-14- Hands off!

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-14- Hands off!

In the new week, Zhan and I fortunately had duty together and so we could go to work and home together. Although we haven't talked about our relationship status yet, it felt like we were a couple.

Zhan and I drove to work together, spent the time between our appointments together, had lunch together, led a team counseling for our department together, and finally drove home together again. On the way there we went shopping, cooked together and spent the evening together on the sofa. Except for two evenings when I was rehearsing with my band and Zhan was with his cousin. So it was like a relationship.

Of course there were a few things that bothered me. For example that the young interns were always around Zhan because they all wanted to go to the operating room with him. Some of the nurses were arguing violently when it came to scheduling. Because most of them wanted to work with Zhan or at least on the same shift.

But Zhan had found a good solution for the problems. But not to the delight of the nurses and young interns. The nurses who started arguing were not allowed to work shifts with Zhan. And the interns who were desperate to be around for the surgeries, he chose to test them and their knowledge to see who really cares about working as a neurosurgeon, or who is just curious.

Zhan now has a nurse and a male nurse who work for him full-time. They assist him with consultations and examinations, make appointments for him and his patients and take care of the office stuff.

Unfortunately, my love song for Zhan was not yet ready for the upcoming gig. I showed my lyrics to Wooseok and he found them too general and not emotional enough. And we haven't found a suitable sound yet. And Seungyoun doesn't make it any easier for me by constantly asking me who I have fallen in love with. I would love to be able to confide in him as my best friend, but I know how this will end. So I have to be stubborn and keep it to myself. At least until I have confessed my feelings to Zhan and hopefully manage to talk to him.

Then on Saturday we had our show. The club was crowded and we sold the rest of our albums before our gig. I guess it's time to order new ones, because there were a lot more people interested in buying them.

We rehearsed our gig and prepared ourselves well. But when it started, Seungyoun drove me completely crazy again with his eternal questioning who is the beauty and when I was planning to introduce HER to him. So it didn't take long until, in the middle of our gig, he completely threw me out of my mind and at some point I even forgot my lyrics.

I was so angry that I took him to the back during the break and told him to stop getting on my nerves with his eternal questioning. He said I shouldn't be angry with him, he as my best friend, he only wanted to know who was the lucky one who could conquer my heart.

"You'll know all about it when I'm ready to tell, all right?" I ask him angrily.

"Hey, you're my best friend and you even involved my boyfriend, why can't I know?"

"Because I know you'll do things that will only embarrass me or get me in trouble like before. When you thought I was into that girl."

"That was then. I promise I'm not gonna do anything like that. All I want to know is who won your heart. What she looks like and what she's like."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. I just want to see for myself first where it takes me. And if we fit together."

If I had told him that it wasn't a woman but a man, he would only have come to Zhan even faster. I can't take that risk. I cannot and will not risk him knowing anything before I confide in Zhan. Before I could tell Zhan how I really feel about him and in which direction I would like to go with him in our relationship.

After the short break, we were back on stage and finished our performance. This time without any mistakes or text interruptions.

About an hour after our gig, the others from my band went home while I sat down at the bar with Zhan and waited for him. I wanted to go home with him again and I didn't care if it would take longer. Before Zhan came into my life, I usually wanted to go home as soon as possible and enjoy the peace and quiet. Now with Zhan, I like to wait for him in the noisy club. Especially, because I can be so sure that no one will steal him away from me.

Unfortunately, the three young women from last week had also been there. They came up to me at the bar, and one of the three came closer and closer. Again and again she pretended to touch me by "mistake" and I kept moving away from her. However, she followed me. Her two friends went dancing and left her with me, saying, "Have fun, you two."

She ordered one drink after another and was already quite drunk when she suddenly put her hand on mine and offered me to spend the night with her. I was about to tell her to disappear, when Zhan suddenly grabbed her wrist and said loudly: "Hands off! Enough!"

She laughed and asked why he was interfering when I supposedly like her too. Zhan said, "Don't you have eyes in your head? Can't you see how uncomfortable he feels when you keep touching him? Haven't you noticed that he doesn't respond to anything you do? He doesn't even talk to you!"

" And why do you care?" She asked loud and slurred.

"He's a musician in this club, the manager hired him to entertain you guests. And just because he's on stage singing for you fans doesn't mean you have the right to touch him again and again. If he wanted anything from you, he would have reacted accordingly. But since he didn't, it should make you think."

The young woman's friends took her away from the bar and apologized. Apparently they heard Zhan and her friend arguing. Zhan gave me an angry look and disappeared into the staff area. I ran after him immediately and when I reached him, I reached for his hand. But Zhan furiously slapped my hand away.

"Now not Yibo. I'm not in the mood for whatever this is between us."

I wrote him, not to be angry with me. And he said, "How can I not be mad at you? I really don't want to act like your jealous boyfriend. But you leave me no choice. I thought it was just me where you couldn't open your mouth, but apparently there's something about that bitch that makes you not open your mouth and let her touch you, while you keep quiet."

Immediately I shook my head and wanted to write him that it wasn't so and I was about to say something when he intervened. But then Zhan's bitter punishment followed. "You can go home and go to sleep. I will stay in my room for the next few nights. I really don't want to look at you right now because I'll only get angrier. Cuddle with your pillow or blanket, but not with me!"

I froze. I didn't expect Zhan to get so angry. He left me standing there and disappeared into his cousin's office.

To avoid turning Zhan against me even more, I took a taxi home and drank half a bottle of red wine in frustration. Things were just going so well between us and then I screwed it up because I didn't show the young woman her limits sooner. How could I be so stupid and just wait and do nothing? How can I calm Zhan down again?

Tired, frustrated, sad and angry at myself, as well as drunk, I went to bed hoping that Zhan wouldn't be so angry at me later.

LOVE SONG! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now