-17- A great acting talent

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There you write and write and suddenly the electricity in the house is gone. And of course, before you've saved everything. Had to write everything again and I'm sure my first version of it would have been much better.👿😰😱😫

-17- A great acting talent

Since Seungyoun and the others had already left when we came to the club, Zhan and I had enough time to think up an appropriate punishment for Seungyoun. Something that will definitely shake him up. Because I also told Zhan on the way to the club what happened to me back then, thanks to Seungyoun.

Zhan assumes that my blockage was probably really related to that and might still have existed if I hadn't suddenly panicked about losing Zhan. Well, apparently I should at least thank Seungyoun for making me panic so much, when I learned that he had interfered and that Zhan had suddenly disappeared. But Zhan wasn't sure if it was really the shock or if I could have talked to Zhan after the song.

According to Zhan, we should also panic Seungyoun by telling him something that isn't true. And I immediately thought of the right thing to do. But for that Zhan needs some great acting talent. I'm sure he can handle it. But first, Zhan has to finish his work, and then we have to get a good rest.


On Sunday afternoon it was time for our revenge. I handed Zhan my cell phone and he prepared his voice. Then he dialed Seungyoun's number.

"Hey Yibo, are you okay?" Seungyoun asked.

Zhan replied in a panicky voice, "This isn't Yibo, this is Zhan. Yibo left his cell phone at home I thought he was with you."

"No, he's not. Why did he leave his phone at home?"

"I don't know. After we were arguing last night, I didn't speak to him. When I just got up, Yibo was gone. His mobile was on the table, with a note next to it that says, - I can't live without you, I'd rather die. - His jacket and shoes are gone, but there's no sign of him."

"What do you mean? What was the fight about?" Seungyoun asked him in shock and panic.

"You told me who the love song is really for. I confronted him and he said you lied. That the song was for me. But I don't believe him. Why would you lie to me? You have no reason to do that."

"Zhan I..." From now on, Zhan didn't let him speak. Zhan seemed so angry and panicky at the same time that even I believed him, and I was sitting next to him.

"What shall we do now? I'm so angry with Yibo that I don't even want to search for him. But I' m also afraid he might hurt himself."

"Zhan listen..."

"How could Yibo make me believe that he liked me? We live together, spent every free moment together and slept next to each other in the nights. And that was all just a show from him. Maybe I should do what he did, so no one can ever lie to me or take advantage of me again."

"No, Zhan, wait, listen to me..."

"Probably better if I'm not around." Zhan sounded bitterly serious and sad at the same time. I had goose bumps, and Seungyoun started crying on the phone.

"Please don't, it was a misunderstanding..." Seungyoun shouted into the mobile in panic.

"What?" Asked Zhan and pretended to sob.

"Yibo loves you. I didn't know he loves you until yesterday. I thought it was for that woman. That's why I had gotten her number and called her so she would be there when Yibo sang the song. I didn't know about you two. I really didn't. I just wanted to help Yibo."

"How could you interfere with something like this? Don't you think Yibo is an adult and can handle this on his own? If he wanted your help and your meddling, he would have asked you. How can you call yourself his best friend and have so little faith in him? Didn't he tell you over and over again that he would let you know when he was ready?"

"I'm sorry, Zhan. I was just so happy for Yibo that he finally fell in love and I wanted to help him."

It's time for my act. "Even if you hadn't had the right to do this." I shouted into the phone. We put it on the table and acted a little. While Seungyoun listened to the phone.

"Zhan please, believe me, this song is just for you and I love you too." I said it with whining.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I told you everything I have to say last night. I don't see any chance for us. And with friends like that at your side, interfering in things without asking, I certainly don't want you."

"Please, Zhan, don't do this to me. Please give me another chance."

"No, I won't give you another chance. I told you from the start, once my trust is broken, there is no turning back. How do I know you didn't talk it over with Seungyoun and you're acting it out for me here?"

"I would never do that, Zhan. I love you and only you."

"I can't believe you Yibo. I'm going to pack up my things and go back to the States to my family. I never want to see you again."

Suddenly, Seungyoun yelled into the phone, "Xiao Zhan, don't do this. You can't leave Yibo. I know it's my fault. But he really loves you. Please don't leave him. It would break his heart. I promise I'll never interfere with anything ever again. But please don't leave him." Then Seungyoun started crying hard.

"Why should I stay with him?" Zhan asked.

"Because I know this is the first time he loves someone and if you managed to win his heart, you must be very special to him. Please don't leave him and don't break his heart. I apologize for my meddling, I won't do it again, just please, please Zhan, don't leave him."

"I'll think it over." Said Zhan and ended the conversation. I took Zhan in my arms, kissed him and almost felt sorry for Seungyoun.

Zhan and I went to the kitchen and cooked something to eat, and just as we were about to eat, the doorbell rang. It was Seungyoun, he came with a big box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of red wine. He rushed into the apartment after I opened the door, past me and to Zhan in the kitchen where he put everything in his hands, got down on his knees and apologized.

Wooseok, who was also with him, said to me, "I think he's learned his lesson." We informed Wooseok as a precaution in case our plan had gone differently.

Zhan stood there speechlessly watching Seungyoun kneeling before him. "Please forgive me. Please don't leave Yibo." Said Seungyoun. I went to Zhan, put my arm around him and kissed his cheek. Seungyoun stared at me with eyes wide open.

"Zhan and I are a couple and have been for several weeks, but officially we only became a couple last night. Sorry we had to teach you a lesson, but you don't seem to learn otherwise." I then explained everything to him, starting with my speech impediment, about when I fell in love with Zhan and how we finally got together.

We had dinner together, and afterwards we sat in the living room where Seungyoun and Wooseok had many questions for Zhan to get to know him better. Zhan and Wooseok talked the most, so it seems that they could become very good friends. Seungyoun said he was happy that I finally have a partner and that I am very happy.

In the evening we shared the red wine and then Wooseok came up with the idea of singing karaoke. I was absolutely sure that Zhan would reject that. But instead, he was for it, he'd even started it. And when he started singing, he left the three of us speechless. I heard Zhan singing before, but only very softly. At that moment when we were all sitting together he used his normal volume and Seungyoun said, "He looks like an angel and sounds like one."

LOVE SONG! [YiZhan FF]✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat