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Fluff Au

"Waaaa Waaaaa" You heard wailing sounds as soon as you finished your shower. 

"Jaemin, now what did you this time?!" You yelled as you quickly got into some comfortable clothes from your closet as you make your way downstairs where your baby cousin was busy bawling his eyes out in the living room.

"Y-Y/n noona! The table hit me! Bad table!!" He complained as he wanted to hit the table as a punishment for tripping him over but he only cried some more when he hurt his little hand. 

"Aww, it's alright! Lil Jae, you're fine. The table is naughty for tripping our Lil prince am I right?" You soothe as you pick your toddler up from the floor to give him a boop on his nose. He giggled as you started tickling his feet.

"Well, aren't you a happy toddler huh. Dry those tears off little man, before I gobble you down AHHHHHH." You started role-playing with Jaemin as he squirms in your embrace in fear that you will actually 'gobble' him up. 

In the midst of you two's happy fun time, you heard ringing noise coming from your phone which was in the kitchen. You dashed towards the kitchen to see who was calling while you were in the middle of a marathon with your cousin. 

"Hello?" You answered while glancing for Jaemin. 

"Hey Y/n! It's you know who~" You smiled as you know who was the caller from the other side.

"What's up Jangjunie?" You replied as you were busy on a hunt for your mischievous Lil couzy.

"Do you wanna come over? We can chill and watch a movie, I have popcorn! Caramel flavor, your favorite." You chuckle hearing his offer. He knows you can't resist having caramel-flavored popcorn while watching some action movies at his place.

"I love to come over Junie but I'm currently-"

"GOT YOU!! PIEW PIEW PIEW!!" You were startled when Jaemin suddenly popped outta nowhere, scaring the living soul out of you. His hand held his toy gun as he starts firing fake shots at you while you were so into the role-playing and fakes your death for every shot he fired. 

He giggled at your acting skills while he started to poke your cheeks with his gun.

"Y/n noona?" He muttered as he keeps poking you but you weren't moving an inch.

"Waaaaa Y/n noona!!! D-Don't die... Y/n noona ahhh!!!! Waaaaaa" Jaemin cried as he wanted to go get help but you immediately got up and started attacking him. You have to admit your acting skills were so real that you probably deserved an Oscar award.

"Naughty Jaemin, think Y/n noona will be that easily defeated huh!!" You said cheekily as you started to strangle Jaemin but not too hard, rubbing his messy hair in the process.

You suddenly remember the phone call you just had with Jangjun and you quickly picked up the phone which was lying next to you on the ground.

"Jangjun?" You said but the phone showed that he hung up. You sighed and decided to call him back after you're done babysitting your cousin. Ahh man, guess there's no popcorn for me.

A few minutes later, you heard the doorbell buzzing. You didn't order pizza and you didn't think that your uncle and aunt would come back this early. With a heavy heart, you peek through the peeping hole on the door to see your boyfriend outside. 

"Jangjun?" You asked as you quickly open the door for you but the next moment you know, he grabs you into a warm hug.

"Yah!! Don't scare me like that Y/n! I heard someone crying on the other line that you were dead! What happened? A-Are you alright?" Jangjun blurted out as you couldn't hold back your laughter.

"I'm fine Jangjun. Nothing is wrong with me. I was just playing with my-"

"Enemy alert! PIEW PIEW PIEW!!" Jaemin cut off your sentence as he got out his gun again and pretends to shoot the 'enemy'.

"Jaemin! Go back inside baby, I'll be back shortly." You said as Jaemin quickly runs back into your apartment.

"Sorry, I'm busy babysitting my cousin for today. My aunt and uncle had to rush over to the hospital so they left me with Jaemin for a while till they return." You explained as Jangjun nodded.  

"Well, why didn't you call me back? I was so worried about you. You can always ask me to help you take care of this beast there." He joked as you rolled your eyes playfully.

"I have my hands full with Jaemin at the moment so I thought I'll call you back after he leaves." He nodded.

"Welp, since I'm here why don't I help take care of that little rascal of yours." He offered.

"Oh no, its fine-"  Before you can finish your sentence, he is already in your apartment engrossing himself with the whole role-playing thing with your cousin. 

You chuckled seeing how your boyfriend is such a childish goofball.


Later that night

"Y/n, we are back! How's are little Jaemin do-" Your uncle paused mid-sentence as he witnesses the adorable moment in your living room.

Don't worry. He had a spare key to your apartment which you gave him before he left for the hospital.

"What's wrong, jagiya? Where's Y/n?" Your aunt asked your uncle as he just places a finger on his lips to tell his wife to keep it down.

They both tiptoed towards the living room to see you and Jangjun all cuddled up on the couch with Jaemin in between you two. You three were tired of playing around so all of you ended up dozing off on the couch. 

"Aww, they looked like they were having fun." Your aunt smiled as she sees your hands around Jaemin protectively while the other hand wrapped around Jangjun's waist and vice versa for Jangjun. 

"Look Somin, look at their sleepy faces dozing off." Your uncle said to their baby daughter. Her eyes glancing at you three as she breaks a cute smile. 

"Maybe we should let Y/n babysit Jaemin some other time and with Somin when she gets a little older." Your uncle nodded in agreement as he carefully picks the sleepy Jaemin from the two of your embraces before leaving your apartment, giving you some lovely moment with your boyfriend.  


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