. He talks to this guy all the time and even took his number."

"It's his right. Because so far you haven't told him where it' s going with you two. You kissed him, but you didn't say why. And then he has to watch you let those women touch you while you smile."

"You mean he's jealous?"

"Well, you are, too, aren't you?"

"I, I don't know."

"Who was complaining that Zhan talks too much to someone else?"

"Damn it. You're right. I am jealous, and I made Zhan jealous. No wonder he's so mad at me."

"You should really confess your feelings to him as soon as possible before you lose him, before it even starts between you two."

"The love song is almost finished. I think we can find a sound and rehearse it in two or three days."

"Good. Remember, we've got another gig next week. Maybe you can sing your love song to him then. And until then, stay away from any women."

"Okay. I will, thank you."

We went back inside. I got a piece of paper and a pen and I wrote Zhan "I'm sorry, ZhanZhan. Don't be mad at me, I wasn't thinking." Then I gave him the note. Zhan came around the bar, took me in the back to the staff area and I thought now I would get real trouble from him. But instead, he gave me a hug. Relieved, I pressed him firmly against me and kissed him.

When Zhan's cousin came back and saw us kissing, he grinned and said, "I didn't see anything. Go ahead and have fun." Then he went to his office. Zhan and I laughed at that and we went back in the front a few minutes later. But before that, I wrote him, "I promise I'll be more attentive now and won't make you jealous anymore." Then I pulled the note from the guy at the bar out of his pocket and tore it up.

"Well, apparently I wasn't the only one who was jealous." Zhan said.

I wrote him, "I was insanely jealous and I don't want you to flirt with this man or any other man again." Then I gave him another kiss, and we left the staff area.

That night I stayed until Zhan finished his work and then we went home together. Where he wanted to go straight to his bed, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my bedroom where we fell asleep cuddled together.

LOVE SONG! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now