-20- Secrets

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-20- Secrets

We spent every day on the beach and in the water and took every opportunity to love each other. Unfortunately, the days in Italy passed very quickly and we had to pack our bags again. But at least there were still two days in Las Vegas ahead of us. And from there, we will travel to Zhan's family and spend another night there.

On the flight to Vegas, we were lucky this time and no children jumped and raged screaming through our rows. It was quiet and didn't take as long as the flight to Italy.

When we reached Vegas, we had a room in a chic and hip hotel, we used the first evening to visit some casinos and clubs. Only around five o'clock in the morning we were back at the hotel, slept for four hours and then left again.

After an extensive lunch, we walked a little along the street and stopped in front of a wedding chapel. Zhan and I looked at each other and suddenly I said, "Come on, let's get married." Zhan stared at me and rolled his eyes.

"You call that a proposal?" He asked me. And all I thought was, Yeah, he didn't say no.

I dropped down on my knees before him, took his hands and Zhan suddenly laughed, and before I could romantically propose to him, explain to him how much I love him and why I want to marry him, Zhan said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go get married!"

At first I thought we might be denied. But luckily, they didn't. We only had to pay extra because we didn't have our own best man and two employees had to witness our marriage. It was not very romantic and certainly not what I had imagined marrying Zhan. But just the thought of Zhan being my husband was the best thing for me. And we could still have a romantic ceremony.

As two men in a relationship, we entered this chapel in our white shirts and black jeans, got married dressed like this and left this chapel, an hour later as two men who are now married. Zhan and I also found a jewelry store right next door where we bought wedding rings, which represent our marriage and love and which we would wear forever from then on.

The two simple golden rings were nothing special in themselves, but they were a symbol of our love and belonging to each other. Something that others would see and know, we both belong together.

We still visited a museum, went to a musical and then ate in the hotel's own restaurant before we tiredly went up to our room, celebrated our wedding night a little and then fell asleep totally exhausted.

The next morning we still had breakfast at the hotel and then took a taxi to the airport. We decided not to tell our families about our wedding for the time being and to wait a little longer. Since we had to assume that they would not be very pleased because they were not present.

We continued by plane and on the way Zhan called his father to send us a driver. When we arrived at our destination, we got into the driver's car, who looked at us and said, "Congratulations on your wedding." We both ran red, thanked him, and knew we wouldn't be able to keep the secret.

When we arrived at Zhan's family home, we were surprised. My parents and brother were there too. Curious, we asked why they were there and my father said, "To discuss your soon marriage." Zhan suddenly coughed violently and I swallowed heavily.

And it was Zhan's sister who suddenly shouted loudly: "Apparently we are too late. The two are already married. See the rings?"

After that we had to listen for an hour, how disappointed they all were because we didn't even tell them. At the same time they were happy for us. Well, except for my mother, who was furious that we got married.

And then my brother suddenly stood up, faced us all and told us his biggest secret: "Emily and I have been divorced for nine months. She met another man and I met another woman. Her name is Zoey Meng, she's a pediatrician, 29 years old, and we've been married two months ago."

I've never seen my father speechless for so long. Even after ten minutes he still hadn't said a word. While my mother complained incessantly that she had not been at the wedding of her eldest son and had not met his wife before. Then my mother complained about Zhan and me again.

And suddenly, my father screamed at her to shut up and said, "It doesn't matter. The main thing is that our sons are happy. I made the mistake of forcing Hai Kuan to marry Emily. They always hated each other and never got along. Now he has obviously found a good woman who makes him happy. That's a good thing. And as for Yibo, I am proud of him. He found the love of his life and he took action. But what we should do now is get the families together and have a proper wedding with all the trimmings. And that goes for our two sons."

The said proper wedding took place four months later in Canada. It was a double wedding and almost all of our relatives, acquaintances and friends were there. And of course our families. Except my mother.

When we left the States and came back to Beijing, my father divorced her. Since both agreed, it happened very quickly. She moved into the apartment above her practice and refused to attend the double wedding.

And the reason why my father divorced her so quickly was that when she met Doctor Zoey Meng, she felt that she was not good enough for Hai Kuan and wanted to force her to divorce from Hai Kuan. And this, even though Zoey had been pregnant for six weeks. At that moment, my father grabbed my mother by the upper arm, pulled her to the front door and threw her out of the house.

They didn't see each other again until they signed the papers for the divorce. My mother had hoped for support from her parents and siblings, but they were just angry and totally shocked by her behavior. My grandmother said to her: "You have two sons and your only duties as a mother are to love them, support them and respect their decisions. Hai Kuan fell in love with Zoey and even though she does not have a high income, she is still very precious, especially to your son. And Yibo found for himself, his jackpot. He loves his Zhan more than anything and it should just make you happy to see how much your son loves and is loved."

But my mother remained stubborn and insisted on her opinion and this is unacceptable for her parents and siblings.

By the way, Zhan and I are planning to go back to Italy for our honeymoon and rent that cute little beach house again.

Hai Kuan is already very excited about becoming a father. He has already set up a nursery, but Zoey's tummy is only just starting to grow. I think my brother will be a great father. He is a loving and very caring man who has always loved children and wanted children for himself. With Zoey he can now fulfil his dream.

His ex-wife, however, was less fortunate. Shortly after the double wedding, we heard that she had been disowned by her family. Because she had not only cheated on Hai Kuan during the marriage, divorced him secretly and lied to everyone. But also because she dared to touch her family's assets to give her new boyfriend some very expensive gifts. A house, a sports car, a motorcycle, new clothes and much more. Her parents are said, that they paid her her share, the rest was left after all deductions, and then threw her out. Hai Kuan heard that she now lives in a tiny apartment and works as a cleaning woman.

Seungyoun and Wooseok also want to get married. But they want to save a bit more money first, buy a house and only then get married. I'm sure they'll manage to do everything they set out to do. They stick together even though they bicker a lot.

A/N: The next chapter, then, is the last chapter.

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