chapter nine

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Remus was shaking me awake when my eyes fluttered open. "Yes?" I ask and he sighs "Listen I know it's 3:20 a.m but Sirius and James are puking and you said to get you if I needed you." he said really quick. "I didn't actually mean it." I grumble throwing a sweater on and putting my slippers on. "Yeah she didn't mean it Remus get the bloody hell out." Molly growled causing me and him to chuckle. Sorry Molly really. I know you didn't mean it Y/N and I didn't want to wake you up but it's a lot of puke." he said and I huffed "It's fine, one time I threw up on you so I guess it's payback." I mumble. We left my dorm and made our way to his dorm. I walk in and see James and Sirius head in a trash can puking "Oh bloody hell." I grumble before running to the bathroom to get to cold rags. I throw one to Remus who was at the edge of Sirius bed and I went to James. "Hey Jamie, how're you pal?" I ask and he raises his head "I might die." he grumble and I chuckled "I don't think you will. Here give me your glasses." I say holding out my hand and he hands me his glasses. I take the rag and start dabbing his face with it "I'm sorry." he said and I cocked my head "What do you mean?" I ask wiping his mouth "After I woke up and puked a little I remember that I told you you looked like your mum." he mumble not looking at me "It's okay James you were drunk I'm sure you didn't mean to." I say rubbing his shoulder "You're not mad?!" he asked shock and I shake my head laughing a little "I'm not mad Jamie." he hugs me very tight and I kiss his head. "Now get some sleep you barf bag." I say and he chuckles before closing his eyes. I take the trash can and rinse it out trying not to puke myself. After I clean it I sat on Remus bed. "He went down easy." I say and Remus nodded "I'm sorry for dragging you out of bed Y/N." Remus said and I shrugged "It's nothing. Now I don't want to walk back to my dorm so I'm sleeping in here." I say grabbing an extra blanket from a chair and one of the pillows on the ground. "You aren't sleeping on the ground." he said and I smiled up at him "Watch me Lupin." I said and quickly laid down "Unbelievable." I heard him mutter before I fell asleep.

I was once again woken up but this time it was by Lily. "Hello Lily. Wait how'd I get in the bed?!" I asked realizing I was now in Remus bed and he was on the floor. "Erm I don't know. I came to see how James was and thought I'd wake you up and ask if you needed anything." she said and I smiled "That's sweet Lily, right now I need a big cup of coffee with 3 sugars and milk please." I say and she nods before running off. "Hey there Potter." Remus said from the floor with a smile on his face "That wasn't cool Moony." I mumble "But last time you slept on the floor and I didn't want you to sleep on it again." he said and I smiled "I know you like playing nice guy Rem but the full moon is in two weeks, your body didn't need that." I said and he stood up making his way to the bed "Whose playing nice guy now?" he asked me laying beside me. "Shut it." I mutter as he gets comfortable beside me. Lily walks back in with a big cup of coffee and my face lights up "You Lily Evan are the best!" I exclaim taking the coffee. "Thank you Y/N." she said while getting comfortable in James bed. "Now if you excuse me I'm going back to sleep." she said softly and I nod while sipping some coffee. Remus turns to face me on his side and smiles innocently "Can I have a drink?" he asks and I pretend to think "What's the magic word Remus?" I ask and he shrugs "Please? Jumpers? James is awful?" he says and I shake my head "No it's ' I promise to never stop you from sleeping on the floor again' now you say it." I said and he chuckled "No way." he said and I shrugged "No coffee for poor baby Lupin then." I say and he gives me puppy dog eyes. "Pleaseeee Y/Nnnnnn." he whines and I huff. "Fine." I grumble handing him the cup and he takes a big sip with a look of victory on his face. "Thank you very much." he said and I shake my head "Sod off." I mumble. He hands me the cup and gets comfortable again while I grab a book from beside his bed. I start reading it as the room fills with soft snores making my eyes start to droop. "I'm just going to say it's a sign from Merlin." I mumble to myself sitting the book down and getting comfortable by Remus body. It doesn't take long for me to get comfortable and slowly go to sleep.

"They're so adorable." I hear Sirius squeal. "He better get his hands of her." James growls "Oh now James calm down he's only holding her." Lily said and it was true. During our little nap Remus has grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I open my eyes and see them standing over us "Jeez good morning to you all too." I hear Remus grumble. "Good you two are up. Hands off her." James demands and Remus laughs before raising his hands to where James could see them. "Good now Y/N out of the bed." James said and I rolled my eyes "Yes sir." I say getting up and the sitting in his bed. "So are you all dating?" Sirius asks hopeful and I flush along with Remus. "Erm no we aren't." Remus said and I nodded. I may be developing a crush for him but sadly I'm pretty sure he's off limits since James is very protective of me. "Then don't put your hands on her again." James said sitting down next to me "He won't. Calm down James." I whisper and he nods. "I just feel like I need to protect you." he whispered back "He didn't hurt me okay? Everything's okay." I say and he nods before laying his head on my shoulder. "Well I'm having a lazy day today." Sirius declared sitting on my other side laying his head on my shoulder. Remus sat at my feet and Peter scrambled over behind me. "Take our picture Lily!" Sirius said enthusiastically and she giggled before grabbing the camera. As the camera click I ruffle James and Sirius hair, put my legs on Remus shoulders, and lean back on Peter. We all laugh a little before a pillow fight starts. I hit James over the head and Peter hits me in the stomach. "Okay children that's enough!" Lily yells and we nod laughing some more. She hands us the photo and I smile at it. "I love our little family." I say and they boys nod "We do to." Sirius said. The rest of the day was spent in the boys dorm. All of us including Lily, just sitting around talking about memories and Lily teaching us some muggle stuff. It was one of the best afternoons I've ever spent with the Mauraders.


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