Denial (5)

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".. I'm falling..and I'm scared..."

Minha's eyes widen in suprise as she did not expect what JK just said, however she understood what he was trying to say. "tell me what makes you think that your falling for someone.." her voice became even softer as she forrowed her eyebrows together.

"I-I don't really know but whenever I'm around that person my heart would go crazy.. A-and I feel angry when that person isn't giving me attention, I get jealous when that person gets close to someone else or flirts with others (jimin likes to flirt alot but as joke and everyone knows that). When that person smiles my heart literally skips a beat and i-" before he could finish everything he wanted to say he gets cut of by the girl thats sitting in front of him.

" OK no offence but your really starting to make me cringe, "

" I actually take offence to tha-" once again he gets cut of.

" from what I just heard I don't think your falling in love, your already in love.." she said emphasising her last words. Jungkook shot his head up staring right into Minha's eyes, processing what she just said.

" no no.I can't be be in love," jungkook shaked his head." I probably just admire that person alot," he said as his voice became soft.

"okay first of all stop saying 'that person' and just tell me who she is," she spoke with some irritation in her voice.

Jungkook shaked his head, "not she... Its umm.. he," jungkook looked down not wanting to meet her gaze while fiddling with his fingers on the table, feeling anxious about her reaction. He thought maybe minha might find him weird or not like him anymore, he looked up one eye closed other peeking to look at her expression.

"ah I see, that's why your having mixed feelings," she mumbled to herself. As for jungkook he was confused how minha was really calm but understood that minha isn't a type of girl to judge others. He felt a sudden sense of relief.

"the thing that annoys me the most is that I'm having to re-think about my sexuality when I for reals thought I was straight," he let out a big sigh. "which is also why I don't wanna believe that I have feelings for him plus its not like he's gay or something. He'll probably just end up not liking me if he finds out about all these weird feelings," jungkook pouts, feeling disappointment deep inside.

"are you perhaps scared because he's a guy?" minha questioned

"yes.. Well no but.. yes,"

Minha glared at jungkook making a 'are you serious' expression.

"look yes I am scared because it's a guy but he's also a really really good friend. It might sound weird to say this but I have this special bond with him since we Met. Also I still haven't been able to get over everything that happened in my last year of middle school properly.. " he whispered the last sentence as his thoughts wondered of to everything that happened in his last year of middle school.


That's all and thank you for reading 🥺💜

I'm In Love Again ~ jikook ☑️Where stories live. Discover now