chapter two

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I woke up the next morning by the smell of my aunts cooking. I got up and folded my blankets and woke Remus up. "Hey Rem. Wake up sleepy head." I mumble shaking him and his eyes flutter open. "Why?" he asked closing his eyes again "My aunts making pancakes." I whisper and he jumps up hurrying downstairs. I giggle and start to make my bed before going to wake the others. I walked to James' room where he, Sirius, and Peter were sleeping. "GET UP EVERYONE!" I bellowed and all three jumped up there faces full of shock and hate. "Bloody hell women. I think you broke my ear drums." Sirius growled and I blew him a kiss. James just glared at me annoyed and Peter just left. "That wasn't cool Y/N." James grumbled and I went over to him and gave him a side hug "But I'm your baby cousin and you have to love me. Now time for breakfast." I said getting back up and leaving the room. I sat beside Peter and began to eat. "Here Remus,Peter a potion to help with the hangover. I have James and Sirius potions ready as well." My uncle Fleamont said and Remus and Peter happily drink the potions. "Did you not not drink last night?" my aunt asked sitting down and I shook my head "Wasn't in the mood Auntie. I was looking through my photo box." I said and she nodded "So the usual?" My uncle asked as Sirius and James walked in. "Pretty much." I mutter shoving eggs into my mouth. "How'd you all sleep?" Remus asked and Sirius rolled his eyes "James was a blanket hog." he grumbled and I giggled "He ended up kicking me out of the bed." James growled and I smiled "Serves you right Potter." I say and he throws a piece of bacon at me. We all burst out laughing and I flip him off but continue to eat. I finished my breakfast and went to the kitchen to wash my plate. "Do mine too." James said walking in and I rolled my eyes "After that little stunt you just pulled? No way." I said and chuckled "I'll pay you one galleon." he said and I smiled "Fine just sit it down." I say and he smiled patting my shoulder "You're  a good kid Potter. Well when you're being bribed." he said before leaving and I rolled my eyes. I cleaned the plates and walked back into the kitchen where everyone was laughing. "I'll take everyone's plates." I said and before I could blink there were 5 plates stacked in my hands along with the silverware. "Woah didn't expect that." I mumble and they all laugh "You did ask for it." Remus said as I walked to the sink "Sod off Moony. You too Padfoot!" I yell as I hear Sirius snicker.

I was on the last plate when I heard my aunt yell "Y/N YOUR HOGWARTS LETTER IS HERE!" she yells and I quickly run to them with still wet soapy hands. "Give it! Give me my letter!" I yell and she does while laughing. I rip it open and a badge falls out. On the badge it had the word 'Prefect' on it with a lion on the background. My jaw drops and my eyes went wide "What is it sweetie?" my uncle asks. "I'M A PREFECT!" I yell running around the table in excitement. "Woah kid slow down." Sirius said grabbing my wrist and everyone laughed. "Looks like Moony's one too." Peter said and Remus nodded with a smile on his face. "You'll have to remind her about her rounds she's forgetful." James said and I smacked him over the head. "Ouch. Mum are you not going to yell at her?!" James asked and his mother smiled "You deserved it." she said and I high fived her "I love you Auntie." I said and she just smiled. I placed the badge in my pocket and smiled like an idiot. "Someone's happy." Sirius said and I nodded "Dad was a Prefect and I couldn't wait to be one when I was a little girl. Plus I get to give all of you detention." I say smiling evilly. "That's true he was a Prefect, and a very nice one too, as his younger brother he was hard on me. And Y/N dear don't give them to much detentions at least give them a three day break . Congratulations your dad would've been proud." my uncle said and I beamed you at him "Thank you uncle." I say and he nods before kissing my head and leaving the kitchen my aunt right behind him. "I've never seen him that nice and I've known him since we were 11." Sirius muttered and I chuckled "Well Dad loves Y/N, he always is super supportive of her. It's sweet." James said and I smiled "Well at least we know I'm his favorite out of all of us." I said and everyone's heads turned to me. "Erm hate to say it Y/N but I am." Peter said and James scoffed "Oh shove it Wormtail, I'm his own son!" James yelled "Well he loves drinking beer and playing poker with me." Sirius said loudly "Not to rain on anyone's parade but he told me he likes me best." Remus said and I scoffed "As if Moony. Get real you 4 I'm his favorite." I say "SHE'S RIGHT!" my uncle yells from the living room and I give them a smirk. "Get her." James growled and they all stood up. My eyes went wide and I ran outside from the back door as they came out after. They were all chasing me through the big field. "WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU!" Peter yelled and I scoffed while running "NO YOU AREN'T!" I yelled but before he could speak someone tackled me from the side. I look up and see Remus with a smirk on his face "You sure about that?" he asked and I blushed slightly as the rest ran our way. "Great job Moony! Now get off my cousin." James said and he chuckled before getting up and offering a hand to help me up as well. I smile at the boys who look annoyed "How does it fell Jamie, to know your father likes me more." I coo. "Sod off." he grumbled "And Sirius, how does it feel to know you aren't your poker buddies favorite." I said dramatically earning a middle finger from him. "My dearest Peter how are you handling being lied too. Same with you, Remus you poor thing." I say putting my hands over my heart as they just roll their eyes. "I'm just kidding boys, no need to be mad. He loves us all, now let's go." I say normally and Sirius looks confused "How does your mood change so fast?" he asked and I smiled "It comes with the boobs now let's go to diagon alley!!" I yelled before taking their hand and dragging them inside "I worry about you." Peter mumbled and I smiled "As you should. I'm a little crazy at times." I said and Remus chuckled "Trust me we all know, I know how crazy you get." he said which wasn't a lie, I've been quite crazy especially around him. We then went to diagon alley and wasted loads of money, like 5 teenagers would.


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