chapter five

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I sat on the couch and stared into the fire. I still couldn't wash out the thoughts of my mother that swarmed my head. She was a beautiful lady, tall, beautiful blue eyes, and the blondest of hair. I smile at the thought of her but instantly stop as I remember all she did to us. "Stupid mum, stupid family, it's all so stupid." I mumble jumping up and walking to the boys dorm. Remus and Sirius were both shirtless laying on their beds, Peter was writing an essay, and James was playing with the snitch. They jump a little as the door swings open and I sit on James bed "Do you have any pictures of my mum?" I asked quietly and he frowns "No, and even if I did I wouldn't give them to you." he said and I furrowed my brows "But Jamesssss." I whine "If I did give you one and you get all sad on us, come on Y/N shake her out of your mind." he said and I sighed "Wish I could." I mumble. "I'm sorry, but what's going on?" Remus asked and I looked up at him "My mum." I mumble softly "What about her?" Sirius asked and I shook my head "It doesn't matter, forget I asked. I'll cope with it someway." I said before getting up and walking out before another word was said.

-james p.o.v-

Y/N left and I sighed rubbing my temple. "She has a lot more going on than we know doesn't she?" Peter asked and I nodded slowly "So, so, so much." I mumble and lay back on my pillow. "So when her body stiffened up when I mentioned her mum-." Remus started but I cut him off "It's because she left them. She left Y/N and my uncle Adam." I mumbled and they nodded "She's still upset about it, she looked up to her mum so much and that broke her heart. She won't admit it but she misses her." I say and Sirius nods "Of course she misses her that's her mum, nothing will change that, not even the rude actions." he said and I sighed "I know Pads, but don't tell her I told you all. Please don't, it'll just make her mad because she doesn't want anyone feeling pity for her." I say and they all nod in agreement. I run a hand through my hair and start to think what will make her feel better, I've had to do this loads of times but some stuff just doesn't always work. Then it hit me "Her blanket." I mutter and the boys looked at me confused "The blanket! Oh god of course!" I yell jumping up and quickly looking through my trunk. "What bloody blanket are you talking about?" Remus asked staring down at me. "She was 4 years old, her dad knitted it for her, I carry it incase something really bad gets her down, GOD WHERE IS IT!" I yell frustrated. "Prongs this is really sweet of you don't get me wrong but I think it'll be okay if you can't find it." Peter said and I scoffed "If I can't find it she'll hex me into hell!" I say starting to look in my trunk again. After a few minutes of searching I found it. I pulled it out to reveal a big blanket that had stars on it along with the moon. "It's adorable." Sirius said while giggling "Yes and it's helpful for things like this." I say getting up from the ground and smiling happily. "Okay now I need her dads cologne because it makes her happy when it smells like him." I say getting out an old bottle of his cologne "Why do you have his cologne?" Remus asked and I smiled brightly "For times like this, and if it's that time of the month it can only get worse." I say and they nod. I grab the blanket and quickly exit the room running as fast as I can to hers.I burst in the room to see her curled up in a ball and I sigh. "Knock knock." I mumble and she chuckles "That beats the whole purpose when you're already in here." I sighed "Yeah true. I brought something for you." I say and she smiles "What did you bring?" she asks not looking up "Here." I say tossing her the blanket and as soon as it hits her she smiles and cuddles it. She takes in a big whiff and smiles wider "God James you're the best! I love you so much! Why do you put up with my emotional, messed up self?" she asked and I chuckled walking to sit on Lily's bed "Because I love you kid, and your family, and because you're my little sister." I said and she chuckled "I guess I kind of am. You got lucky honestly." she said and I cocked an eyebrow "How so?" I asked and she rolled her eyes "Because you always get to hear me say how amazing you are when you help me." she says and I nod "I guess so. Anyway rest well Y/N just don't think about her that much okay?" I say and she nods. She pulls me into a tight hug and I feel her relax "Thank you Jamie. I love you." she mumbled and I smiled ruffling her hair "I love you too." and with that I left the room very happy.

i know it's short but it's wholesome:)

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