chapter six

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I sat in potions bored out of my mind, I was good at potions but it gets pretty boring. "Miss Potter what do you smell?" Slughorn asked me while everyone finished their potions. "I smell hot chocolate, cinnamon, and new parchment." I mumble and he nods "Any idea who it could be?" he asked and I shook my head "No clue Professor." I mutter and he nods before walking away. "I hate this class." Sirius said and I smiled "Is it because little baby Black can't brew a potion?" I ask in a baby voice and he scoffs "No, it's because my hair looks bad frizzy." he says and I roll my eyes and nod. "Professor, I finished." Narcissa said and I smirked "'Bout time Narcissa, I thought you lost your 'talent over the summer'." I said and she glared at me "At least I got to spend the summer with my parents." she growled and my face grew pale. I turned around in my seat after flipping her off. "Now girls why can't you be friends?" Slughorn asked and I scoffed "Well she knows about my parents and makes jokes about it, as a matter of fact I can handle that, two weeks of detention with McGonagall Narcissa." I reply and her jaw drops "But that's not fair you no family freak!" she shrieked "Add two more weeks to that, and as a matter of fact she does have a family." Remus said slinging his arm around my shoulder "Are you not going to stop them?!" she yelled at Slughorn and he simply smiled "I'm sorry Miss Black but I can't stop them, they're Prefects." he said and the whole class clapped apart from the Slytherins. I turn to Remus and smile "Thanks Rem. I appreciated that." I said and he nodded taking his arm off of my shoulders "I told you I'd pay you back didn't I." he said and winked at me. I blushed a little and class was finally over. I was in the middle of James and Remus, Sirius by Remus, and Peter by James.James would not shut up. "I swear I smellled her perfume! I thought our relationship would only last through Hogwarts but maybe not. Maybe we'll have kids!" he said and I rolled my eyes "Oh shut up already, we get it you're IN LOVE with Evans." I mumble and he scoffs "You're just mad because you probably didn't smell anything." he said and I shook my head "Well actually I did, hot chocolate, cinnamon, and new parchment." I mutter and he laughs "Probably some nerdy Ravenclaw." he said and I stopped walking. They stop and look at me "What're you doing?" Sirius asked "I didn't sign up to have my soulmate bullied. I hope when I find him he beats all of your asses." I growl "We didn't even say anything!" Peter said and I smiled "Well blame your friend James for that, he caused it." I said turning on my heel to walk away. "Great watch me get a bloody eye because of you!" I heard Remus yell and I chuckle to myself.

It's later in the day and I was sitting in one of the chairs closest to the fire. The boys came over and gathered up around my feet sitting with their legs crossed. "I'm not reading you all a bed time story." I say and they chuckle. "I'm sorry for making fun of your soulmate." James said and I nodded "I may accept that apology." I say "Please accept it! My face is to pretty to be bloody and bruised!" Sirius yelled causing me to laugh. "Fine, apology accepted." I say and James hugs my legs "You're the best." he said and I ruffle his hair. "Yeah I know. Now there is something else I know there is." I say and he leans back, him and Sirius with matching mischievous smiles. "Well we were wondering if you couldn't look in the Transfiguration classroom and the Ancient Runes classroom tonight on your shift." Sirius said "Remus already agreed!" James said quickly and I groaned "Why Remmmmm." I whine and he chuckled "They're my best mates Y/N." he said and I sighed "Fine, just wear protection, I'm not ready to become an aunt." I said getting up and start walking to my dorm "NO PROMISES!" Sirius yelled and I scoffed "YOU NASTY DOG!" I yell back receiving a bark from him. I roll my eyes and open my door to see Lily taking a nap "Guess she has to get energized." I mumble to myself trying not to laugh. I lay down and rest before Prefect duties with a giggle escaping my lips here and there.

I got up and ran down to the common room and saw Remus standing by the portrait hole. "Did you forget?" he asks as I hurriedly grab my coat "No no no, Potions, Transfiguration, stupid essays." I say hurrying. "Hey hey shhh. Don't waist all your breath." he says and I nod chuckling. "Shall we go?" I ask and he nods "We shall." we exit the common room and make our way down the south corridor. "So how was your day?" I ask and he shrugs "After you left us James shut up about Lily and started rambling about how he wanted you to get a good soul mate." Remus said and I smile "He can be a pain in the ass but I do love him." I say and Remus chuckles. "So what did you smell?" I ask "Vanilla, strawberries, and new jumpers." he said and I nodded "She sounds likable. Maybe she'll let me be the flower girl at your wedding!" I say excitedly "Maybe!" he says and we laugh. "Stop, open door." I say and he nods I look in and see Frank and Alice. "They're to sweet I'm not barging in." I say with a smile "Really?! Are you sick?! Do you have a cold?!" he asks feeling my forehead. I roll my eyes "I respect them Remus because they are sweet. Now let's go." I say and he gives me a confused look "Trust me!" I say taking his hand and leading him to the Ancient Runes classroom. "Y/N Potter we promised them!" Remus exclaimed "Oh calm down wolf boy I'm only messing with James. Can you do Dumbledores voice?" I asked and he nodded a look of excitement on his face. "Great. I'll start." I cleared my voice "Well I don't know Albus what if someone's in there?" I said in McGonagalls voice "Oh come on Minerva, no ones in there, don't you trust our Prefects?" Remus replies in Dumbledores voice. "Come on Albus lets just find another room." I say "Okay if you say so Minerva, we could of given someone detention. That would've been fun!" Remus said back. "Someone's in here!!" I hear Lily yell and I hold back a giggle "Oh hello Miss Evan what are you doing?" I say still doing McGonagalls voice "Just studying, you don't have to come in." she says from the other side of the door "You're a good kid Miss Evans, enjoy your evening." Remus said in Dumbledores voice "You too head master!" she said and me and Remus ran off. Once we were around the corner we both bursted our laughing. "S-she so-sounded so scared!" I said and he nodded his face turning red "Best idea you've ever had!" he said and we high fived. "Oh god that was brilliant." I said and he nodded "Coffee?" he asks and I nod "Definitely." we walk to the kitchens and he starts making coffee "3 sugars and milk please." I say and he chuckles "Trust me I know." he says and turns around and hands me my coffee. We sit in the kitchens and talk for what seems forever until we decide to go back to our dorms and sleep.


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