chapter three

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We all sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts express. I sat in between James and Sirius while Remus and Peter were across from us. We hadn't spent the last few weeks of the holiday together so we couldn't talk about the full moon that was going to happen tomorrow night. I coughed slightly as they were in conversation and all their heads snapped towards me "Wow, that worked better than expected. So erm what are we going to do about tomorrow night?" I ask not making eye contact with anyone. I never went into the night with them so there for I usually never brought it up but this time I really needed to know since Remus and I had Prefect duties and because tomorrow would be our first day at Hogwarts without classes. "Well I don't know. Why do you ask?" Remus asked and I sighed "Well we had Prefect duties late tomorrow night from 10:00 to 1:00 and I know the Ravenclaws won't come early to help me patrol so.." I trailed off and I heard him curse under his breath. "I don't get the big deal here." James said and Sirius nodded "Same here I'm very confused." he said and Peter chuckled "Thats normal." he said and Sirius threw him a glare. "Well it just means I'll have to go through all the corridors, secret passages, and empty classrooms. I wanted to know so I could rest and save energy for it." I mumble softly "Y/N that's a lot of walking." James said and I chuckled "Yeah no shit, I'll be lucky if I make through all of them in 4 hours." I mutter. "Y/N listen I'm sorry, I really am. I'll make it up to you I swear. I'm sure a Hufflepuff will help you, they're nice. Oh god I feel terrible." Remus rambled but I nudged his leg with my foot. "Honestly Rem it's okay. You can't help it, I'll do the shift no big deal." I say even though I was a little upset "You promise?" he asks and I nod "Promise."I say and he nods. "Anything from the trolly dears?" I hear and jump up and open the compartment door "10 Honeydukes chocolate bars please." I say and she nods handing me the chocolate as I hand her the money. I turn around and give Sirius, James, Peter, and myself one and hand the other six to Remus. "What's this for?" he asked raising an eyebrow as I sat back down "Well let's say during MY last monthly thing I may have put a dent in your chocolate stash so that's to help. I'll pay you back fully trust me but that's the best I can do right now." I say and he just nods "You're extremely scary when it's that time of the month." James says and I smack his head "You are! One time you kicked me so hard I had a bruise for three weeks!" Sirius said and I rolled my eyes "Well she came to me crying because she stepped on a flower and felt awful about it." Peter said and they all laughed "She came to me demanding all my chocolate and fire whiskey." Remus said and they laughed again "We get it my monthly problem is hilarious. Now if you excuse me I'm going to use the bathroom." I say getting up and leaving. I quickly use the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror "Jerks. Don't they know it hurts." I mutter to myself thinking back at the conversation. I sigh and walk back to the compartment but when I open it up I see Lily there. She was sitting where I was sitting before and I just smiled "Hey Lily." I said and she smiled brightly "Hello Y/N! Have a nice holiday?" she asked as I sat between Remus and Peter "Yeah it was brilliant, you?" I ask and she shrugs "It was okay." she said before returning to her conversation with the others. I just stare at my hands not paying attention to what the conversation was about, the chatter died down so I looked up to see James and Lily snuggled up together. I smile at them and look at Sirius you is playing with cards and Peter who is slowly falling asleep. "Hey Rem what time is it?" I ask and he checks his watch "It's 12:37 why?" he asks and I shrug "I dunno I just wanted to know." I say as I begin to tap my foot out of boredom. "Your bored aren't you." Remus said and I nodded "Wait how'd your know?" I asked and he shrugged "I know most of your ticks, nervous ticks, bored ticks, stressed ticks, all of them." he said and my heart melted, how sweet. I just smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder which isn't a new thing because I'm always resting on one of the boys.

I was being lightly shaken awake by somebody. "Y/N wake up we have Prefect duties." Remus mumbled quietly and I shook my head no. "I'll buy you a new jumper." he whispered and I jumped up with a sleepy but cheeky smile on my face and he rolled his eyes "I knew that would work." he mumbled and I just nodded. We walk out of the compartment and down the small hall. "I don't wanna do this." I mutter while rubbing my eyes. "Well Y/N I did promise you a new jumper  and if you were to leave you wouldn't get it." Remus said from behind me and I turned around "Not funny." I mumble and he smiles innocently. We walk for a few minutes and don't see anything until I see a compartment that has two red heads making out which means it's Arthur and Molly. "I got this one." I mumble to Remus who nods, I slide open the compartment door. "HEY LOVEBIRDS!! I know it's very difficult to not touch each other but please save it for the dorms. Molly please do tell me when he is in there though." I say making them jump apart. Arthur turns red, Molly glares at me, Remus tried to hold back a laugh, and I just smile. "You may be my best friend but I hate you." she said "I love you to Molls. Now please close the blind thing and I'll see you later!" I say sliding the door shut. I turn to Remus who smiles "Prefect duties will be very interesting with you." he said and I nodded "Yes they will now let's finish. I need a new jumper as soon as possible." I said walking faster down the hallway him on my tail "Trust me I know, James always complains about his 'magically' disappearing." Remus said and I smile "It's part of my charm!" I yell and he just laughs. We finish our duties and go back to the compartment to rest.


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