chapter twenty-six

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I woke up to a light knock on my door. "Come in." I say in a raspy tone and Remus and Sirius walk in. "Hello Piggie." Sirius says happily sitting at the end of my bed. "Hello darling." Remus said sitting beside me. "Hello boys." I mutter laying my head on Remus chest but I quickly pop my head up. "The full moon is tonight! Are you mental! You can't just be up roaming around the castle!" I whisper scream causing Sirius to chuckle "Mother Y/N is very protective today." Sirius said and I slapped him leg. "Right sorry." he said and I turned to Remus. "You stay here! And you don't encourage him to do anything." I say before running into the little kitchen attached to my room. I start making some coffee and getting toast made. "4 sugars!" I heard Remus yell and I chuckle "Trust me I know Rem. Sirius you want anything?" I yell back "Pancakes please!" he yelled and I flicked my wand and the ingredients for the pancakes started to mix together. I grab the plate of toast and cup of coffee and walk back into my room and hand them to Remus. "Thanks." he said and I nodded "Where's mine?" Sirius asked and I rolled my eyes "I'm going to get it now Mr.Impatient." I say and he smiles brightly as I leave the room again and into the kitchen. I grab his pancakes and a goblet from the cabinet and walk back in. "Here Pads." I say handing him the plate "I love you Y/N" Sirius said and I chuckled "I love you too Pads. Aguamenti." I mutter pointing my wand into the goblet that fills with water. I take a sip and smile at the boys "So what're you doing today Piggie?" Sirius asked eating his pancakes "Well I'll probably write my essay for Ancient Runes." I said and Remus shakes his head "Your Professor must hate you, you have an essay for him every week." he said making me and Sirius chuckle "I'll also probably spend some time with Remus before you all leave." I say taking another sip of water. "That sounds boring, I'm going on a date with Marlene." he said with a smirk on his face. I shake my head while sitting my goblet down "Have fun Sirius." Remus said "Trust me I will." he said and I fake puked. "Get out." I say pointing to my door and he rolls his eyes "Fine, I have to go get ready." He said getting up and handing me his plate. I walk with him to the door and open it for him "Remember McGonagall is near you room kids." Sirius said before winking and leaving the room. I shut the door behind him and roll my eyes. "He's crazy." Remus mumbled as I grabbed his plate and walked into the kitchen "I know he is." I say sitting the plates in the sink and walking back to him. I sit beside him and he pull me close to his chest. "James is going mad without you." he whispered and I looked up at him "How so?" I question and he sighs "He's been messed up about his mum and how it isn't your fault but it is. He won't stop, he's gone mad. Lily tried to help but it didn't work." he said and I shrugged "He'll he okay. I'm going to see his mum next week." I say and he nods "Want me to come?" he asked and I smiled up at him "Yeah sure. Can we get ice cream too!" I exclaim and he chuckles and nod "Of course." I smile again and pat his chest softly "Get some rest love." I whisper and he immediately closes his eyes.

I sat 20 feet away from the shrieking shack waiting for the boys to come back. The dark was slowly turning lighter and I started getting my things ready. I was playing with some grass when all the boys hurried out with a bloody Remus Lupin. They laid his body down in front of me and I lifted his shirt up and stared at the fresh wounds that where accompanied by bruises. I start muttering spells to heal the wounds and then I wrap his stomach in cloth. I slowly pull his shirt down and start working on the other wounds. "So how bad was it?" I ask softly while wiping blood off his face. "Well it wasn't pretty." James grumbled "I'm not an idiot Potter." I growl as I take his right hand and wipe blood off it. "He picked up a chair and slammed it over his head." Peter said softly and my head snapped up "Over his head! Like," I stopped and demonstrated smashing a chair over my head and Sirius and Peter nodded. I take my left hand and run it through his hair and sure enough there was a bump. "Oh my." I whisper before finally finishing up. "Alright I'll carry him to the hospital wing with Padfoot." James said reaching for Remus arm but I slapped it away. "Don't, where I wrapped his stomach it could come off and it wouldn't be good. Pads go get Pomfrey and we'll wait." I said and James gave me a confused look but Sirius ran off. "What do you not trust me with your boyfriend?" James asked and I shook my head "James if that wrap comes off his wounds will he rubbing against his shirt and they'll get infected." I say and he rolls his eyes "Sure." he grumbled "If you don't want to believe me that's fine. Carry him to the hospital wing but when those wounds are infected and he's hurting I'll tell him it was you." I mutter and he scoffs "Charming like your Mummy." he said and I shook my head "Fine. I'll see you later Wormtail. Bye Remus." I said kissing his head even though he couldn't hear me. I stood up and shoved my shoulder into James as I walked to the castle. I walk into McGonagalls office and she's sitting at her desk grading essays. I sit across from her and throw my stuff on the floor "How was it?" she asked and I sighed "Well Remus is fine, I wrapped his stomach instead of just leaving his shirt off. But James is still being a stupid git." I growl and she shakes her head "Once he talks to his mother and father and they explain they aren't mad at you he'll calm down." she said softly and I shrug "I hope you're right." I say and she nods "I think I am. I'll wake you up before classes tomorrow so you can go see Mister Lupin." she said and I nodded before grabbing my things and heading to my room. "Y/N dear wait." McGonagall said and I turned around "Yes?" I ask and she smiles warmly "He'll come around." she said before I walked into my room. I sat my stuff down by my door and grabbed a change of clothes. I took my blood stained shirt off and put on one of James sweater and some old sweat pants. I laid down under my cover and hugged the sweater closer to my body and silently cried as memories of me and James flooded my head. I really needed him to forgive me, more than anything in the world honestly. I can't lose my bestfriend.


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