chapter twenty

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I placed all the presents I had just bought under the tree. The list was in my hand and I glanced over it one more time making sure it was something everyone liked.

Remus: 3 new muggle books and chocolate
Sirius: a new hairbrush and a nice shirt
James: glasses case and broom cleaning set
Peter: 2 new jumpers and a new tie
Lily: a new dress with some heels and a necklace
Aunt: a new pair of diamond earrings
Uncle: some whiskey from America and cologne

I smile at the list and nod "I did pretty good." I whisper to myself. "Y/N I need helpppp." Sirius whined running to me. I crumble up the paper and shove it in my pocket and turn to him "Yes Pads?" I ask he smiles "Will you tell me what you got me for christmas?" he asks and I hit him over the head "Absolutely not. Christmas is tomorrow you can wait." I say starting to go upstairs "No I can't. Please Y/N I'll love you forever!" he begged "You already have to love me forever." I say and he sigh in frustration "You are the worst" he grumbled "Thank ya Pads." I shout walking in my room and shutting the door. "That damn child." I mumble taking my coat off and hanging it up in my closet. My door opens and Remus walks in looking very annoyed "You alright?" I ask sitting down at my desk getting some parchment out to write to Molly. "If Sirius or James asks me what I got them for Christmas one more time I'm locking myself in here for a year." he growled and I chuckled "At least it ends tomorrow." I say as I get my quill and ink. I start writing to Molly and he comes and stands behind me "So what did you get me?" he whispered and I chuckled "Not telling you Lupin." I said and he huffed "I thought you loved me." he said sitting down on my bed looking all 'sad'. "Oh my dearest Remus I do love you, I love you so much that I won't spoil what I got for you." I say and he sighs "Jeez you're a mean lady." he mumbled and I chuckled "Thank you Moony." I say folding the letter and tying it up "Anytime Piggie." he grumbled. I go downstairs and give the letter to my owl who fly's away to Molly's house.

"WAKE UP!" James yelled while standing by my bed. Remus and I jumped and glared at him. "I hate you so very much Potter." I growl getting up and putting a sweater on "I agree with her." Remus said grumpily and James smiled "Merry Christmas to you all too! Now let's open present!" he exclaimed as he ran downstairs. I looked at Remus who was shaking his head and I giggled. We walked downstairs and everyone was already sitting in front of their present piles. "Can we open them now?!" Sirius asks excitedly as I sit by Lily. "Yes you can start now." my aunt said and we started opening our gifts. "Oh Y/N this necklace is so beautiful. Thank you so much." Lily said looking at the necklace before hugging me "You're welcome Lily." I say and look at my gifts. Sirius got me noise canceling ear muffs, James got me a new purple sweater and some new quills, Peter got me a new school bag, Lily got me and her matching rings and a blue dress, Remus got me 4 new books and some perfume, and my aunt and uncle bought me a new blanket that was color changing. "This is all very amazing and I love all the gifts. Thank you all so much." I say smiling up at them "No thank you for these earrings. God they're so gorgeous." my aunt said and I giggled "They'll look great on you." I say and she smiles. We all shared our thank you'd to each other and I went upstairs to put everything up. "I actually got you one more thing." Remus said while sitting on my bed "Really?! Let me see!" I said excitedly and he chuckled reaching in his pocket. "I didn't want James to see but here. Merry Christmas Y/N." he said as I took it form him. I opened the box to reveal a beautiful moon necklace that changes when the moon phase does. I smiled at it and felt heat in my cheeks "It's beautiful Remus! I love it!" I say looking up at him to see him smiling "I'm glad you do. Here turn around and I'll put it on you." he said and I nodded. I placed the necklace in his hand and turned around lifting my hair up. He put the necklace around my neck and clasped it on me. I turn around and smile "It absolutely perfect." I whisper and he chuckles "I'm glad you like it. I was scared you wouldn't." he revealed and I chuckled "How could I not love it! It's like you're always with me Lupin." I say punching his arm lighting and he smiled "Don't get sappy on me Potter." he said and I shrugged "I won't. For now." I say and he rolls his eyes in a playful manner. The rest of the day we spent joking around with the others joking around and making the most of the evening. Everything was going well until there was a knock at the door. I get up from where I was sitting and handed Peter my fire whiskey "I'll get it!" I say running to the door. I open it and freeze "What?" I whisper in a state of shock "I thought you'd like to see me this christmas." my mum says with a boy about my age standing next to her "I-I w-what?! W-who is that!" I say pointing to the boy "This is your half brother Shane." she said smiling and I stood there more shocked than ever. "P-please go." I mumble not looking at her. "But why love?" she asked with a sickly sweet smile "Go!" I yell and slam the door in her and my half brothers face. I run back to the living room and look at my aunt and uncle. "Please tell me you didn't know!" I yell and they look at each other and sigh "We knew about Shane." my uncle whispered and I scoffed "And you didn't tell me! Well I just met him and my mum was here to! Merry christmas to all right!" I yell throwing my arms in the air. "MumI thought you told her!" James said and I turned to him fast "You knew too! All three of you knew!" I yell and they all nod "Some family you are! I'm packing my bags I can't be here after finding out I was lied too." I say storming upstairs and packing my trunk as fast as possible. I throw some clothes in my trunk along with a few other things I packed "Y/N stop!" James said from my door and I shook my head "Nope sorry." I growled "We meant well!" he scream and I turned to him "Not letting me know about my brother and leading me to believe my life wasn't all that bad but now that I know I was lied to shits going to get bad. You know my mum she's crazy and she'll drag me into all her stuff and knowing that that was the first time I saw him is going to make her beyond happy." I scream clasping my trunk shut and picking it up "I love you and your parents but right now I can't be here." I growl before running down the stairs "Let is explain." my aunt cried but I shook my head "You can this summer. I'll see you guys at Hogwarts." I mutter before leaving the house and slamming the door behind me.

:) i'm not the biggest fan of this chapter but oh well

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