chapter fourteen

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"Y/N I said I'm sorry." James said following me out of the library and I sigh. "I heard you James trust me." I grumble. For the past week James has been apologizing to me for the spider since I have been ignoring him. "Oh forgive him already." Sirius said walking up to me and I stop in my tracks "James I forgive you so can you PLEASE stop apologizing!" I say and he nods before giving me a bone crushing hug "I'm so so sorry!" he says and I nod while my face scrunches you in pain. I see Lily and Remus walking towards us and smile "Looks James your girl friend!" I said and he automatically let go and ran to Lily who was giggling. Remus walked over to Sirius and I and smiled warmly "Glad to know they're in love. Sirius why is you nose scrunched up?" Remus asked "Because Y/N smells to much like vanilla and strawberries." he replied and I chuckled "Are you sure it isn't Remus? He smells so much like cinnamon it's nauseating." I say and he looks
'offended' and frowns. "Well your vanilla makes me get a headache." he mumbled and I sigh "Fine, let's just say it's James who smells like fire whiskey." I say and he and Sirius nod. I sling my arms around each boys shoulder and we start walking to the black lake. "So how was your all's day?" I ask "Well James stole my jumper because he wanted to look nice for when you forgave him." Sirius said and I took my left hand and ruffled his hair "Poor Padfoot." I say and he rolled his eyes playfully. "How about you Moony?" I ask and he shrugs "Riley Braxton asked me out." he said shrugging and I stop. "That Ravenclaw?" Sirius asks and Remus nods "Well she's sweet, what did you say?" I ask and he smiles "I said yes." he said and I smiled a little sadly "That's greats Rem. I'm happy for you." I say. He nods and we start to walk again. I was kind of upset because of the fact I was starting to like Remus. "You okay Piggie?" Remus asks and I look up at him and nod "Oh yeah, brilliant. Just stressed about erm the Divination test." I mumble and he and Sirius look at me confused "You don't take Divination." Sirius said and I smiled awkwardly "Got to go." I say before running away to the dorm. I burst in and jump on my bed and get under the covers. "Stupid Lupin and his stupid new girl friend." I grumble "What about Remus?" Lily asked walking in. "Nothing." I say quickly jumping up into a sitting position. "Y/N don't lie." she said sitting at the end of my bed "I like Remus and now it's to late because he has a girl friend." I say refusing to look at her. She grabbed my hand and smiled softly "Listen, if you two are meant to be he'll come around okay? Things will work out." she said and I looked up and smiled "Thank you Lily." I whisper and she nods "Anytime." she says before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I walk into the great hall very frustrated. I had spent the last two hours working on my Herbology essay that was supposed to be 3 pages long. I sit next to Sirius and lay my head down on the table. "What's wrong Piggie?" he asks taking some corn from a dish. "I'm dropping out and becoming a stripper." I growl "Y/N we already talked about this, you can't do that." Lily said with a chuckle escaping her lips. "Why not?" I ask lifting up my head to reveal the bag under my eyes. "Because you're to smart." James said and I looked at him "Tell that to my Herbology essay that's due tomorrow and is not even half way finished." I mumble. Remus and Riley walk into the great hall and sit across from Sirius and I and I smile at them. "Hi." I mumble and they smile very happily "Hello Y/N!" Riley says adding some food to her plate. "What's wrong with you?" Remus asked doing the same "She's debating on becoming a stripper." Lily said while she ate some food. "Herbology?" he asks and I nod "Every year! Every year in October she wants a three page essay and it always kicks my ass!" I exclaim "And why is this so important?" Riley asks politely "Because she doesn't want Narcissa beating her." James said and she nodded "To add to me working on it for two hours I've cried 4 times!" I yell "Thats more than last year." Sirius said and I nodded "I bet she cries 5 more times." Remus says and I glare at him "Not cool Lupin." I growl and he nods with a smile on his face. "I bet it's six more times." James says and I lay my head back down. "I hate both of you." I mumble "Oh come on Piggie they're only joking." Sirius says rubbing my back. "I don't think it's that important honestly." Riley says and my head shoots up "Oh boy." Remus whispered "3..2..1.." Lily counted. "It's very important! I can't let her win! After all she's called me, all she's done!" I exclaim and Riley looks scared "Sorry." she mumbled softly. I sigh and close my eyes in frustration "No, don't apologize. I'm just stressed and shouldn't have snapped. I do apologize." I say as I start to get up. "Aren't you going to eat?" James asks and I shake my head. "Lost my appetite hours ago." I say looking at Lily and leaving for the library to hopefully finish the essay.

-remus point of view-

After Y/N walked out of the hall I turned to Riley. "Sorry about that." I mumble and she shrugs "You can't control when she acts immature." she said and I just nod. "I don't think she was acting immature." Lily said and I looked at her "Really? She just snapped at Riley!" I said and James nodded "Because it means a lot to her, plus she's stressed Moony and you know how she gets." he said and I sigh "We can't keep making up excuses for her behavior." I breath out. James looks at me like I have two heads "You know exactly why it means so much to her." Sirius says and I nod "I know but she gets to worked up." I say and he shrugs "That's what makes Y/N herself." Lily says getting up and walking out of the great hall. Sirius gives me and Riley one last look as he follows her along with James. "I for one didn't like her." Riley said and I sighed "She's not that bad it's just she really passionate about her grades and stuff." I mutter and she shrugs "Still thought she was rude." Riley said and I chuckled "She apologized to you. That's more than she's ever done when she snaps at me over an essay and I've known her since I was 11." I say and she looks at me "Then maybe you don't deserve a friend like her." she said and I just shrug. Was Riley right? Or is she just messing with my head?


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