chapter eighteen.

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"Mum we're here!" James yelled as all 6 of us walked in. She quickly rushed to greet us. "Oh hello everyone! Sirius!" she said wrapping Sirius is a big hug. He chuckled and hugged back. She greeted everyone else and stood in front of me with huge smile on her face "I heard what you did to the Malfoy boy." she said and I looked down "Are you mad?" I asked and she laughed "Of course not! I'm very proud!" she said which made everyone laugh. She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same "It's great to see you Auntie." I mumble and she rubs my back "Same to you. Now you all go unpack dinner should be ready soon." she said and we all headed upstairs. "Wonder where dad is." James says as we all climb the stairs "It's Friday he's probably at the Leaky Cauldron." Sirius said and I shrugged "Or over at the Rodgers." I say and James nods "Fair point." he said as we separated to our rooms. Remus and I walk into mine and I collapse on my bed. "My dearest I missed you so much!" I exclaim smiling into the blankets "Your room is different." Remus said sitting at my desk and I sit up "Yeah, the house elf and I are friends and she decorates it for me." I say looking at all the christmas decorations. "I think it looks good." I say playing with some paper snowflakes "Its cute but I'm only here for one reason." he says and then gets up and walks to my stack of blankets and picks up the big fuzzy blue one that has always been his favorite. "Oh Bert I missed you." he said hugging the blanket to his body. "Sometimes I think you're sane but when you come to the house and talk to the blanket my point is proven wrong." I say as I start to unpack my clothes and everything else. "I'll take it as a compliment." he said sitting where I just was and he laid down. I continue to unpack as he just lays there, the silence we are sharing was actually not awkward. I finish unpacking and smile "Perfect! Now your turn." I say sitting next to him "No. I'm okay." he said with a smile on is face "Fine I'll do it then." I said getting back up and he sighed "You are a sweet kid Piggie." he said and I chuckled. "I know Rem." I say and he chuckles.

Remus and I walked downstairs after I finished unpacking everything. I sat down by Lily and Sirius and laid my head on Sirius shoulder. "Did you two have fun unpacking?" James asked and I gave a dry chuckle "Remus didn't do anything I did all the work." I grumble and Remus smiles "I was comfortable on your bed." he said and I shook my head "Poor Poor Piggie." Sirius says patting my knee. "Y/N dear please get in here." my Uncle said from the kitchen. "Was it just me or did he sound a little worried." I whisper "He definitely seems off." James said. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and smiled at my uncle. "Yes uncle?" I ask politely and he hands me a letter. He looks sick, very pale and has an expression of worry all over his face. "Uncle are you alright?" I ask and he nods "Yes dear I'm fine, I suggest be by James when you read that. Go on." he said and I nodded and walked back into the living room. "Well I got a letter and I was told to sit by James." I say taking a seat by James. I look at the front of the letter and automatically freeze. "That's mums handwriting." I whisper under my breath. James heard and puts his arm around me "You don't have to open it if you don't want to." he whispered but I opened it anyways.

Dear Y/N,
  How are you love? Is everything well? I was wondering if you'd like to start to talk again. I messed up walking out on you and your father so long ago. You're turning 17 soon and I regret not being apart of your life. Do you have a boyfriend? Any close friends? I really hope you consider it, if not I understand.

                         Best wishes,

I dropped the letter and ran up to my room and slammed my door. I started pacing the floor as my mind filled with thoughts and my eyes with tears. How could she after almost 9 years finally want me again. Does she really think she can just write me a letter and all will be jolly and sweet again. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I open it and see my Uncle and Aunt both looking scared. "Sweetheart you don't have to." my aunt whispered and I scoffed "I'll look like a bitch if I don't!" I yell and they flinch a little "It's your decision." my uncle said and I sat down on my bed "Do you think she meant it?" I ask quietly "I don't know." My aunt said and I sighed. "I'm going out." I say grabbing my coat and small purse "Okay be careful Y/N." my uncle said and I just nodded. I went down the stairs and didn't even glance at the others as I went into the kitchen. I started to fix myself some coffee when I was interrupted by Remus. "Hey are you okay?" he asked softly and I turned around to him. "9 years! 9 years I had NO Mum! She didn't even think of me! She thinks a single letter will fix everything! She even wants to know everything if I have a boyfriend, any close friends, and other stupid shit! I'm sick of it." I exclaim sipping my coffee but Remus took it out of my hands and hugged me. I automatically started crying, all of my bottled up feelings escaping in the form of tears. "Shhh it'll all be okay love." he cooed drawing circles on my back. After a few minutes I let go and wiped my tears and smiled at him "Thank you Remus." I whisper and he kisses the top of my head "Anytime love. Now do you want to go out or watch movies?" he asked and I giggled "Movies please." I say and he nods. I grab my coffee and we walk into the living room "Hey so Boss Lady wants to watch movies so we'll be upstairs." Remus said to the others "Will you be okay?" James asks and I nod "Yeah, I just need time to think about my answer." I whisper and he nods. Remus and I go upstairs and make ourself comfortable on my bed and begin to watch movies.


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