His Breathe 2/2 (3)

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Jungkooks P.O.V *

As I got inside the toilet I locked the door behind me, rushing to the sink to wash my face with cold water to cool my face and body. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror, dammit what the hell is wrong you and your damn body. Just calm down already, he was just breathing no big deal, nothing wrong with that so why did your body react like that goddammit! His your friend for godsake. I need a distraction from jimin hyung, I can't end up getting actual feelings for him... I won't fall in love again...

After my body calmed down I went back to the living room, but this time I didn't get inside the blanket or get really near him. I'm really glad he didn't ask anything, with that we finished the rest of the movie.

"that was a good movie, I really enjoyed it," he said while stretching his hands in the air.

"I agree, but wouldn't it be funny if hoseok and jin hyung watched this they'd be screaming their lungs out," I giggled imagining they're scared expressions.

"oh yeah that would be hilarious," he chuckled

I really had a good time and I always wanted to stay like this with jimin hyung. But somewhere deep down I knew i wanted more but kept denying as much as i could...


Jimin takes out his phone since he felt vibrations and starts texting. Jungkooks too got his phone out and started looking through his social media.

"do you have any other plans hyung or are you gonna stay in the dorm for the rest of the day?" jungkook asked out of curiosity

"I actually do now, I just got a text from tae asking if I wanted hang out with him, yoona and eunha. Since I don't have anything else to do I'm gonna go join them,"

"ah sounds like a double date,"

"it's not a double date," jimin rolled his eyes. "I already told you that even if I rejected her we promised to stay as good friends, rememberrr"

"I rememberrr, I just wanted to tease you hyung no need to be so serious,"

"whatever, I'm gonna get going now I'll see you later maybe," jimin got of the couch, put on a leather jacket and opened the door. But before he stepped out he looked at jungkook, "by the way thanks for watching the movie with me," he gave jungkook a soft smile.

"no need to thank me hyung, friends always watch movies together," jungkook smiled back.

"-I hope what happened today doesn't happen again, maybe I should hang out with someone else so then I could distract myself and not think about him.. -" jungkook thought as he started texting a girl...


<Hey minhaaa~

What do u want kook>

<I wanted ask if u wanted to hangout tomorrow since we haven't hung out in a while🥺😢

Why do u wanna suddenly wanna >
go out 😑

I just missed my bff,
<Am I not allowed to? ☹️

Ugh fine but not for so long
I do have plans, let's meet in
Park at ten and we'll go somewhere >
For breakfast.

<Yay okay I'll see u tomorrow 😃

I'm In Love Again ~ jikook ☑️Where stories live. Discover now