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"WHAT DO I WEAR TAE!?" jimin was in a state of panic rummaging through his wardrobe as he has been for the past hour.

"for the hundredth time jimin just wear something comfortable, jungkook isn't someone to judge by what you wear," taehyung groaned, who has been watching his friend panic for the past hour.

"i know but that doesn't mean i don't wanna to look good for him," jimin said with a little blush.

After another minute jimin's phone dinged. Taehyung grabbed the phone and threw it to jimin who catched it effortlessly.

His face quickly lit up once he read the ID of the person who texted him.


Hey hyung~

Knowing you, you might be panicking about what to wear. I just wanted let you know you can just were something casual and comfortable.❤️>

Jimin's heart did something when he saw the red heart. It might seem weird to be happy about something this small but it meant so much to jimin.

<You know me too well kookie😂❤️

Don't panic you look amazing no matter what you wear🥺✨
Anyways I gotta go, I'll see you later? 🙈>

<See you😖❤️

Jungkook had a goofy grin on his face. After reading jimin's reply imagining his hyungs blushing face.

"ew, you guys are cringey," yoongi commented after looking over jungkooks shoulder to read the texts.

"oh shut up hyung, you said they look cute together last night," hoseok rolled his eyes.

"did not,"

"did to"

"did not"


"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" irritated jin shouted. "we're here to help our jungkook not listen to you bickering like an old married couple,"

Hoseok and yoongi glared at jin,few seconds after they sighed in defeat and mumbled a quick sorry to jungkook who just shrugged it of.

"All we have to do now is find him a good outfit and then we're se- wait jungkook did joon buy the tickets??" jin asked remembering how forgetful namjoon can be sometimes even though he's the one with the most IQ out of the seven.

"he did. He said he'll be here soon with them," jungkook assured showing his phone screen to jin of his and namjoons messages.

They went back to discussing jungkooks outfit for the evening. He might have told the older to not panic because he was panicking himself but wanted to play it cool.

He had called the others to help prepare and put his plans for this date together. They were a big help to him physically and emotionally. He was getting a little insecure, having thoughts like,

do i deserve him?

Can i make him happy?

I'm In Love Again ~ jikook ☑️Where stories live. Discover now