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After jungkook left, taehyung went and woke up jimin which was hard since jimin doesn't wake up so easily, but he managed to by sprinkling some cold water on his face. Jimin whined as he felt the water drops but was eventually able to get up and get ready.

"where did jungkook go?" jimin asked as he saw Jungkooks room wide open.

"oh.. Er he said that was was going to meet a friend," taehyung gave a nervous smile.

"which friend..?"  jimin questioned again, raising an eyebrow.

"minha... His best frie-" taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as he saw jimin frown at her name.

"why is she the only girl his close to, it just makes it look like they dating or something," jimin said in a sad tone.

"im sure they're not dating, if they were we would be the first to know," taehyung gave a reassuring smile . "now let's get going or else we'll be stuck in traffic,"

Jimin nodded and followed taehyung to his car. It took about 45 minutes to get to taehyung's parents house since they were able to avoid traffic. "even though I used to come to your house alot, it still amazes me everytime I see it,"  taehyung chuckled at jimins woahhh expression.

Taehyung's family were quiet rich so they had a nice mordern, luxurious house. Tae's older brother, who also came to visit with his wife, opened the door.

"ah hyung you're also here," taehyung said in suprise.

"yeah mom told me you and jimin were coming so I thought why not, it's been almost a whole year since we last seen each other," jonggyu replied.

"hello jonggyu hyung, its nice to see you," jimin bowed and gave a gentle smile, jonggyu smiled back at jimin. "it's nice to see you too, now come on in you two I have a big suprise when you go in,"


taehyung went in first as I followed him in while jonggyu hyung closed the door behind us. I was looking around, when I suddenly bumped into taehyung who froze in his place, I look at him to ask why he stopped. But when I looked at what he was looking, I was also froze in suprise.

"OH MY GOSH HYUNGGGGG!!" taehyung yelled in excitement. He ran to his mom who was holding a baby with his sister in law next to them.

"congratulations tae, you're an uncle now," tae's sister in law said giggling at his excitement. I couldn't help but smile, I was really happy for tae as his family grew even more now thanks to the new baby born. "jimin-ah what are you waiting there for, your also part of our family which also makes you an uncle," she gave a soft smile, guestering me to come near the baby.

-that's right- I reassured myself, -taehyungs family accept me as one of theirs, they also treat me as as their son- and I'm really grateful to them for that, they taught me what if feels like to have a real family and to have people who actually cared & supported you. I have no idea how I can ever thank them, they're the reason I've been surviving this long.

The rest of the day went amazing, we were all catching up. They always made sure I was comfortable and part of their conversations, it made me feel really welcomed. For lunch tae's mom also cooked me favourite, kimchi jjigae.

While everyone was having a nice chat, tae's dad suddenly asked a question which almost made me chocke on my food, "jimin do you have a boyfriend," with that all eyes were on me except for tae who was busy with his food and who already knew about my situation.

I shaked my head looking down at my food, feeling a bit embarrassed as I'm still not used to being open about my sexuality. But of course I know the Kim family accepted as they always have, something my actual parents never did.

Everyone decided that we'd have family game night today which can I say was really fun. Today was a great day for me, i felt all my stress fade away.



here catch," taehyung threw me my pair of pyjama's, I thanked him and went in the bathroom to change. Since me and taehyung became friends, I always came over to their house alot for sleepovers. Since we grew up, Tae's parents got me my own bed in tae's room which was really big.

I got in my bed getting ready to sleep, I felt my lips forming a  smile remembering everything we did today.

"I'm really happy you had a good time," tae saw me smiling to myself and of course he new exactly what I was thinking.

"I don't know what I did to deserve all this, I'm just so grateful for everything you've done for me. I'm really useless yet your family still accepted me, how can I ever repay you all.. " I cover my eyes with my hand feeling myself getting teary and emotional.

"stupid idiot you know you don't have to repay us for anything. My parents really adore you and want to take care of you," taehyung fired back.


"but nothing and no your not useless, do you have any idea how much it meant when you were there for me when my grandma passed away and everything you did for me ," taehyung said in a serious tone. "stop thinking about stuff like that,"

"I-.. yeah.. your right I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said something like that," I said shaking my head in a low voice while wiping of tears from the corner of my eyes. "but thank you for everything,"

Taehyung smiled and said goodnight to me and slowly we both drifted to sleep...

I'm In Love Again ~ jikook ☑️Where stories live. Discover now