Confession (12)

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Author P.O.V

"so it settled we're all going to the party?" taehyung asked excitedly.

"yep, i actually wanna enjoy myself before the stress for exams eat me up..." yoongi calmly asnwered, leaving the others a bit suprised at this since yoongi isn't a party person but of course everyone was glad he'll be joining.

"ah what about your girlfriend hyung, will you not be going with her..?" jungkook turned to jin.

"ah no don't worry she knows how close we are and advised me herself to go with you guys," jin gave a reassuring smile.

"how'd you do it hyung? like you guys have a perfect relationship," taehyung asked his chin resting in his palm while playing with the remaining food in his tray with a fork.

"well... We're really good at communicating with each other and have faith in our relationship which is really important... In order to achieve a good relationship you need to be there for each other and help each other grow.. My relationship isn't perfect tae. We had our ups and down loads of it but we got through it togethe-"

By now seokjin had all six pair of eyes on him making his ears turn red at the attention he was getting. After few seconds everyone started laughing and giggling teasing jin.

"his cheeks are turning red too" hobi said between his laughs.

"i hope everyone noted everything i said, you will need it someday.." jin rolled his eyes crossing his hands over his chest Leaning back on the chair.

Jungkook was laughing along with the others, he noticed jimin has been a bit quiet as usually he would tease jin whenever he gets the chance but still smiling here and there.

Jimin has been a bit quiet the pass few days mainly after their talk that evening. Jungkook is worried thinking if he was the reason to jimin's change recently.

"there's gonna be loads of girls, so dress to impress the rest of of you.." hoseok said looking at everyone but jin.

jungkook scrunched his nose at the statement letting out a big sigh, "right, ew i forgot there's gonna be a lot of girls,"

"your saying that as if your gay," yoongi bluntly stated which made few of them let out chuckle. But jungkook he wasn't laughing or smiling, he intertwined his hands and put it on his lap not meeting the others gaze.

"well.." he started making everyone silent and turning to jungkook.

"oh? you finally figured everything out?" jin asked. Jungkook hummed as an answer.

"i think... I think I'm.. Bi.."

Right after those words left Jungkooks mouth. Jimin chocked on the drink he was swallowing and started coughing. Namjoon, who was sitting next to jimin, started patting his back to calm him down.

Once he was calm all eyes went back on jungkook." definitely did not expect that coming.." namjoon confessed.

"well.. Nobody ever asked my sexuality so.."

"that's true.. but don't worry we love you as you are. Your sexuality doesn't change a thing," namjoon gave a gentle smile to the youngest although he knew jungkook knows no one would judge, he still wanted to reassure jungkook.

"so who is it... Who stole our maknae's heart, hm?" hoseok teasingly asked which grabbed everyone's attention even yoongi. As for jimin, he was practically screaming inside his head from jungkooks sudden confession.

Jungkook giggled taking a quick glace at jimin and turning back to the others," have patience my dear friends you'll find out soon.."

Obviously jungkook knew his hyngs wouldn't give up that easily but neither did he on giving them the answer. Soon enough lunch ended and everyone started going to their classes.

Jungkook and jin had class on the same floor so they walked there together. "jimin huh?" jin suddenly asked randomly.

"huh?!? How'd you-"

"it's pretty obvious kook. The way you look at him says it all," jin said as a matter of fact with a small smirk. Jungkook didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say.

"jikook.. Hmm has a nice ring to it," jin whispered into jk's ear with a cheeky smirk before entering his class and leaving the younger frozen in his place.

Jungkook smiled to himself at his hyungs words and walked towards his classroom.

jikook... Does have a nice ring.


"did you hear that jimin... Jungkook is bi," tae teased while walking to class. "you can make a move on him now~"

"me? Make a move? Nooo wayyyy. Are you crazy? He probably doesn't even like me like that way.. " jimin criticised himself.

"he likes youuuu im sure of it. How are you so oblivious minnie..?"

Tae rolled his eyes and mentally face-palmed himself when jimkn kept denying and soon enough gave up on making the boy understand.

Although jimin doesn't show it, he's internally fangirling non-stop because he now knows jungkook is somewhat into boys. Maybe just maybe he will think about a confession... That is if he has enough self-confidence for it.

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