chapter seven

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"WAKE UP!" James yelled jumping on my bed. "You have 10 seconds before I get up and give you a black eye Potter." I growl from under my blanket. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9." he started counting and at nine he jumped off. "So what the bloody hell was that for you stupid git?" I ask sitting up and rubbing my eyes "Wow, she is angry when she wakes up." Peter said and I glared at him "Believe it or not she's actually gotten better since we were kids." he said and Sirius jaw dropped "Really? But she just threatened you!" he said and I chuckled "One time I kicked him in his private area and he wouldn't talk to me for 3 weeks." I say and James glares at me "It wasn't fun." he growled and I giggled "So why did you 4 wake me up early?" I ask wrapping my blankets around me tighter. "Well we're going to Hogsmede and if you forget I owe you a jumper." Remus said and my eyes went wide. "Really?! You're actually getting me one?!" I say excitedly and he nods the others laugh "Thank you Remus. You're amazing!" I say getting up and hugging him tight. He hugs me back and I pull back and see Sirius and James with waiting faces. "You want hugs don't you?" I ask and they nod fast. "Fine. Get over here." I mumble and they run over and tackle me with a hug. "Oi! Get of my best mate you lunatics!" Molly said walking in. "Why?" Sirius asked "Y/N count to 10." Molly said getting some clothes "1..2..3." I started but they jumped off "Good boys. Now let's go to Hogsmede!" I yell going to the door. "Erm Y/N." Peter said and I turned around "Yeah?" I ask and he chuckles "You're still in your pajamas." he said and I nod. "Almost forgot. All of you scram I need to change." I say holding the door open. "We've seen you change before." Remus said and I chuckle "She was drunk." Molly said and I nodded. "Leave." I mutter and they do. I sigh and grab some clothes. I change quickly and wave goodbye to Molly before running downstairs to where the boys were. "Come on! That jumper isn't going to buy itself!" I yell running to the portrait hole. "I should have never suggested it." Remus sighed and I giggled "Well you know for in the future." James said clapping him on the shoulder. We exit the common room and make our way to the carriages.

I jump out of the carriage and grab a hold of Remus hand. I start dragging him away from the boys "Good luck!" James shouted "Meet us at the Three Broomsticks!" Sirius yelled "Be careful shes still feisty!" Peter yelled. I giggle and Remus chuckles. "So Rem should I get a wooly jumper, a pretty jumper, or I can get a really ugly Christmas jumper!" I said excitedly "Now why in the name of Merlin would you do that? Christmas is like in 4 months." he said and I smiled "You always have to be prepared." I said and he nodded with a smile on his face. We walk in the shop and I sigh "This is amazing." I mumble and he shakes his head "Come on Rem!" I yell dragging him to a rack of blue jumpers. I start looking through them and find one I like and grab it with a smile on my face. "Okay now you get one!" I said and he sighed "I only brought enough money for you to get one Y/N." he said and I smiled "Well guess it's good I got money." I said and he shook his head "I don't need one." he said and I grab his hand again leading him to the boys jumpers and sweaters "Yes you do." I said "No I really don't." he said "Look through them. Now." I said and he rolled his eyes before looking. "You don't have to do this." he said and I smiled "I know I don't but I want to." I said and I could see color fill his face. He grabbed a maroon one and I smiled "See Rem it's nice. Now come on." I say grabbing the sweater and he grabbed mine. I lay the sweater up there and smile "That'll be 5 galleons." the cashier said "Okay hold on." I say digging in my purse "Y/N stop that's to much for a bloody sweater." Remus said from behind me "Shut up Lupin." I growl and I hear him huff. I hand over the money and she places the sweater in the bag and hands it to me. He sighs and lays my jumper up there and pays for it. We leave the store and I smile up at him "Wasn't that fun?" I ask and he nods "Yeah, but I'm paying you back." he said and I laugh "The hell you are. That's not how presents work." I say and he sighs "Fine, let's go meet the boys." he said but I grabbed his wrist "Now Lupin, you may have forgotten something." I said and he gave me a confused look. "I still need to pay you back your chocolate." I said and he smiled "That's right! Chocolate!" he said before running to Honeydukes. I run after him "REMUS LUPIN SLOW DOWN I HAVE SHORT LEGS!" I yell trying my best to keep up with him "COME ON POTTER YOU CAN RUN FASTER THAN THAT!" he yells back. Everyone's looking at us and laughing. I start to run faster and once I'm close enough I jump on his back. "Sneak Attack!" I yell "Help someone there is a crazy lady on my back!" he yelled and we start laughing. I slide off and we walk in Honeydukes. "Come on I want chocolate Y/Nnnnnn." he whines and I try to get my breath back "Give me a second. When did your legs get so long." I say and he shrugs "Okay you little 4 year old let's get you some chocolate." I say and his face lights up. He grabs a basket and starts throwing stuff in it happily. I just sit back and smile at him as he gets excited over new chocolate they have. "Okay I'm done!" he declares and I nod. I walk over to the counter and pay for all the candy. He hugs me and after a second I hug him back "Thank you." he mumbled "You're very welcome Moony." I mumble back and he grabs all of our bags and we start walking to the Three Broomsticks. We go in and sit with the boys who look surprised "He he's not dead." Sirius muttered "Or trapped in the store." Peter said "I can't believe it. I would've been dead in seconds." James said. "Oh come on you three I'm not that bad." I say "You can be." Remus said taking a sip of hot chocolate. "I know I know." I grumble stealing James butter beer. I take a sip and he takes it back giving me a glare. "But you all have to like me, I'm your best friend." I say wiping my mouth and they nod "Trust me we know." Sirius said and I rolled my eyes. The rest of the evening we spent in the Three Broomsticks drinking butter beer and cracking jokes.


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