chapter eight

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I ran to the Transfiguration classroom as fast as I could. "Stupid tie." I grumble trying to fix my tie while running down a stair case. "No running Miss Potter!" a teacher yelled "Sorry I have to I'm late!" I yell turning a corner and running down more stairs. I got to the classroom and burst in automatically making heads turn. "Hello Miss Potter very nice of you to join us. Now why are you late?" McGonagall asked and I huffed "Because my idiot cousin, James you know him. Well he put a biting door knob on my door so when I went to grab it it caught on my sleeve. It looked awful so I had to change and when I went back it grabbed my tie!" I yell raising my tie to show the bite mark. James and Sirius were laughing, Remus was trying not to, and Peter had a smile on his face. "Well I'm very sorry Miss Potter, just take a seat." she says and I nod before sitting beside James. "You infuriate me James. I almost lost a finger!" I exclaim while getting my books out "Thats payback for putting stink bombs in my robes." he said and I sighed. "It was funny hearing you yell." Peter said and I glared at him "Now guys it may have been funny but it could have hurt our only girl Maurader." Remus said and I shook my head. "Oh come on Y/N it wasn't that bad." Sirius said and I whipped my head to him. "Really Pads?! I bent over to get my bag and it bit my ass." I grumble and he starts laughing "Not funny! I have a bite scar on my butt now!" I grumble "Maybe you'll find someone you finds that hot." James said and I slapped him. "Ouch! Fine no more biting door knobs." he growled and I started taking notes. "Here, I already finished." Remus said sliding me his notes. I look up at him and smile "You're the best Rem." I say quickly copying the notes.

I walk out of the Ancient Runes class in a bad mood. I had poured my heart and soul into that essay and I only got an Exceeds Expectations. I shove the parchment in my bag and slowly walk to the great hall for lunch. I sit by Molly and lean my head on her  shoulder "I'm dropping out and becoming one of those muggle dancer that dance for money." I mumble to her and she starts laughing along with Lily. "Why do you want to become a stripper Y/N?" Lily asked and I grabbed a sandwich "I got an Exceeds Expectation on my ancient runes essay and Narcissa got Outstanding and rubbed it in my face." I mumble before taking a bite of my sandwich. "You poor baby. That evil woman." Molly said mocking me "It's not nice to make fun of me Molls." I mutter as she rubs my back. "I'm sorry that's awful. How about when I have children you can be a permanent babysitter and aunt. It'll be better than a stripper and you won't see Narcissa." she said and I smiled "That sounds brilliant." I say taking another bite "Hey Y/N I was wondering if you want to do Prefect duties together tonight." Lily said with a smile on her face "Of course Lily, I need a break from Lupin, don't tell him I told you." I said "No need too." Remus said from behind me laying a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry I needed a break from you too." he said and I gave a 'shocked' look. "Remus! Am I that bad!" I say in a hurt tone "Of course not. But I know if I do another night with you without a break I may get gray hairs." he said and I started laughing. He took his hand off my shoulder and went to sit with the boys. I turn to the girls and shake my head "The boys love me I swear, it may not seem like it though." I say and they giggle "I think one loves you a little more." Molly muttered raising her eyebrows and Lily nodded "Seems like it doesn't." Lily says and I sigh "No it does not, now if you excuse me I need to go study very hard to beat Narcissa on our next essay." I say getting up and starting to walk out "REMEMBER DONT BECOME A STRIPPER!" Lily yelled causing me and half the great hall laugh.

I pin my badge onto my shirt and go down to the common room. I see Lily waiting at the portrait hole. I jog over to her and smile "Hey Lily, you ready?" I ask and she nods "Yep, at least I think so." she says and I chuckle. We leave the room and she takes a deep breath in. "I really want to get closer with you Y/N. You seem very nice and we never talk, I just think we would be very good friends ya know." she said and I smile "Of course we can. It gets boring with the Mauraders and when Molly isn't with me I have nothing to do. This will be a beautiful friendship." I say and she smiles and nods "And before you ask you can be the flower girl at my wedding. I've heard you ask a lot of people." she said and I hugged her tight "Best thing you've ever said, well except when you called James a bloody git." I said and she chuckled and hugged me back. We finish our rounds surprisingly quick and when we got back to the common room Sirius was dancing on the coffee table with James. Peter was knocked out on the couch and Remus was trying to get James and Sirius off the table. "You really let them get drunk?" I ask and he sighs "They snuck off when I was taking a bath. Come on get James I got Sirius." he replied and I sighed. I went to walk away but Lily caught my wrist. "I can handle him. I mean if you want." she says and I give her a soft smile "That's really sweet Lily but you look exhausted, go get rest new bestfriend." I say and she nods "I thought I was your bestfriend!" Sirius yelled and I chuckled "You are Sirius." I said and he jumped off the table and came over to me. "Damn right I am." he said before kissing my head. "Now let's get you two upstairs." Remus says grabbing Sirius. I grab James and we lead them up the stairs trying to avoid any accidents. "Hi Y/N." James said swaying by his bed "Hello James." I say looking through his trunk for pajamas. "Here." Remus said tossing me some and I nod in thanks. "You look a lot like your mum. You have her hair." James said and I stiffened "You look like her twin." James said and I handed him the pajamas. "That's enough James." I say "But you doooo. It's like she's standing in front of me." he said and the anger started to rise in me. "I said that was enough." I snap and he nods before putting the pajamas on. After an hour of fighting with the two of them Remus and I got Sirius and James to bed. I was still a little upset about what James said. I was sitting on Remus bed while he brushed his teeth. "He didn't mean it Y/N he was drunk." Remus said walking back to his bed "No he meant it." I mumble "I know it seems that way but I'm sure he didn't." Remus said sitting across from me. I look up at him and give him a soft smile "I look exactly like her, when she was in her 6th year, but I have my fathers eyes. He meant it, he used to tell me all the time. I just hate being compared to her sometimes ." I say and Remus holds my hand "He loses his mind when he's drunk. Just don't be mad at him." Remus said and I looked at our hands "No promises." I mutter. Remus pulls me into a hug and my muscles relax "Go get some sleep Y/N." he said and I nod "Okay, come get me if they wake up." I say and he nods. I leave the room and go into my dorm and fall asleep in record time.


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