I'm Falling..(4)

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Jungkook got up pretty early since he wanted to have a shower. To his surprise he found taehyung sitting on the couch on his phone after coming out of his room. Normally tae doesn't wake up this early especially on weekends.

"morning taehyung,your up early today. Is there something special happening," jungkook asked getting taehyungs attention.

"morning, there is something actually. My parents wanted for me and jimin to go pay them a visit and stay with them tonight, since we haven't seen them for while,"  (taehyung's parents also take care of jimin.)

"oh I see .."

"if you don't wanna be alone, I told the others and they said they won't mind if you wanted to crash at one of their dorms," tae looked at jungkook giving him a reassuring smile

"I'm gonna be 18 in two months, I think I can stay alone for one night tae,"

"I know but since your the youngest we  love taking care of you," tae giggled

"you guys are really kind to me, what did I do to deserve it," jungkook sighed looking down as if feeling guilty.

"alright let's not get deep right now or else your gonna make me cry," taehyung exaggerated, wiping of fake tears from the concerns of his eyes. "anyways I need to go wake Mr sleepyhead who was supposed to wake up ten minutes ago, were you about to go somewhere?" questioned taehyung while looking at jungkook who had an outdoor outfit on.

"ah yes, I was about to go meet with Minha since we haven't hung out in a while," jungkook looked at the time and it was 9:50. " I need to get going or else I might be late, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow," with that jungkook opened the door giving a quick wave at tae who also waved back. Jungkook was now on his way to the park.

"-geez jungkook are you trying to break my mochi's heart-" taehyung thought as he walked up to jimin's room with a big sigh.

12 minutes later~

(Minha is one year younger than jungkook, they were neighbours during middle school. Although they knew each other and only talked few times, they weren't really friends. Then jungkook moved away after middle so they never saw each other again, until minha somehow ended up in the same high school. They were able to re-connect and now they're close friends.)

"your two minutes late," a girl said with crossed arms.

"oh come on minha it's only been two minutes not two hours," jungkook rolled his eyes.

"every second counts,"

"alright fineee I'm sorry for being TWO minutes late, now can we go get something to eat im pretty hungry," jungkook pouted

"c'mon I know a good place we can have breakfast. It's not that far from here," minha said as she started walking and jungkook followed.

After they got some breakfast~

"I really don't understand why you like banana milk so much like you have it every chance you get," Minha was shaking her head in disbelief. "anyways, so what's bothering you?" she gave jungkook a serious look, "you know we've known each other since middle school and I can tell when somethings bothering you and plus most of the time you wanna hang out is when you need comfort or something like that," Minha said as she crossed her arms.

"i-" before jungkook could say anything he got cut of, "don't lie to me so just be honest and tell me whatever is going on with you," she said softly, staring right into jungkook's eyes.

"aishhh how do you always manage to  see right through me," jungkook said as he started scratching the back of his hair. In the corners of Minha's lips you can see a little smirk forming.

"fine I'll tell you," jungkook looked down at the table in defeat.

"mhm I'm listening.." she gave jungkook her full attention.

"I wanted to hangout with you because I wanted... No," jungkook shaked his head, "I needed a distraction from something.. Well more like someone...Minha I- I think I'm falling..and I'm scared..." jungkook put his head down on the table trying not be seen as weak front of someone younger than him.

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