-7- Where is Zhan

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-7- Where is Zhan

After Zhan had rested a little, he came out of the rest room and talked on the phone with someone for a good ten minutes. He seemed to be discussing something with the person. When he was done talking on the phone, he came up to me and my father. He told my father that he had an urgent matter to take care of before he hugged me and said, "You did a good job in the operating room."

I put my arms around him, too, and I wanted to hold him like that for a while longer. Zhan says, "Oh, I guess somebody likes to hug."

My father shook his head and said, "Not really. He hates physical contact with others. But apparently he makes an exception for you."

After my father embarrassed me to the bone, I thought Zhan thought I was some kind of weirdo and never spoke to me again. Instead, he rubbed my back and happily said, "Well, I'm glad he's making an exception for me." He smiled at me, tapped my nose with his index finger and said goodbye.

It's been a month now and none of us have seen or spoken to Zhan since. Since he didn't work at the club either, and I finally wanted to know where he was, I asked his cousin, the manager of P18, about him after our gig tonight.

His cousin took me to his office, because it was too loud in the club because of the music. He offered me a seat and after opening a bottle of water he said: "Zhan is in the States with his family right now. His father called him back after he found out that Zhan is no longer working at the John Hopkins and went to Beijing."

"Does his father mind?"

"Yes and no. He was hoping Zhan would continue his research. He had started a study with a professor and wanted to write a research paper with him on it. But Zhan realized they weren't getting anywhere on the subject, and the professor also said they were wasting valuable time on this study. Zhan came here to Beijing instead of going back home to his family. His father didn't know about it and is now mad at him."

"And do you know if Zhan will come back?"

"I assume so. As soon as his father calms down and realizes he can work in a good hospital in Beijing. Actually, his father wanted him to work in the hospital with him, but Zhan never wanted that. And since the neurosurgery there was closed three years ago, he couldn't work there anyway. Don't get his father wrong either. He is a very loving and caring father who would like to wrap Zhan up in cotton wool and carry him around with him all the time."

"Oh, why is that?"

"What I'm about to tell you must remain between us. So please don't tell anyone in your band."

"Of course I won't. I'll keep it to myself."

"At the age of 21, Zhan had been kidnapped by a crazy maniac. Everyone said Zhan hadn't sung since his sister became seriously ill. But the truth is, Zhan was kidnapped and kept in a basement hole by this sick asshole for almost two months. And he hasn't sung since then. The kidnapper hasn't made any demands or contacted anyone. He just wanted to keep Zhan to himself because he fell in love with him. He had been stalking Zhan for quite a while, but because Zhan kept rejecting him, he had dragged him into his car, drugged him and dragged him off in the middle of the night while he was on his way home from a friend. Zhan said the guy hadn't done anything to him, he just wanted to eat and watch TV together with Zhan. Zhan managed to make him believe that he had come to terms with this and would stay with him. This made the guy get careless and Zhan could escape. But before the police could arrest him, he committed suicide. In his suicide note, he said he couldn't live without Zhan. Since then, his father has been like that and wants him with him all the time."

"Wow, that's really weird. No wonder his dad is so scared for him. Now I get it."

"Yeah, but like I said. Please keep it to yourself. I only told you because I get the feeling that you obviously like Zhan a lot. So if you do, and you really want him back in Beijing, make sure his father trusts you."

"Um, what makes you think I like Zhan?"

"Hey, I have eyes in my head. And I see the way you keep looking at my cousin. And if you talk to my uncle, he'll see it right away. He's a crazy good psychiatrist, and an ace in his field. When he looks into your eyes, he often knows immediately what's going on in your mind."

"And what about Zhan's mother? Is she a doctor too? Or his sister? What's she like?"

"Zhan and his mother both work in the same specialty, neurosurgery. But his mother stopped working a long time ago. After Zhan's elder sister became seriously ill and Zhan's youngest brother died, she quit her job and only cared for her daughter. Yanli, Zhan's elder sister studied psychology, but never worked in this profession after her studies. Although she is healthy again, but physically rather weak and therefore her parents think it is better if she doesn't work. Yanli is like a second mother for Zhan. She treats him like her baby. She and Zhan are very close and love each other very much. And if Yanli doesn't like someone, then Zhan doesn't like that person either."

"Then it must be very difficult for Zhan to find someone he can date when that person has to be declared suitable by his family first."

"Well, that's one way to put it. But as far as I know, there was never a test of his family anyway. Since Zhan has never been with anyone or even been in love. I think that person must be very special for Zhan to fall in love."

So Zhan himself has also been through a lot in his life. I'm surprised he can still smile like that. Maybe it's a good thing that the father is a psychiatrist and was able to help Zhan process all this. But maybe Zhan is also a mentally strong person and doesn't let himself get down so easily.

Jiang Cheng, the cousin of Zhan, gave me the phone number and address of his family in the States. He told me to call there and talk to his parents or fly there and meet his family. Because that would probably help Zhan to come back to Beijing.

I should tell my father that he is in the States and probably can't come back without further ado. I bet my dad will want to get on the next plane to talk to the family.

Unfortunately, I realized that I obviously wasn't being careful enough. Because Seungyoun seems to have caught the scent. He is like a sniffer dog, once he has picked up a scent he won't give up until he has traced it back to its origin. If I make any mistake now, he will know who I've fallen in love with, and then it can just become embarrassing.

Yesterday at our rehearsal in the garage, Seungyoun looked at me thoughtfully and asked me if I knew where the new bartender was. I really felt myself turning red. He grinned and then said, "Is there anything I should know?" Luckily, Wooseok saved me at that moment. I think he's figured it out by now, too. Damn, I really should be more careful and less obvious.

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