-4- Under pressure

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-4- Under pressure

A/N: From here we start with the EGO POV by Yibo. If this should change, I will point this out.

When I woke up this morning I felt recovered and much stronger than the evening before. Only now I realize that yesterday I had completely forgotten to eat something and I had drunk too little. No wonder that my body went limp after the performance. I'm just embarrassed that Xiao Zhan noticed that.

But he seemed really worried about me. Did the manager of P18 really send Xiao Zhan just to bring me the guitar? He could have locked it in his office until I came to pick it up myself. Wouldn't be the first time, because he has done this a few times before.

Maybe he came here on his own initiative, because he wanted to know how I was doing?

I was surprised to learn that he is a neurosurgeon and that my father offered him a job at our clinic some time ago. I've never heard my father offer anybody a job before. Usually people come to us and ask us for a job. And apparently my father still wants to hire him here at our hospital.

What if he gets hired here? I mean, sure, it'd be great, I'd get to see him every day at the clinic and get to know him better. But first I'd have to be able to talk to him. And I still have no idea how to do that.

I can't imagine how it would be if he accepts my father's job offer and I can only nod or shake my head when he talks to me. How would it look like if the two heads of neurology don't talk to each other just because I can't get a word out?

What I can't believe is that I obviously fell in love with him at first sight. For so many years I have always wondered when I would fall in love for the first time and then it happens so suddenly that I am speechless. And really speechless.

Everyone thought I was incapable of falling in love with someone and I even started to believe that myself. And then last night I see Xiao Zhan at the bar and my heart goes crazy. Like it was waiting for him.

Or maybe I fell in love with him before? I mean, I looked at the poster in the back room every time and I always wondered who the singer on the poster was. I even wanted to ask the manager about him. But right now it doesn't matter because I have to be able to talk to him somehow.

My brother also just came into my room and removed the cannula for the vein access. He sat beside me on the bed and looked at me thoughtfully. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "I just spoke to Dad."


"He's absolutely obsessed with getting Xiao Zhan into our clinic. He wants him to work for us. Plus,he's counting on you for this whole thing now. He expects you to convince Zhan to come work for us."

"What? Why me?"

"Because Dad thinks you guys get along. He thinks you're connected."

"Oh, great. Not only is there the pressure of not being able to talk to him. Now there's pressure from our father, too."

"And any moment he' gonna show up here and want to talk to you. So you'd better be prepared."

But there was no time to prepare, because the next moment the door flew open and my father came into the room. He pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. Then he looked at me with his piercing eyes and it was clear to me that I'd better not say anything to upset him.

"I want you to make Dr. Xiao Zhan work for us." He said in his harsh, husky voice.

"How do I do that?"

"Think of something, boy."

"That's easier said than done."

"With him in our clinic, not only would we finally be able to offer neurological surgeries, but we'd make a lot of money."

"I know, Dad."

"And it looks like you'd be interested in having him as a colleague."

"I am interested, yes. But other than you think." I murmured softly. But not softly enough, because my father understood me perfectly.

"What do you mean, other than what I think?"

"I, um. I don't know."

"Are you falling in love for him?"

"What if I was?

"Then shouldn't you want him here more than ever?


"You think I care who you fall in love with? I don't care if it's a woman or a man."


"What? If you're in love with him, bring him to our clinic. Then you can be with him and I'll get what I want too!"

"I don't even know if he even likes men, or if he'd like me. I've only met him once."

"You can't figure that out unless you try. And besides, you're damn handsome, I'd be surprised if he didn't fall for you."

"Are you sick, Dad? When did you start talking like that? Since when do you care about my love life?"

"You're my son, of course I care. Even though I'm always hard on you and your brother, I only want the best for you. And what love life? As far as I know, you've never been with anyone. You're probably even in love for the first time."

I was very surprised and confused by this new side of my father. Is it only because he wants Xiao Zhan here so badly. Or does he really care how I feel?

"I don't know how to do this."

"What? Get closer to him? Or convince him to work here?"


"Well, when I first met your mother, I fell in love with her at first sight. I tried to be seen by her every day so that she would notice me. And when I got her interested in me, I asked her out."

"He works at the club. And you don't like when I go to the club."

"You're right. I don't like you wasting your time. But, in this case, you don't want to waste your time, you want to get Dr. Xiao's attention."

"So I can go to the club at night?"

"If it helps you get closer to him, then yes. Besides, I can't forbid it anyway. You're not a little boy anymore. You're 26 years old and you should start thinking about your future."

If that's the case and my father really means it, I'll do what he said. I'll show up at the club regularly. But, not until I find a way to speak to Xiao Zhan.

What's the point of having his attention and then not being able to talk to him?

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