chapter twenty-three

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-james point of view-

I was sitting with the boys and Lily in the dorm when a husky comes in and starts speaking "Come to the shrieking shake, I need help." Y/N's voice speak and I freeze "What has she done." I muttered to myself jumping up and getting ready "Was that Y/N's voice?" Peter asked "Is she alright?" Remus asked sounding a bit worried "She'll he fine. I'll catch you guys later." I say before running as fast as I could to the womping willow. I grabbed a stick and hit the stub with it and crawled under the tunnel as fast as I could. I entered the shack and saw Y/N's body laying there and I rushed over to her and knelt beside her. "Y/N wake up. Hey come one please wake up." I say shaking her and her eyes slowly flutter open "Hi Jamie." she whispered weakly and I smiled "Hello Piggie, what happened?" I asked softly and she sighed "She brought me in here and do the torturing curse for 10 minutes and she left." she said and I shook my head "She's an awful women. Here come on." I get up and wrap my arms around her middle slowly lifting her to her feet. Her face scrunched up some at the movement so I went slower until she was standing. "Just sit me on the bed in the other room." she said and I nodded. I picked her up and slowly walked to the bedroom and sat her on the bed carefully. After she got comfortable I say down at the end of the bed "All the others heard." I whispered and she nodded "Splendid. Just tell them I felt sick and ended up fainting." she said and I nodded .Just as I went to speak all the others came into the room looking worried. "What the bloody hell happened!?" Sirius asked rushing to her side. "You don't just send a patronus and expect us to not be worried." Peter said and Lily nodded "You had us scared Piggie." she said and Y/N sighed "I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you." Y/N whispered "So what happened?" Remus asked softly kneeling beside the bed and taking her hand. I eyed their hands but looked back up "Just felt a little sick and then I fainted. Nothing bad I'm fine." she said softly and Remus nodded. "Guys let's let her rest a little." I said holding the door open. "Okay." Lily said walking into the living room along with Sirius and Peter. "You coming Moony?" I asked and he shook his head "I'm going to stay a minute Prongs." he said and I nodded while closing the door and walking to the living room.

-your point of view-

James closed the door and Remus eyes me. "You know I heard your screaming right?" he questioned and my eyes widened "What do you mean?" I asked and he shook his head "The full moon is in three days and if you've forgotten my hearing gets better." he said and I sighed "I know." I mutter not looking at him. "So are you going to tell me the truth?" he asked and I sighed "I really wish I could Remus but I can't. The less people that know the better." I whisper and he nods "I understand. I'm just happy nothing terrible happened." he said kissing my head and I smiled. "We don't have to go get tea later if you want to rest." he whispered and I giggled "Oh no we're getting tea! I wore my cute winter outfit!" I exclaim and he laughs. "Yes Ma'am we'll get tea." he said before cupping my fave and kissing me. I kissed back and then leaned back. "I'll tell you when the coast is clear and I don't have to worry anymore okay?" I say and he nods "Okay." he says. The door opens and Sirius walks in and smiles "You two are adorable. C'mon Moony, mummy Prongs said let Piggie rest." Sirius said and Remus nodded "Thats my cue love, see you at 5:30." he said before leaving the room. Sirius stayed behind a second later and winked at me "Sod off Padfoot." I mumble which makes him chuckle as he closes the door. I slowly let sleep take over my body for a few hours before mine and Remus date.

I woke up to Remus sitting at the end of my bed reading a book. "Morning Glory." he said when I nudged him with my foot. "Morning Moony. Ready for our date?" I ask softly and he nods with a smile on his face. I slowly get up and whence as the pain continues through my body. Remus takes my hand and leads me out of the shack and looks at me his face full of concern. "I guess it'll be easier if I tell you." I mumble and he nods "That would be a good idea." he said and I chuckled "I'm not telling you all of it but erm, my mum used the torturing curse on me for 10 minutes earlier." I whisper and his eyes widened. "10 minutes! That's it we aren't going on our date, you need rest!" he declared his face full of worry and anger. "Remus, I'm fine love I swear." I mumble and he scoffs "I don't care what you say. C'mon let me carry you." he says and I sigh "You aren't going to give this up are you?" I ask and he smiles "Not til you're in my bed resting." he said and I sighed "Fine. Only if I get your navy sweater." I said and he nodded picking me up bridal style "You got it. The others are at Hogsmede so we won't get caught." he said and I giggled "It's fun being secretive." I say and he smiles "It is." he started walking slowly to his dorm careful with his movements not wanting to hurt me. When we got to his dorm he sat me carefully on his bed and started looking through his trunk for the navy sweater. "Rem." I say softly "Yes darling?" he asked "Why are you doing this? Being all sweet." I asked and he chuckled "You've helped me so many times like so many, I think it's time I return the favor." he said pulling out the sweater. I nod as he helps me slide it over my head and I smile at the smell of his cologne. "Read to me?" I asked and he let a chuckle escape his lips. "Sure." he grabbed a book and started reading to me softly which made my eyes droopy. After about 3 chapters I was almost completely asleep "Okay Rem thats enough, come cuddle with me now." I said patting the spot next to me and he happily listened. He came and laid beside me and gently pulled me to his chest and played with my hair. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in his arms.


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