chapter twenty-one

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We all were officially back at Hogwarts but I still hadn't spoke to any of the Marauders. I hurried out of my potions class and to the great hall. "Y/N wait up!" Remus yelled trying to catch up with me. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him, he caught up to me and smiled "How're you?" he asked and I gave a fake smile "Absolutely fantastic." I say and he sighs "James didn't know you didn't know. Please listen to him Y/N he's a mess." Remus said and I shrugged "I may talk to him I don't know. I'll think about it." I say walking into the great hall and sitting by Molly. "How are you doing?" she asked softly and I shrug "Some days are better than others." I mumble and she nods and rubs my back. All of a sudden an owl flew in and landed in front of me "Owls never come in the evening." Molly says and I shrug. I take the letter off and open it.

Hello love, why haven't you talked to Mummy? She misses you dearly. I have an idea, if you don't start talking to Mummy bad things will happen, very bad things. Please keep in touch. Remember I know where you go to school and I know where your auntie and uncle live. Much love sweetie, Mummy.

I read the letter maybe several times after it finally sunk it. "Oh bloody hell." I mumble "What is it?" Molly asked and I shook my head "Nothing." I grabbed my school bag and ran out of the great all and to the common room as fast as I could. I know my mum she'll definitely do something crazy so I need to listen to her. I get in the common room and frantically look for parchment.The portrait hole opens and James walks in and sees me looking for parchment. "Hey." he said sitting beside me and I wave before pulling out parchment and then looking for a quill. "What's wrong?" he asked and I turned to him "She's crazy! A absolute lunatic!" I yell and he cocks his head "Who?" he asked and I give a dry chuckle "My mum. Here read this!" I say handing him the letter. I started writing as fast as I could just little sentences and questions. "Holy shit." James muttered and I chuckled "Yeah so now I have to talk to her. Write your mum and dad and let them know please. Don't let anyone else know okay? I need you and them safe James because I love you all. I'm not mad at you anymore okay, include that in the letter and tell them everything will be fine." I say and he nods and I feel bad. "James I'm sorry." I whisper and he cocks his head "Why?" he asks and I shrug "Because my mum will go to extreme matters and that's putting you in danger." I whisper and he chuckled "It's okay you can't control her. Come here." he open his arms and I crash in them and hug him tight. "Now go send your letter." he whispered and I nodded. I ran off to the owls with the letter tight in my hand. I quickly tie it on a owls leg while my hands shook like crazy. I gave it a pat before it flew  off. I watch after it and felt a tear roll down my face. "God what an awful women." I growl and turn around and start to walk slowly to the common room. I turn down a corridor and run into Remus "Sorry Lupin." I mumble not looking at him and trying to go around him. He grabs my shoulder and looks at me concerned "What's wrong?" he asked softly and I shook my head "Nothing." I whisper "Y/N." he said sternly and I looked up at him and smiled "Everything's  fine. Well it's not but I'll be okay." I say and he sighs "Okay, I was wondering if you want to go to Hogsmede tonight." he said and I smiled "Yeah sure that sounds great!" I say and he nods before walking away.

I put on my coat and cast a warming spell on it so I wouldn't get cold tonight. I walked down to the common room to see all the boys and Lily sitting there. "Hello everyone." I say and they look at me "YOU'RE TALKING TO US AGAIN!" Sirius said happily before running to me and giving me a huge hug. "Yes Pads I am." I giggle and he lets go. "Listen you all I'm really really sorry," I start but Lily shakes her head "It's fine. We understand, well not really but you know what I mean." she said and I nodded. "You ready?" Remus asks sitting his book down and I nod "Yes I am." I state and he walks over to me with a smile "Where are you two going?" James asks and I smile "Hogsmede." I say and he just nods. "Shall we?" Remus asks holding his hand out. "We shall." I say taking it. We make our way to the small village and as soon as we step into the Three Broomsticks my smile grows very wide "I love it here." I whisper and he chuckled "Look at the small christmas trees." Remus says and I nod "I named that one Charles." I said pointing to the tree in the back corner and he nodded "Well Charles looks lonely let's go set with him." Remus said and I nodded. "2 hot chocolates please Rosmerta!" I yell and she nods "Coming right up darling." she said and I turned to Remus. "So how're Rem?" I ask and he shrugs "A bit nervous to be honest." he said and I frowned "Whys that?" I ask and he smiles "I'm going to ask the girl out soon." he said and I nod a little "Thats great Remmy. She'd be absolutely crazy if she said no." I say and Rosmerta sat down our hot chocolates and I smile at her. "I really hope she says yes." Remus said and I smiled "Well keep me updated." I said and he nodded. After we finished our hot chocolates I reached for my purse and started looking for money. "I got it." Remus said but I shook my head "No way, here." I said getting my money out "Y/N I got it covered." He said getting up but I ran over to the counter and slid my money over to Rosmerta. "Don't take it! Here take mine!" Remus said putting his money beside mine. "Don't you dare Rosmerta!" I exclaim and she chuckles "Don't worry kids I got it covered." she said and i smiled "You are amazing. Come on Rem." I say grabbing his hand and start walking out. I could've sworn as the door closed I heard Rosmerta whisper 'young love' under her breath. Remus and I start walking down the streets of Hogsmede and I can't keep the smile off my face "God isn't this just perfect." I whisper and he nods "It's fantastic. Y/N I brought you here to ask you something." he said stopping and grabbing both of my hands "Yes Rem?" I ask and he smiles "I've liked you for the longest time Y/N. After all the transformations I sat in the hospital wing just thinking about how great you are. I understand if you don't want to but, Y/N Potter do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked and I stood there shocked but happy. "Absolutely Remus!" I yell and he cups my face and kisses me with passion. It takes me a second but I kiss back and smile against is soft lips. I lean back and lay my forehead on his "Just don't," I started and he finished "Tell James." he said and I nodded a giggle escaping my lips. "Come on let's go back." he said grabbing my hand "Is that why you asked me what I liked over Christmas break?" I asked and he chuckled and nodded "I've been caught." he said and I giggled and nodded "That you have." I whisper. When we got back I gave him one last kiss outside of the common room and smiled at him "Goodnight Rem." I whisper "Goodnight Y/N." he said and we went our different ways to our dorms.

you and moony are finally together!!

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