-8- Promised

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-8- Promised

I spoke to my father in the morning and told him that Xiao Zhan had been ordered home by his father. My father asked me why and I told him that he did not tell his father that he was going to Beijing after he stopped his research at John Hopkins. My father, of course, knew all about this research and said: "The research on activating special immune cells to increase brain function in old age. He didn't actually abandon this research, but left it to someone else. He is planning a new research project for later. At least that's what the article I read said."

"I see. But what do we do now? His cousin thinks we can get him back if we can convince his father."

"I happen to know his father. We studied at the same university back then. Maybe I could persuade him to let his son work for us. There's always been a hierarchy in this family. You do what the head of the family says."

"So like at home, what Dad?"

"Don't be cheeky. Give me the number I want to call his father."

I gave my father the phone number and then he disappeared into his workroom for two hours. While I sat on hot coals in the living room, waiting. When my father finally came out of his workroom, he smiled and I thought he had done it. But then he said, "Boy, pack your bags, we're going to the U.S. To pick up Xiao Zhan."

"How? What? We're going to do what exactly?"

"I've talked to his father for the past two hours and he's willing to let his son work for us. But he wants to meet you. Because I told him if he let xiao zhan work here with us, he could live with you."

"You didn't say that, did you? Are you kidding me?"

" Absolutely not my son. The apartment is funded by me, and you have a spare room. Xiao Zhan can move in there. That way, he won't have to sleep on the couch at his cousin's house."

"He slept on the couch?"

"Yeah, at least that's what I've been told. And since you like him anyway, and you'll also be colleagues, it's good if you can live together."

I think I should start telling my dad the truth about not getting a word out to Zhan. But if I do, my father will want to analyze me again immediately. Because like Zhan's father, my father is a genius in psychiatry and psychology. And I would be afraid that he would lock Zhan and me in an empty room so that I would be confronted with my fear. I'm sure he would do that.

My father, sent Saori, his favorite employee in the house, to pack his suitcase and I went to my apartment. "I'll come and pick you up in two hours." Had he still shouted after me when I got on my bike and was about to leave.

During my 10 minute ride home, I thought about how embarrassing it would be if we arrived in the States at Zhan's family and I was unable to speak to Zhan in person. And then I am hopelessly at the mercy of two professionals in psychology and psychiatry. Because it's practically impossible that they won't notice it.


In the USA

We landed two hours ago and have been sitting in the house with Zhan's family for an hour. The really big house. First, we met Zhan's sister. When I saw her, I remembered that she also studied psychology and I saw how my chances of being able to hide my shortcomings continued to drop.

After that I met Zhan's mother. She sat down opposite me and looked at me closely. She smiled and nodded repeatedly and my father grinned. I have no fucking idea what was going on between them and what it all meant, but I really have a very bad feeling.

When Zhan and his dad came home from wherever they were, I thought, Here we go, now they will see that there is something wrong with me. Instead, Zhan smiled at me and pulled me into his room behind him. "Let's let the old ones talk." He said laughing.

His father shouted, "Who's old here?"

" Who do you think it is, Dad? You!"

"Cheeky rascal. How can you say I'm old?"

" Say? You are old!"

And before his father could say anything else, Zhan was already dashing off with me in tow. Once in his room, I sat down on a chair and looked around. I was amazed how little personal stuff Zhan had there. Here and there a few books, a certificate on the wall and a few pictures. There was nothing more.

I tried not to look at Zhan, but somehow I couldn't. He looked at me and then said, "In case you want to communicate with me, you can write to me. At least as long as you are not able to talk to me. I don't know why that is, but I think there must be a reason why you can talk to everyone else when I am there, but not to me personally. I hope I didn't cause this with you through anything."

I felt pathetic. Not only did Zhan already see my problem and I wasn't able to tell him it wasn't his fault and I wanted to talk to him. No, I also had tears in my eyes, even as a 25-year-old adult. I was suddenly so desperate and felt like a drowning man on the high seas.

I would so much like to talk to him, talk to him and get to know him better. Tell him how much I like and admire him. And ask him on a date. But all I could do was look at him with tears in my eyes and shake my head.

But Zhan reacted very warmly. He took me in his arms and stroked my back and said, "Okay, I understand. So I'm not to blame. Let's do it this way, I'll just talk for both of us. And if you have something to tell me, write it to me. I'll give you my mobile number and then you can bombard me with messages if you want."

That made me laugh. I was glad the way he reacted and how calm he seemed to take all this.

Zhan took my phone, typed in his cell number and had his phone ring. He saved my cell phone number and then wrote "Hi, how are you?" I smiled and started typing.

"Good, a little tired and overwhelmed."

And Zhan said, "Would you like to lie down for a while? You can lie down in my bed or I'll arrange for a guest room."

I wrote, "That's okay, thanks. I'll be fine."

Zhan smiled and then said, "Just lie down. I won't disturb you. You just rest and I'll watch a video about a new surgical technique." So I nodded and went to his bed. Zhan sat down next to me with his notebook and then watched his video while I slept deeply and firmly beside him like a baby.

When I woke up, Zhan was in bed next to me and was sleeping too. Outside it was already dark and when I looked at my watch, I realized that it was already midnight. I took my cell phone and had a new message. It was from Zhan and he wrote: "I will not tell anyone about your problem. I promise."

I felt relieved to know that. I lay down next to him again, turned on my side and looked at Zhan calmly. For the first time, I could just look at him and admire him without constantly asking myself how I could talk to him. And I am also glad that we now have at least a temporary solution.

Somehow I hope that my dad can persuade his dad and Zhan will come with us and he will live with me. I would love to have Zhan close to me. Who knows, maybe he and I could really become something. Maybe I have a chance with him?

But first, I have to convince his family of me. I wonder how I'm going to do that.

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