chapter one.

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I walked into my Aunt and Uncles house after spending the day with Molly. "I'm home!!" I yell tossing the bags from Diagon Alley to the side "Good, good. Go freshen up the boys are coming over." my aunt Euphemia said taking my coat. "Yes Auntie." I said running up to my room and start changing into my jeans  I took my shirt off and James came bursting in "Jeez James maybe knock next time." I grumble hurrying to find a decent shirt. "Relax Y/N I've seen you without a shirt before we grew up together." he said sitting on my bed and I rolled my eyes. "Give me one of your old Quidditch jerseys." I said shutting my closet door. "Why would I do that?" he asks and I sigh "Because Potter they are comfy and I don't have any nice clothes to wear. So be a charming big cousin and go get me one." I said sitting at my desk and he rolled his eyes walking out of the room. I sit tapping my quill on the desk and I hear my aunt greeting the boys who have already arrived "JAMES HURRY UP I NEED A SHIRT!" I yell and he walks in massaging his ear "God Y/N I was about to walk in you didn't have to yell." he mutter as he handed me the jersey that was blue and had Potter on the back of it. I smiled taking it and put it on quickly "You rock James." I said before running down the stairs "I KNOW I DO!" he yelled. "Look who it is." Remus said and I smiled at the three boys "Hey boys! I missed you all, this ones been driving me mental." I said pointing behind my back at James who comes behind me and smakes me on the back of the head. "He barge in without knocking?" Peter asked and I nodded before pulling Sirius into a hug followed by Peter them Remus. " Well your lucky I came in." James said sitting on the couch, me sitting across from him "And whys that?" I ask and he smiles "Because I can tell you that bra is an awful color." he said and Sirius' eyes widened along with Remus and Peter. "Get your minds out of the gutter he barged in while I was getting ready. And for your information Prongs red isn't an awful color." I mutter while throwing a pillow at Sirius who was smirking at me."Well anyways thanks for the comment James. You're always a great help. So how is everyone?" I ask and they all shrug "Mum's a physco like always." Sirius mumbles and I nod "Well last full moon wasn't my best, I'm still sore." Remus said and I gave him a soft smile. "Nothings new with me honestly." Peter said. James took the snitch out of his pocket and started playing with it since he was bored. "Well I've been with Molly today and she can talk about is that Weasley. He seems great don't get me wrong but I just wanted to talk about something else." I mutter grabbing a blanket and covering myself. "You could talk about me. I'm a great subject." Sirius said flipping his hair and the boys laughed "Yes Sirius I could talk about how you're a pain in the ass. Anyway James did you see my scar, is it better?" I ask my cousin. "It looked like it was getting better. I mean it's been what? 8 years? Why do you ask?" he asked and I shrugged "Just wondering. Also James you know that type of scratch doesn't just fade away easy." I say and he nodded. I got the scar from my father when I was little. He went into the forest and me being young and curious I followed him. He scratched my whole side up and ever since that night he apologized twice a day. "You have a scar?" Peter asked and I nodded "Since when?" Sirius asked and I sighed "Since I was eight." I mumble "What was it from?" Remus asked and I stood up. "Do you just want to see it?" I asked and they nodded. I lifted up the jersey to show the three claw marks that ran across my sides, they were slightly faded but they were still there. "Y/N is that from a werewolf?" Remus asked and I could see the worry in his face. I knew he thought it was from damage he may have done during a full moon . "Yes Remus it is, it isn't from you though don't worry." his muscles relaxed at that but Sirius was still confused "What werewolf?" he asked and I looked to James. I grew up learning to take care of my father so I helped Remus after transformations because I did the same with my father but they never knew he was one so when they questioned how I knew everything I always changed the subject. "Erm well, you see-." I started but James took over "When Y/N was 7 her dad was attacked by a werewolf, she learned to take care of his wounds and he loved and appreciated her for it, when she was 8 she ran after him one night because she was curious and two she wanted to give him a kiss goodbye even if she doesn't address it, well he transformed and scratched her before running away, at 9 her fathers transformation was two bad and he passed away leading her to live here with me." he said and I sat back down cuddling with the blanket. "Thanks Jamie." I mumble and he nods. "Woah, Y/N I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't know." Remus said and I just smiled "It's okay, he always apologized after that accident." I said and Sirius spoke up wanting to make everyone happier "Well let's drink some fire whiskey!" he says and the boys cheer before running into the kitchen. James stays behind and looks at me concerned as I was still on the couch lost in my thoughts about my dad. "Photo box?" he asks and I nod slowly "Please." I mumble and he runs to my room to get it. I play with my fingers and jump slightly when James tosses the box beside me. "You need anything else?" he asked and I shook my head "Thanks James. Go on with the boys." I mumble and he nods. I open the box and take out a picture of me and my father during the summer skipping down diagon alley. Everyone was looking at us as if we were mental as we did and I giggled. I put the picture aside and picked up another one of us singing song from the weird sisters. My dad was flipping his 'long' hair and I was jumping up and down. We had black lipstick on with black eyeliner and air guitars. "Oh my." I mutter putting it aside and seeing the next picture which was me dressed up as little red riding hood from a muggle story and he was the big bad wolf. I continue to look at the pictures and I giggle here and there at the memories. I place the pictures back inside and close the lid. "Feeling better?" James asks with the boys behind him as he walked into the living room. "Much better." I say with a smile. Remus sits beside me laying his head on my shoulder and Sirius sits at my feet while Peter sits beside James. "They're drunk." I say and he shakes his head "Nooo they aren't they're not they erm are just tired." James said and I tapped Sirius' shoulder "Hey Sirius, James stole your shampoo that makes your hair shiny." I say and he jumps up "HOW COULD YOU! I TRUSTED YOU! I I IM HEARTBROKEN!" he yells before dramatically falling. "Okay fine they're drunk." he grumbled. "Well Peter is already passed out, I'll take Remus and you get that one." I said pointing to Sirius and he nodded reluctantly. "Come on Remmy." I say getting up taking his hands "Where're we going?" he asks while slurring his words "The beach." I mumble dragging him to my room "Ooo I want a pet shark!" he yelled and I nodded "We'll get you one Rem." I say sitting him on the bed. "Get comfortable and go to sleep." I say and he nods quickly getting under my covers. "Where are you going to sleep?" he asked as he got comfortable "The floor is fine for me Remus." I say laying some blankets down and grabbing a pillow. "No I'll sleep on the floor, you deserve your bed." he said trying to get up but I shoved him back down. I love how he's still thoughtful even though he's intoxicated. "Hey Remus listen to me, you can sleep in the bed. I know you wanna be a nice guy right now but I don't mind okay?" I said and he nodded before snuggling with the blanket. I get comfortable and turn the lights off. "Goodnight Moony." I said "Night Y/N." he said and after that we heard a yell "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BROOM YOU DRUNK DOG!" James yelled and Remus and I burst into fits of laughter before going to sleep.

a lot happened in the chapter but i lowkey love it hahah.

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