-21- Club night and a new love song (Last Chapter)

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-21- Club night and a new love song (Last Chapter)

Zhan and I have been happily married for six months. We gave up the apartment and bought a nice little house and furnished it very comfortably to our taste. It also has a small garden and a pool.

We both work a lot in the clinic and meanwhile I often help Zhan with the operations. I have decided to expand my specialty and become a neurosurgeon as well. Zhan is my trainer and he is a strict one. But fortunately I learn quickly and Zhan is often very proud of me and praises me a lot. Through him I have rediscovered the passion for this profession and I want to develop myself further.

When we're not working, I have to study or rehearse with my band or we have gigs where Zhan often stands next to me and performs together with me, we prefer to spend our time at home in our own four walls. We drink a glass of red wine by candlelight and just enjoy our love for each other.

It's still incredible to me that Zhan and I only met and got together a year ago. Zhan once told me that when he saw me on stage for the first time, he immediately fell in love with me. But he didn't want to let those feelings start, until he had met me a few times and had to realize for himself that he couldn't escape me. And it was only because of me that he started to work at the clinic. He wanted to get to know me better and be near to me.

Oh yes, three weeks ago Hai Kuan became a father. He made shortly after the birth of his son, feeling 100 pictures and sent them to Zhan and me. When we visited Zoey in the clinic and I wanted to see my nephew, Hai Kuan was full of love for the two of them and could not stop admiring how brave Zoey was at the birth and how sweet his son looks.

My father is dating again and has his eye on a dentist at the moment. She is very nice and makes my father look years younger. Who knows, maybe soon I will have a stepmother with whom my father can spend the rest of his life, happy and in harmony.

Since my mother and he divorced, he is a completely different person. He is cheerful, laughs a lot and enjoys his life again.

My mother is back with the man she had an affair with. He apparently divorced his wife when he found out that my mother is single again. She has rented out her practice and now travels constantly with this man. Now she accepts my marriage to Zhan. Even though she still grinds her teeth. But she still doesn't get along with Zoey, which is why Hai Kuan rarely has contact with her.

Tonight I had another gig with my band at P18. The club has been completely overhauled and offers besides the hall with the club music, now also a hall for live music. We perform there about every two weeks. And when Zhan is not on stage with me, he stands behind the bar and keeps an eye on me.

That's what happened tonight. Zhan stood behind the bar while I was on stage with my band. And today I sang my second love song. And again, of course, only for Zhan. I call the song - My Endless Love - and it was very well received not only by Zhan.

After the gig we decided to enjoy the club night a little bit more and celebrate. Because Wooseok and Seungyoun, have come one step further to their dream. They finally saved enough money to buy their own little dream house. The next one will be their wedding. I'm really happy for them.

I was sitting at the bar watching my husband when a very familiar person sat down next to me, put her arm on my shoulder and slurred that I owe her a night together. I stared at the young woman who hadn't been to the club since then or I just overlooked her and told her to take her arm away from me because I am not interested in her.

She laughed and said: "You can't fool me. I see how you are already undressing me with your eyes. You want it too. So let's have one last drink and then we'll go back to my place or yours and do it all night."

"Get your filthy hands off him." Zhan suddenly yelled at her.

"And why should I do that?" She asked grimly.

Zhan raised my hand and pointed to the ring. "He doesn't wear it for decoration."

"So what? Is that supposed to stop him? Who's the bitch anyway?"

I took Zhan's hand, showed her the ring on Zhan's finger and said, " May I introduce you to my wonderful, sweet, lovable husband?"

She laughed again and asked if this was a joke and if we were putting on this show to keep the bitches away from me. To give her my appropriate answer, I got up, went behind the bar to Zhan, put my arms around him and kissed him passionately.

However, the young woman thought it was just for show and the kiss was fake, so I looked around to make sure no one was watching us, I let my hand slide into Zhan's pants on his butt, kissed him and pressed him firmly against me.

I looked deep into her eyes afterwards and said, "This is my husband, I love him very much and would never cheat on him. And certainly not with a woman. We've been happily married for six months and nothing and nobody can break us up."

Zhan took me happily in his arms and kissed my cheek. "I love you, too, dear, and I'm glad you're my husband."

The bitch stormed off furiously while Zhan and I enjoyed our club night.

I think even if I still couldn't talk to Zhan, we'd still be right where we are. Simply because we love each other and understand each other without words. Sometimes we only need to look at each other to know what the other person is thinking.

To be honest, I never believed in such a deep love and I always laughed when someone spoke about it. But now, with Zhan, I know that this love exists and it cannot be compared to anything else. I only needed to see Zhan once to know that I love him and want to be with him. I knew somehow, somewhere, that we were meant for each other. He belongs to me and I belong to him. Maybe that's why we've never fallen in love with anyone else before. Because it was our fate and destiny that we would meet and love each other.

By the way, I decided for myself that it was my love song that allowed me to talk to Zhan. Anyway, it sounds better than saying I was so shocked that I could suddenly talk to him. It sounds much more romantic when I tell that I was only able to talk to Zhan when I confessed my feelings for him in my love song.

Our future together is still open and everything is possible, but no matter what comes, I know that Zhan and I will be together and together we can master everything if we stick close together. And I'm pretty sure that I will write many more love songs for Zhan.


A/N: In the end the story turned out to be different than I originally planned and it became shorter than I thought. But still I'm happy about this book and liked to end it with a happy ending.

I hope I could entertain you a little bit with it. I thank you for the votes and comments.😘

LOVE SONG! [YiZhan FF]✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu