-18- Visit in the States

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-18- Visit in the States

Zhan and I have been officially a couple for three weeks now. And I'm damn happy with him. There's only one thing we haven't done yet, physical love. Even though I can't wait, we're still waiting. It should also not happen planned, but completely unplanned and relaxed.

Yesterday Zhan's father called and ordered us to visit them in the States, he wants to know the current state of affairs and see if we have made any progress. He still doesn't know that Zhan and I are a couple now, that I can finally talk to him, which I do so much that it even annoyed him, and that Zhan is starting to sing in front of others again.

My, also still uninformed father and unfortunately also my mother, said that they want to accompany us to the States. And already when we arrived at the airport, my mother behaved completely out of line and didn't even greet Zhan. Then on the plane she insisted that she and Zhan switch seats so that she could sit next to me. But my father held her in her seat and told her that if she didn't stop right away, he would throw her out of the plane.

Once we landed in the States, a driver from Zhan's family picked us up at the airport. My mother looked at me confused. I think she probably thinks Zhan is nothing more than a penniless, untalented man who somehow twisted my head.

And we came up to Zhan's family's huge house, my mom was staring at it with eyes wide open. She stared even more when an employee of the house addressed him as "Young Master". My father looked at her and laughed and then said to her, "Didn't I mention how wealthy the family is?"

Zhan's parents and sister greeted me warmly with a hug and were very happy to see me again. And after we all unpacked our luggage, we went downstairs to the lounge where Zhan's family was already waiting for us.

We all sat down and Zhan's father asked us about the current state of affairs. I looked at Zhan, smiled and asked, "Would you like to start, my love?" And everyone suddenly stared at us.

My father panting and saying, "You can finally talk to him?"

Zhan's father asked, "You're a couple?"

And Zhan's mother giggled and said, "Now all Ah Zhan has to do is sing again." And I told her he did.

Zhan's sister hugged us both and said, "Congratulations to you both, I'm happy for you." She also said to me, "Take good care of my little brother. Because if you hurt him, I'll hurt you."

Only my mother seemed unenthusiastic and asked why Zhan's parents didn't think that his social status would suffer if it became known that he was gay.

Zhan's father cleared his throat and said in a very serious tone: "The only person who cares about something like that is you! We support our son in everything he does. And especially when he loves someone. We don't care what others think, all that matters is that Ah Zhan is happy. What can be more important than your child's happiness? Just look at your own son, see how happy he is with Ah Zhan and then tell me what's wrong with that?"

"They are both men. Natural relationships are between a man and a woman. Not between two men." She replied.

Zhan's mother stood up and said, "What is unnatural about our sons' love? What does it matter that they are both men? Does it make them love each other less? Certainly not. Instead of going against this relationship, you should stand behind your son and support him. You, as his mother, should cheer him on, be happy for him, and make sure that no one destroys their happiness."

I also said something to all this: "I don't care what my mother thinks. Because I love Zhan and I want to be with him. We're not doing anything wrong just because we love each other, Mom. And you should get to know Zhan before you make any judgments." Then I took Zhan by the hand and I lifted it. "Just like that, hand in hand, Zhan and I will continue on our journey together. Whether you like it or not."

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