-6- Heroes of the day

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-6- Heroes of the day

Yesterday on Wednesday, Xiao Zhan had really called the clinic and said he would come by for an interview on Thursday at 8 am. My father was so excited that he immediately had the two operating rooms of the neurology ward cleaned again. They had never been used before because we had never had a neurosurgeon before.

He also set up a modern consulting room, hoping that this would make Xiao Zhan interested in working for us. I don't think that's enough to recruit Xiao Zhan to our clinic. But it's worth a try,right?

On Thursday morning, before I went on duty, I had to go to my father's office and wait with him at the entrance of the clinic for Xiao Zhan to arrive.

It was 8 am, but there was no sign of Xiao Zhan. Then it became 8:30 am, but still Xiao Zhan was not there. Instead, there was an alarm. My father and I ran into the clinic to find out what was going on. The doctor on duty at the emergency room explained that there had been a huge accident. Apparently the tank of a natural gas truck exploded for unknown reasons. It was in the middle of a traffic jam, when suddenly the explosion occurred. Flying debris from the tank was scattered by the pressure of the explosion. They apparently flew up like projectiles and into and around the other cars. The current estimate is that at least 150 people are seriously injured. They will be spread out to different hospitals and the first ambulances are already on their way here.

Several surgeons, assistants and all other freely available doctors came running to the entrance and waited with us for the arriving ambulances. Like everyone else I was very nervous.

When the first ambulance arrived and the doors were opened. They pulled out an ambulance stretcher and I saw a man lying on it. And on this man, on his chest, sat Xiao Zhan. He screamed for everyone to get out of the way and for a cardiothoracic surgeon to come immediately. " The only thing stopping that man from bleeding to death is my ass. So get me a damn cardiothoracic surgeon and send him up to the neuro. The man has a fist-sized open wound on his head. And his brain is only protected by my hand. And I want four assistants in the operating room. Next to this man is an toddler. The boy also has a large open wound on his head."

All running around,and while I was in shock, I was running behind the stretcher with xiao zhan and a cardiothoracic surgeon. Xiao Zhan was covered in blood and it would have been impossible to tell if he himself might have an injury.

After we arrived at the neurology department, Xiao Zhan gave further instructions: "Two assistants each to an operating room. Bring me some surgical clothes and a pair of clean shoes. I'm going to take a shower, and when I come back, we'll start right away."

He ran to the showers and came back a few minutes later. I stood there and wanted to ask him if I could help too. I'm not a surgeon like him. Xiao Zhan saw me standing there, stopped in front of me, put his hand on my shoulder and asked me, "Do you think you can assist me in the operation?" I nodded and then followed Zhan to the preparation room.

By the time we entered the operating room, the cardiothoracic surgeon was already hard at work. Zhan explained to me what the interns and I have to do. "Dr. Wang, you'll come with me to the little boy. It will be your job to keep him awake. Talk to him, ask him questions or sing to him. Just keep him awake." He told me.

Two of the interns in their last year, he explained how they have to prepare the skull of the older man. "Shave his head. I don't want to see any more hair on it. Clean his wound and remove the small skull fragments. Also, one of you should cleanly grind the open area of the skull so that a nice round hole is created. And then we will attach a plate to it later. If there's anything, call me. And be careful not to hit his brain when you work on the wound."

Then Zhan dragged me behind him to the other operating room to the little boy. I sat next to him and held his hand. The anesthesiologist explained that Zhan could start. I saw the large wound on the boy's head and I felt sick. "Dr. Wang, please take only care of the little one." Zhan said, seeing the look I had on my face.

I asked the little boy if he was already in kindergarten, and he said he was. Next I asked him if he had a friend or girlfriend there. The little one said, "Yes, Nana."

"And is Nana a girl or a boy?"

"A girl."

"And is she your girlfriend?"

"Mn. She likes me."

"Well, you're a pretty boy."

"Nana says she'll marry me soon."

"Really? Wow, congratulations."

"Thank you, sir."

I asked him if he liked music. He said yes, and I asked him if I should sing to him.

"Hey, you should totally let him sing to you. He's a very good singer." Xiao Zhan intervened.

"Yes, please, sing for me." Said the little one and I quietly sang a song for the boy while Zhan, along with two assistants, worked on the boy's open skull.

I listened to Zhan's instructions to the two interns and watched them carry out what he explained to them. It was wonderful to watch him do it. Forty minutes later, they put a plate on the boy's head and Xiao Zhan explained to him, "When your girlfriend sees these, she'll see what a brave boy you are."

After exactly one hour, the little one was shoved out of the operating room and Zhan went back to his other patient. The two interns did a good job, and Zhan let one of them attach a plate to the man's skull.

But the two of them, were not the only patients that day. In total, Zhan had operated on 11 patients. He finished the last one at 03:30 am. And I stayed by his side the whole time. Now I also understand why my father is so keen to win Xiao Zhan for our clinic.

I heard the interns rave about him. They admired his calm manner in the operating room and were happy that he showed them a lot of trust and let them do a lot of things themselves. They said that they wished he would work for our clinic and the two youngest assistants said that they would definitely turn to the field of neurosurgery.

On Friday at noon a TV station brought a report about the accident and showed several men and women who were tirelessly searching for injured people. It was even shown how Zhan took care of several patients and then sat down on the man's chest to prevent him from bleeding to death and having both hands free. The newsreader said these men, women and doctors were the heroes of the day.

The cardiothoracic surgeon was even impressed by Zhan's ingenuity. "Just stopping the bleeding with his butt to have both hands free was just genius. He actually saved the man's life with his ass."

And while Xiao Zhan was resting in a rest room for us doctors, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said, "This is exactly why I want Dr. Xiao to work for us. He's just a fantastic doctor."

I agreed with him. I saw him work, calm, experienced and very professional. I was absolutely impressed with him. And even though I didn't talk to him myself, I loved that he talked to me. He ignored my speechlessness as if it didn't exist and not only explained every step he took but also chatted cheerfully.

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