chapter twenty-seven

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I woke up with big puffy eyes and sighed "Stupid James." I grumble while getting up to find and outfit to wear. I get a light purple shirt and some jeans and quickly put them on along with some sandals. I was braiding my hair when my door opened and McGonagall walked in "Oh, you're already up. Oh sweetie are you okay? Your eyes are so puffy." she said as I looked at her and I just shrugged "I'll be fine. I'm going to the hospital wing, see you later Minerva." I said as she moved to let me out. She waved goodbye to me as I left her office and began to walk to the hospital wing. I turned a corner and saw James and immediately turned on my heel "Y/N wait!" he yelled and I took a deep breath and stopped walking. He caught up to me and cleared his throat "Yes James?" I ask softly "Do you want to go see Mum with me tomorrow?" he asked and I sighed "If you actually want me to yeah definitely. But if this is because someone told you to ask me then no." I said not looking at him. "I do want you to go. I'll swing by McGonagalls office tomorrow at 3:46 okay?" he said and I nodded "Sure." I then continue to the hospital wing. I enter the hospital wing and smile at Madam Pomfrey who hurried over to me "Hello Miss Potter, can we talk?" she asked and I nodded "Yes of course." We sat down and she smiled softly at me "Wrapping Remus stomach last night was a very smart thing to do. In the upcoming full moons I want you to do the same thing instead of just taking his shirt of." she said "Okay that sounds good. Can I go see him?" I asked and she nodded with a smile "Of course sweetie." she said and I got up and went to Remus. "Hello Rem." I greet while sitting beside him. "Hello love." he said weakly taking my hand "How're you?" I ask and he smiles "Well the wrap made it to were my stomach hurts less so thank you." he said and I chuckled "Anytime Rem." I said. He started to say something my the hospital wing door opened to reveal a worried McGonagall. "Eleanor." she said and my eyes widened "Eleanor?!" I exclaim and she nods "Coming up to the school. Hurry, I found James and he's hiding in my room. Go." she said hurriedly and I nodded. I looked at Remus who gave me a confused look and I just smiled softly before running out to the front of the school. I burst through the double spruce doors and see my mothers figure walking up to the school with a look of determination on her face. "Nice to see you again." I holler and she smiles evilly. "Hello sweetie." she yelled back and I went to grab my wand. "Going to attack mummy?" she asked cocking her head and I scoffed "I have brilliant reasons to." I grumble and she lets out a bark like laugh. "At least be fair with it." she said going to grab her wand and I smirked "My pleasure Eleanor." I said and she rolled her eyes. "One..." she said "Two.." I said back "Three.." we said at the same time. As quick as I could I yelled a spell "Expelliarmus!" I yell sending her wand flying 10 feet behind her. "Nice one." she said before doing wandless  magic to get her wand pack. I went to fire another spell but she was to quick "Sectemsempra!" She bellowed and it felt like I had been cut all up. I feel warm liquid running down from my chest, stomach, and legs. "Peteificus Totalus!" A voice yelled from behind me hitting my mother straight in the chest. She fell down instantly. A few seconds later I fell to my knees and felt myself dozing off. "Y/N! Y/N!"  someone yelled as my eyes started to flutter shut. The person ran up to me and started to shake me slightly but I was already dozing off.

-james point of view-

I snuck out of McGonagalls office and to the front of the schools where I figured Y/N would meet her mum. I watched from inside as Y/N and her mum started dueling. As soon as her mum got her wand back I ran to the yard as she started bleeding out. "Peterificus Totals!" I yelled hitting her mum straight in the chest. Y/N hit her knees and I ran to her. "Y/N! Y/N!" I screamed shaking her but her eyes were already closed. "No. No please stay with me." I whisper as her blood began to stain my clothes. "Mister Potter!" Dumbledore yelled rubbing out with McGonagall, I looked behind my shoulder as a tear rolled down my face "Help." I whisper and they nod. Dumbledore levitates her mum behind him as he rushed back into the school and McGonagall hurried over to us. "Oh my. What spell did she use?!" McGonagall asked as she casted a patronus to send to Madam Pomfrey "I have no idea." I said as tears rolled down my face. "It's definitely a dark one." she whispered. Madam Pomfrey came running outside looking worried. She did the same spell as Dumbledore did and levitated Y/N behind her to the hospital wing. After they were out of sight I looked down at my blood stained shirt and McGonagall sighed "James why did you leave the office?" she questioned and I looked up at her "I knew something bad was going to happen and I wanted to be there to interfere if I had to." I said and she nodded as she wiped a tear that rolled down her own face. "I understand that. Go back inside and to the hospital wing. I think Mister Lupin will need some questions answered." she said and I nodded before walking to the hospital wing. I walk in and refuse to look at the bed she's in because I know I couldn't handle it. I sit by Remus who is looking at her bed looking absolutely terrified. "W-what h-happened?" he whispered and I rubbed my temple "A dark spell. Cut her open and she started to bleed like crazy." I said as I glanced at my shirt. "Will she be okay?" he asked and I shrugged "I hope so." I said before getting up and hurrying out of the hospital wing. I ran up to the boys dorm and started looking through my trunk for my favorite picture of me and Y/N. After a minute I pull it out and see two happy 9 year olds chasing each other around the yard. I sadly smile at the picture before getting in bed and silently crying. I hope she's okay. I can't lose her. Not my bestfriend.

:) i'm so so so sorry it's late everybody. these past few days have been insane.

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