-9- It makes the heart laugh

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-9- It makes the heart laugh

In the morning Zhan and I were woken by his sister. She screamed out loud, "Mom, Dad, you have to see how cute Zhan and his friend look when they cuddle." I opened my eyes and noticed that Zhan and I were holding each other in our arms. And the really weird thing was, I wasn't even embarrassed. Quite the opposite, in fact!

Zhan's parents and my father came running to the room and we were still holding each other in our arms. Zhan's parents, I thought they were screaming and asking what we were doing, laughed out loud and asked if we had a nice night. I nodded and grinned, while my father suddenly started shouting, "Yes, that's my boy!"

I dared to look at Zhan's face and see that he was smiling too. Could it be that he likes me too?

After we freshened up and changed our clothes, Zhan and I went downstairs to join the others. He chattered happily while I sent him my answers via mobile phone. Before we got to the others, Zhan asked me, "Well, did you sleep good?"

I wrote him on it, "Damn good." What Zhan read with a laugh.

I feel incredibly well with Zhan and could imagine continuing like this forever. With one exception. I would like to tell and ask him my answers and questions in person.

When we arrived at the others, Zhan's father said to me, "I guess I don't have to ask if you two get along well."

"Uh, no, sir. I think we get along very well." I replied and Zhan nodded. There it was again. I could talk to others in his presence, just not to him.

"So does that mean you would like to take Zhan back to Beijing with you?" His mother asked.

"I would like that very much." I said.

"Then you must promise us something, Yibo." Said his sister. I asked her what I had to promise and Zhan's family looked at each other, whispered something, looked at me, looked at Zhan, whispered again and finally they agreed.

"We want you to promise to take good care of our Zhan. We don't want him to spend the night somewhere else. Call us at least once a week. Don't work too much overtime. And work with you on your problem." Zhan's mother said.

I looked at her questioningly and she added, "We noticed right away you can't get a word out to Zhan. And besides, we only heard Zhan talking while we eavesdroped. So we put one and one together. Zhan can certainly help you with this problem. He's a neurosurgeon, but he also has a great knowledge in psychology and psychiatry."

My father looked at me knowingly and nodded. "I knew it too. But I knew you wouldn't tell me because you were afraid of how I'd react." How right he was.

"Okay, I promise you all of this." I finally said.

But before I was completely discharged, Zhan's father asked me for a private conversation. I nervously followed him to his office and, after he asked me to, sat down on the chair in front of his desk. Then he told me about Zhan's past and the kidnapping. "You should know, Zhan has processed this. But unfortunately, something still remained behind and prevented our son from doing what he loved to do most. To sing. It would be nice if you could try to get him to sing again."

"But if even you couldn't do that, how can I?"

"I think you and your father will surely think of something."

"We'll see. I'll try it."

"I'm glad about that. And please be a little lenient with him. He is a really clever person, he can see from a brain, which feelings are active in humans at the moment. But unfortunately he is a late bloomer when it comes to recognizing his own feelings. I can see that you feel more for my son. And I think if you give him some time, he might respond to your feelings."

"Does Zhan even like men?"

"Well, he definitely doesn't like women. Otherwise, he'd have married a long time ago. Because he's met so many beautiful, smart, and lovely women in his life that he would have to at least meet one of them to get to know her better. But this was not so. And he seems to feel comfortable with you around him. You were cuddled up and sleeping together and Zhan didn't mind."

"Okay. Um, does that not bother you? I mean, if Zhan really is into men."

"We've always cared that Zhan is fine and comfortable with the people around him. And if he falls in love, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. What matters to us is that Zhan is fine and happy."

I could really feel the great love Zhan's father feels for him. And I also felt that he was telling the truth. I envy Zhan a little for such a loving family. No wonder he is such a warm person when he grew up with a family like this.

"Find out if Zhan feels the same way about you and be happy if he does. Support each other and take good care of each other." Said Zhan's father, and when you hear something like that, it makes the heart laugh. I was relieved in that moment and just happy that his father said that.

We went back to the others and announced that Zhan could pack his bags and accompany us to Beijing. Out of joy, Zhan hugged me. And his mother immediately said: "And you better listen to Yibo. And I don't want to hear that you continue to waste your talent behind the bar."

"I'm not, Mom. Promise!..... Ah? Wait, I'm older than Yibo, why do I have to listen to him?"

"Because unlike you, he's more mature for his age." His mother replied with a giggle.

I love this family.

Zhan packed his bags and his sister sat on his bed watching him. She looked a little worried and kept repeating that Zhan should be careful and call her often. They also hugged each other again and again and that's when I understood what Jiang Cheng meant when he said that the two siblings loved each other dearly.

I love my brother too, but between us it is not even half as harmonious. But maybe that is also because we are both men. With a sister, it might be something different. And if we had parents like Zhan and Yanli.

After lunch, we all said goodbye to Zhan's family. When the taxi arrived, Zhan almost jumped into the car, apparently he could hardly wait to get back to Beijing.


In Beijing

When we landed, my father let his driver pick him up. Zhan and I took a cab to my, well, now our home. I showed him the room that was now his when we arrived. He was absolutely thrilled with the furniture. "Wow, what a big soft bed." He wondered when he dropped himself on it. I just watched him and was happy to see him so happy.

Zhan quickly unpacked his bags and came to me in the living room. He sat down beside me and asked me, "Do you think your father can give you three more days off?"

I wrote him the question for what. And he said, "I'd like to take you for a trip and show you something."

I nodded and called my father afterwards. He said if my appointments at the clinic could be rescheduled, he would have no problem giving me a few days off. So I called the hospital and asked if my brother could arrange for my appointments to be postponed for a week. And after I explained why, he gladly agreed to do so.

Now I'm really excited about where Zhan wants to take me and what he wants to show me. But for today and after the long flight, let's call it a day and get back in bed. It's a pity that Zhan and I can't fall asleep next to each other again. It was really nice to be in bed with him like it was.

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